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200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Finally - what happened to Crystal and Suzie and is there any way of finding them. I know others have dropped fromthread but I remember that Suzie had been poorly for a while and Crystal was going through something and we promised to 'kick her butt' to keep her on line but we seem to have lost both of them. Ideas?

    Annette xx

    If she's on your friend list, send her a message. If not, go to a prior thread where she posted and click on her name. When her page comes up, click on send her a message. Include a few *whip cracks* from us all... Thanks for remembering.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I went to see the doctor today for my foot. He said I don't have plantar fasciitis. It's more likely a heel spur or a chipped bone in my heel. He took an X-ray and told me that he'd call me if it showed anything. He also gave me Motrin and told me I'd probably feel better in 3 or 4 days and if I don't, I should come back. I'm pretty sure that if it has hurt for the past year and he didn't actually do anything to fix it, then there's probably only a miniscule chance it will feel better in the next 4 days. <sigh>

    Kendal: I'm sorry the interview was a bit rough. I was so frustrated with the last job interview I had, that I was crying by the time I got home and they called me to tell me they wanted to hire me. I was so shocked, I thought it was a joke at first. So, just cuz it felt rough to you, doesn't necessarily mean they didn't like you. I'm glad you are enjoying Mr. Reunion so much!

    Annette: I'm so sorry you're feeling ill. Feel better soon!

    Katie: I hate when people insist that spot reduction is a possibility. It's really not possible. Your body decides where it wants to lose weight. You can strengthen muscles but if they're covered with fat, you'll never see them. Food planning is such a great tool! I plan my dinner menu for the week before I make my grocery list and it really helps. It keeps us from eating out or just eating mac 'n cheese cuz no one knows what's for dinner.

    Victoria: Your calorie burn is just awesome!

    Welcome to the newbies! Jump on into the conversation, we love getting to know new peeps!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, do you wear a brace at all? Sorry if you mentioned that before. As for me calling the eating well on business trips a silly goal, I guess I just feel like it's a difficult one to stick to. But I'm going to try!

    Kendal, I bet that interview wasn't nearly as bad as you feel it was.

    Katie, I've just never liked raisins. It's the texture and the overly sweetness that does it to me. And yes, I never make oatmeal raisin cookies. Always, ALWAYS oatmeal chocolate chip! I also hate cinnamon and peas. I know, I'm weird. I call those three foods "Nava poison." You should see me trying to pick peas out of fried rice. Although... I haven't had fried rice in ages!

    Got the braces on. I think I look 12. Also my face is crazy irritated this morning, and I can't tell if that's from the latex gloves, or what, but the lower half of my face looks like a tomato-lobster thing. The fun thing is trying to figure out what mushy foods to eat. I don't think I'm going to be able to track for the next couple days till my teeth get unsore. For example, at lunch my best friend and I are going to Black Eyed Pea (I think this is a Texas only thing) but it's like homecooking. So I'm going to attempt meatloaf, mashed potatoes and squash casserole probably. But I haven't the foggiest how I'd track those calories, so I'm just going to try not to eat everything on my plate. Otherwise, smoothies are my friend!

    Welcome to all the newbies! Be sure to let us know your first names if you haven't already!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Ah ha, interesting. Someone's added Black Eyed Pea's nutritional info here. Dunno how accurate it is, but that's helpful!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: How long do you have to have braces? I'm sorry your face is irritated from the braces. Good luck with the mushy foods (I personally hate musy stuff) No, I don't wear a brace. I'm just at the beginning of trying to figure out what's wrong with my foot. There's a sharp pain right at the bottom of my heel (not in the ankle). I guess we'll see what the X-Rays say.
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    so yesterday i did INSANITY cardio power and resistance it was pretty fun id like to keep doing it.. i have the videos but dont like working out at home..

    im still lurking about here.. havent been doing the weighins much because i havent been losing yet.. uhh hopefully i can get back to it.. and im going to try really hard to stick with my work outs during school i really need to stay active.. ttyl
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, a year to a year and a half. I think it might be prolonged use of latex gloves in my mouth that is the culprit? Or the adhesive they use. This usually happens every time I get major dental work done. Not sure what the cause is, but it's certainly irritating... both literally and figuratively.

    I too am not the biggest fan of mushy stuff. Also, the mushier the food the higher in calories it seems to be!

    I wonder if your foot issue may be something to do with how your heel is situated in your shoes while working out? Just hitting too hard on a persistent basis... I hope you get it figured out!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 2826b/1885e/941 deficit. That deficit is probably a bit too much, but considering I'm coming off TOM and a vacation, it should be okay. I'm a bit sore from Core Synergetics. Tonight is Kenpo. I'm still congested which is going to make it sucky. I need to get some better allergy medicine. Also I've decided that it is high time to go back to the allergist, have a new panel done and start the damn shots. I'm tired of suffering like this.

    Weigh in: 209.8. Sigh. I would assume that by next Monday I will be back down to 207ish region.

    Welcome Lauren. YummyWater, Ashley, bubbles, Jenn(mommyjj) and Pam!

    Sarah - hopefully we will get to onderland on this challenge TOGETHER! I like the rest of your goals too!

    Karen - yeay for that much weight lost! Yeay for another car!! Those short sales/foreclosure sure do take a long time don't they? Its nuts!

    Nava - It is SO hard to eat well when you travel isn't it? I like your goals though, it will make you more cognisant of what you are doing while out on the road.

    Cynthia - wow that is a major schedule you've got going there! Walk as much as you can around campus and between class and work and really focus down in on the food - calorie intake and the kinds of foods you put in your body. Weight loss is 8)% food intake.

    Jenn - love the idea of the tattoo for your next goal met!

    Amy - I am thinking if I do get to come to Italy in September that I might have to pop into a tattoo shop and get a tiny one to commemerate my trip. Not sure what. Will have to think about it. I want something special, but that won't take up a whole day in the shop you know? That totally sucks about your left foot.

    Katie - I've done water aerobics in the past but its been many years. I have a HRM I should take a class this summer and see how many cals I burn in the pool.

    Victoria - Maybe you could set a goal of two meals per week or something like food prep for two? Anything is better than nothing right? Food should really be easier for us hsouldn't it? LOL...

    Annette - I emailed Crystal a week or so ago and she said she's struggling with schedule and keeping everything up. I am sure an email from some of you would certainly help to lighten her mood. Plus it was her birthday a few days ago! Suzie, I've not seen her post even on her home page in a few..I sure hope her fever is getting better!

    Kendal - ouch, interviews can be tough, but I am thinking you did great and will get a call! I can't walk barefoot anymore around the house at all. I have to wear either my birkenstocks or chacos so my feet don't hurt. Since I've been doing that and bought good running shoes my feet really stopped hurting. Its still there but nothing like it was. Yeay for wrastling with Mr Reunion and pup last night!

    Lauren - there are quite a few of us who have weekend eating issues in this thread. We've even discussed doing some sort of challenge for the weekends.

    Tammy - congrats on 50 lbs!! Welcome to the group. I bet by the end of the challegne you will totally be able to do 5 laps around your garage.

    Nava - make a recipe in your food - look on the right side when you are in your diary or searching for food and its there. That thing is totally awesome tool!

    Bethany - Keep up with the program, the more you do it, the more you will WANT to do it. I never could work out at home until I started P90X a month ago. Glad to see you back :)

    Yeay I thinK I got everyone...and its taken too long lol. I need to get going at owrk here. Cheers ladies!
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    Hi there! i'd love to join this challenge.. my C.W. is 214 my goal after the 6 weeks would be 200!!! How awesome it will be to finally reach that point... I am a momma of 6, have been overweight since after the 2nd... slightly mushy before the first two. lol i always thought i was chunky back then, but looking at pictures now, i see that i was very skinny. so part of my goal is a whole self change.. improving my outlook on life.. not being so negative and down on myself! i am up to this challenge and i look forward to getting to know you all :)
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    So my goals for these 6 weeks would be

    to run a 5k in 30 minutes... right now i'm running it in about 40...
    to join some type of self improvement class, either online or irl, or just to start a book on self improvement (self worth)
    to get down to 200... that would be slightly over 2 lbs a week...
    to take each one of my kids on a date each week... (i have 6, so that's one date a week)
    to get my living room arranged! (would definitely help the stress level around here, cuz right now it's a mess lol)
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Amy: I am planning on getting a tattoo of a heart and triquetra. Google it and it's the first image. I'm not sure on how I plan to do the shading yet but I'm think a deep burgundy for the heart and black for the triquetra. Hubby and I are both of Irish decent and we had a Celtic wedding.

    Navajoon- Grab the veggie plate at Black Eyed Pea! All of the veggies are some what mushy and it's the healthiest thing on the menu. Ask them to cut the butter when they cook it.

    Welcome Lauren. YummyWater, Ashley, bubbles, Jenn(mommyjj) and Pam!

    Lacey- Thanks! I am so excited about it. I have a post above of seeing the image.

    Only two more days of teaching 7th grade summer school. I am SO excited to be done! These kids are just as ready!

    Last night I was such a dork and started working on quizzes for the upcoming school year. LOL! I got the first 8 quizzes written and will probably continue tonight. LOL!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    omg I'm so blonde

    Jenn- this whole time I thought your screen name was gonnadoltjenn (or in all caps, GONNADOLTJENN). didn't realize that what I thought was a lower case L was actually an uppercase i. LOL But I totally like the heart/triquetra tattoo.
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Hey Kendal--don't worry about the interview. What's done is done, you know? And I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you thought. I just graduated from college and had about a ton of interviews at different places. The places where I thought I did well didn't hire me, and the one where I thought my interview was the hardest did hire me. It only takes one place to like you for you to get a job. What kind of job are you looking for?
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    Hi! Fairly New Here...Never Posted...

    Wondering: Is It Too Late To Join This Challenge?

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    missxlaur- my manager in my old department has a team leader position open and she asked me to apply. I work in a big healthcare company and that position would be overseeing an inbound call center dealing with doctors. currently I work on a team that terminates doctor's contracts when they die, retire, and switch practices.

    Stephanie (and all the new people!) - we are ALWAYS accepting new members. Tell us about yourself. Current weight? Goal Weight? Kids? Pets? Significant other? Job? Stresses? Books you are currently reading? (we have a lot of avid readers in this group lol) We talk about any and everything here so don't be shy. :happy:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Speaking of books - I'm about two thirds of the way through the third book in the Game of Thrones cycle...maybe I didn't read this book, can't remember. But wow, talk about killing off the fav's! LOL

    I'm turning on HBO this weekend so i can start watching True Bloods new season and look forward to watching the GoT series too.

    Okay you know you are doing P90X when you go to lunch and eat a roll and a half of sushi, a small cucumber and tuna sald and are still feeling like you want more! So I got a nonfat latte...sheesh! I guess not eating that extra 150 cals yesterday did me in today!
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    Great! Well Hello Then!

    I'm Stephanie...

    I'm married to the man of my dreams. We have a blended family so there are 5 kids between us. Our oldest is 22 and youngest is 9.

    Currently 280lbs...that is the biggest number I've ever seen on the scale, although I've had weight issues since I was a teenager. I've set a couple mini-goals and a long-term focus of 100lbs. I know I want to lose more than 100lbs, but will update my long term goal after I've reached my mini-goals. When I think about it, 100lbs seems so large that I couldn't even set a bigger goal right now!

    Glad to be a part of MFP Community...and meeting people making healthy changes toward success!

    Talk To You Soon!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    OK, at work, wow, lots of posts, will have to read tonite. Just wanted to share. The dude will NOT come down the $1000! So we basically told our realtor to tell him to shove it....and the house hunt STARTS OVER! Pray for my sanity please! *hugs*
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    missxlaur- my manager in my old department has a team leader position open and she asked me to apply. I work in a big healthcare company and that position would be overseeing an inbound call center dealing with doctors. currently I work on a team that terminates doctor's contracts when they die, retire, and switch practices.

    hey kendal! that sounds so cool. if your manager asked you to apply, you've obviously done something right :) i'm sure you'll be fine. good luck anyway though!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    BTW Lacey, I absolutely LOOOOOVE your new profile pic! It's happy and colorful :smile:

    ETA: I WANT CHOCOLATE! But the only chocolate I have available is a big candy bar from a vending machine and that's just too much chocolate. I want a LITTLE BIT of chocolate. I don't want to waste 300+ cals on chocolate. I want enough chocolate to take the edge off. lol


    Mr. Reunion brought over an Oreo ice cream cake last night. I had a slice. I told him he had to take it home with him but I didn't check the freezer this morning to see if he did or not. I hope he remembered. He's actually really respectful of the fact that I don't typically eat unhealthy food such as fast food and said he already planned on taking the ice cream cake home so I wouldn't be tempted by it.

    For you newbies, I went to my high school reunion a little over a month ago and stayed about an hour. It sucked. They couldn't even get a formal thing together so we had an informal get together at a bar. Anyways, I sat with him cause I vaguely knew him best out of everyone there (all 10 of 'em). He signed up for facebook that night so he could send me a message telling me how exceptionally gorgeous I was and we've been seeing each other ever since.

    His name is Eric. I don't know why I like referring to him online as Mr. Reunion though. lol

    He's hot.

    And he laughed in my face the other night when I told him that it makes me slightly uncomfortable when he picks me up because I'm a big girl and I'm scared he will hurt himself. Yeah.....totally, genuinely laughed in my face. He told me that I may feel that way, but his perspective from the outside looking in, I am not a big girl.


    and just cause I still can't stop looking at this picture and sighing....
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    OK, at work, wow, lots of posts, will have to read tonite. Just wanted to share. The dude will NOT come down the $1000! So we basically told our realtor to tell him to shove it....and the house hunt STARTS OVER! Pray for my sanity please! *hugs*

    So sorry about that... been there done that, it's hard... i hope you find what you all need!! :)
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    Great! Well Hello Then!

    I'm Stephanie...

    I'm married to the man of my dreams. We have a blended family so there are 5 kids between us. Our oldest is 22 and youngest is 9.

    Currently 280lbs...that is the biggest number I've ever seen on the scale, although I've had weight issues since I was a teenager. I've set a couple mini-goals and a long-term focus of 100lbs. I know I want to lose more than 100lbs, but will update my long term goal after I've reached my mini-goals. When I think about it, 100lbs seems so large that I couldn't even set a bigger goal right now!

    Glad to be a part of MFP Community...and meeting people making healthy changes toward success!

    Talk To You Soon!

    I"m new too and also excited to be in an MFP community!! This is so awesome, and so helpful.. Mfp has been helping me so much to stay motivated. Anyways, my long term goal is also up in the air... i was 128 in high school.. but after 6 kids and now being 30, i just don't know if that should be my final goal, or what? so for now, my goal is set at 150..that's a ways off anyway, so i guess i have time to figure it out ;) nice to meet ya!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Karen - man you guys are hard nosed lol!! Just the fact that you aren't willing to spend $1000 more for the house (whether you have it to spend or not) just makes me think that in your heart of hearts this isn't the house for you! I'm sorry you have to keep house hunting. Its both fun and exhausting at the same time. I think we looked at about 20 different houses before we bought this one and even made offers and a bazillion counter offers on one house before walking away. It was maddening.

    My chest muscles deep deep down are feeling the Core S work out from yesterday. I will be glad to do some Kenpo tonight. Something that I know and am good at already hehe. And I hope to throw in the last 1/2 hour of the Yoga video too to get some of that in as well for strength.
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63

    His name is Eric. I don't know why I like referring to him online as Mr. Reunion though. lol

    He's hot.

    Aww! what a cute story! :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - THANKS!

    And you call Mr. Reunion "Mr. Reunion" because it just sounds so way more sexy and oooooooOOooo and AAAahhhAAAhhhhh than a name.

    I used to talk to a veterinarian (well he said he was one anyways) on match.com and I used to call him Dr. Dan because that was just so much more fun than just "Dan." LOL.
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    So I totally go up this morning and went to the gym, AFTER I had been up super late. So, Sleep deprivation=bad, Doing a good set of weights and a bit of cardio @ 4:30am =good!

    Food is great today, I'll weigh again on Friday for this week's check-in. I'm coming off a "free weekend."

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: PLEASE get us a pic with Mr. Reunion's face...pretty please???? I dig the cool guitar/rock vibe from the other picture but I wanna see his face!

    Lacey: There are two guys named Dan at The Hubbs' office. He would come home talking about "Dan did this..." or "Dan said that..." and I never knew who the hell he was talking about. After hearing a multitude of stories about one of the Dan's womanizing habits, I promptly renamed him "*kitten* Dan" and it stuck. The Hubbs' totally refers to him by the nickname I created whenever he talks about him. (Your Dr. Dan story brought this to mind so I thought I'd share) Oh and don't tell me what happens in the 3rd book!!! I'm still on the second one! (Although I already know that the author has no qualms about killing off main characters, I was so shocked when he killed of Ned Stark in the first book!) Yay for True Blood!!!

    manda2j: You don't look old enough to have 6 kids!!! Wow!

    Karen: I'm soooo sorry about the house! I agree with Lacey, maybe if that extra $1K is a deal breaker for you, it wasn't the right place. You'll find the perfect place, I know you will. (((((HUGS)))))

    Hiya Stephanie! Welcome to the group!!!

    Jenn: I LOVE your tattoo idea. It's so pretty!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Lacey, omg the third book. Not giving anything away, but it is by far the best in the series. I'm currently plodding through the 4th book and I feel like I've been halfway done with it for a month. It is SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Here's hoping the new one is much more like the 3rd book.

    I'm also reading the Girl Who Played with Fire, and it's SO hard not to just put Feast For Crows down and speedread that one. It's my "boyfriend's house" book. I'm always reading two books, one at my house and the other at his house.

    Manda, I love your take each kid out on a date goal. Super cute. And SIX kids! My goodness. I want three someday, or so I say. We'll see how that goes!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - sorry won't say any more about the third book. I thought you were ahead of me for some reason! And I totally and completely forgot about Ned Stark being killed too. Yeah.... Dr Dan was hawt. He showed me his bod on an internet camera one night lol. Those were the days....lol....
    Jeff has a woman he works with who's got around with a few of the married men there (she just got married last weekend). Well two years ago at a Christmas party she drank too much and proceeded to whisper a bunch of **** about me to her date. It was quite interesting. She was sitting two people down from me and had maybe talked to me at most two minutes tops in her life, but I could hear her. So ever since then I've refered to her as "makeup face" for her enormous love of what looks like pancake makeup but is probably just unbelievably heavily applied covergirl, or "that *kitten*." I wanted to buy her some of those makeup wedges for wedding present but Jeff wouldn't let me. I also hold a six month referendum on the use of the term that *kitten* because she is only just barely married and could still turn out to not have changed her ways. I will never like her or respect her, she won't come near me now. And I never said one thing to her lol. Funny how that works!

    Nava - I hate slow moving books. I hope the fourth one wasn't the reason I stopped reading this series years back. I don't think it was out then but who knows. I've not been able to get into The Girl Who....series.

    Good Job Ashley for exercising! Keep it up and in a few days your body will not want you to stop!

    Mandaj - I like the idea of date night for kids so they get special time.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Karen - sorry to hear about the house ((((((((((hugs)))))))))

    I really need to get The Game of Thrones series. I started Janet Evanovich's newest book today. Did you see American Gods came out with a 10th anniversary edition today?

    A continued welcome to all our newbies!!! Congrats to our big winners from last time!!!

    Thanks Kristina for keeping the chart and posting the thread. Have a great vacation!!!

    Rain with thunder has me sitting in the house rather than running tonight.

    Kendal - I'm so happy things are going well with Mr Reunion (I like his nickname)... Good luck with the job. Don't work to hard with all that OT...is your friend still moving in?

    Lacey - your vacay sounded fab!!! Love the new profile pic.

    Amy - hope your foots feeling better. It sounds like a spur - they are very painful. Good luck and heal quickly!!!

    Katie - my water shoes are Keen sandals. They work really good on the rivers and lakes. They actually look cool so I wear them all the time. Water walking sounds like fun. A waterproof HRM might help with cal estimation.

    Hallie - I have every confidence you'll pass the swim stuff.

    It's nice to see the board so active but it makes it impossible to reply to all. My thoughts are with the rest of you.
This discussion has been closed.