

  • I was on wellbutrin for a couple of years and then it stopped helping me as much. My doctor switched me to nortriptyline and I put on 25 pounds in 6 months. I never felt full; I could eat constantly. Well, of course this made me more depressed since I've been battling with weight issues for years. I had my doctor reduce…
  • I'm so glad you posted this. It's exactly what I'm facing. I've been on MFP for 2 weeks, use my food journal faithfully, exercise 2 or 3 tmes a week for an hour each time, and I haven't lost one single pound. I'm sure it may take a little time for my body to adjust to good food and exercise since it hasn't experienced that…
  • Hi and welcome to MFP. I'm going to be 40 next month and want to get in shape. I've been doing this for about 2 weks and I love it. I use the food journal faithfully and try to exercise 3 or 4 times a week. I have a really busy work schedule and 3 kids who keep me running. I haven't lost weight yet which has been pretty…
  • I totally agree. I don't go to bars but we love going to our friends for a cold beer and some snacks. I count my beer in my calorie count and try very hard to limit the snacks. If I do go over, I work extra hard the next day.
  • I actually mix my lowfat cottage cheese into my tossed salad. I know it sounds wierd but it kinda takes the place of a creamy dressing. I also love it with lots of black pepper and a little salt and use it as a dip for my Special K crackers. I have always loved cottage cheese.
  • That's so wonderful. Do you have some advice for those of us who are just starting out? I'm 200 pounds now and want to get to 140. Any help would be appreciated. I would love to post pics like yours next year.
  • I tried MFP a few months ago and did well for a little while but then my busy schedule got in the way. After just a couple of days of not doing it, I was done, no motivation at all. I've been back on it for a week and I keep telling myself, this is for me. I love MFP for keeping me on track with my meals but more for the…
  • Thanks for this post, it's so inspirational and uplifting!
  • I just bought some fat free Hidden Valley Ranch and a bottle of raspberry vinegarette. I really like both. I put lots of veggies in my salad there are different flavors going on with the dressing.
  • That's one of the reasons I joined. I'm going to be 40 next April and want to lose 65 pounds by then. I just started this week and already love it. Welcome and friend me if you like!
    in I'm new! Comment by tuppertracy May 2011
  • Hi! Sorry to hear about your loss. I just started MFP this week and already feel more supported than any other time I've tried to diet. The food logging is easy, the exercise logging is reassuring and the site is fun. But most of all, it's the support that I love. I feel more committed and confident than ever. Hope you…
  • Female 39 5'5" SW and CW since today is my first day 200 GW 135