anti depressants and weight gain/loss

okay so im taking wellbutrin sr 200 twice a day for add/adhd and im having trouble because i'm always hungry and i wanna's hard to lose weight if i'm always hungry and i wanna eat...does anybody have the same thing happen to them?or am i possibly taking too high of a dose?or does any reccomend any other add/adhd meds that may help me out better?...just curious


  • Caniacgirl59
    Those types of drugs are hard because everybody can react differently to them. My doctor told me it's just hit or miss sometimes until you find the "right" one. I had to go on something for my anxiety because it was causing panic attacks and insomnia and my biggest concern was gaining weight because I had heard such horror stories about it. I expressed that to my doctor and she prescribed me Effexor (also used for ADHD I believe) because it wasn't known to cause weight gain. It has helped me tremendously and actually cut my appetite down a bit. I'm guessing since you are on 200 twice a day, that you didn't just start taking Wellbutrin? If the symptoms of increased appetite or weight gain (?) aren't going away, you may want to talk to your doctor about weaning off and trying something else. I know for me it was hard enough to actually start taking my Effexor, much less having to worry about or experience bad side effects. The beginning was rough as my body adjusted, but I feel SO much better now. I have heard withdrawals coming off of it are really bad, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Good luck and hang in there!
  • kirbykez
    kirbykez Posts: 122
    I'm on Zoloft.. I take 200mg
    I lost weight and my appetite with it..
    I rarely feel hungry.. but I occasionally have days where I just wanna eat everything in site.. TMI but its generally only around TOM..
    Sooo yeah I think its different for everyone..

    the more weight I lose tho the more issues I have with it when I lost my first 25kg I had to spend a month changing my meds and the amount I was taking because it was to much..
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    I take wellbutrin xl 300 and if anything, at first it curbed my appetite. It has been shown to actually aid in reducing or at least preventing weight gain associated with most anti-depressants. After the first few weeks, any side effects I had from it disappeared, other than it does what it is supposed to for me :smile: Talk to your doc - it may just not be a good fit for you.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Also, wb is not typically a first line med for ADHD. I take it for depression. Are you taking anything else?
  • tuppertracy
    I was on wellbutrin for a couple of years and then it stopped helping me as much. My doctor switched me to nortriptyline and I put on 25 pounds in 6 months. I never felt full; I could eat constantly. Well, of course this made me more depressed since I've been battling with weight issues for years. I had my doctor reduce the amount for a few months and now I'm off it completely. I researched antidepressants and the weight gain effects and almost all of them can cause weight gain. It depends on your body. I must say though, now that I've made a committment to workout and eat better, I feel better. Less stressed out and miserable. I hope you find something that works for you.
  • kayhatlen
    kayhatlen Posts: 46
    When I was on Zoloft it made me lose my appetite. Paxil was the same. I'm not on anything anymore. Right now-Some days I could care less if I eat and other days I could eat everything in sight. Maybe it's just a whole bunch of factors and not the medicine. You can ask your Dr. to try something else. For women we have so many different hormone surges and declines because of our menstrual cycle. There are some hormone fluctuations for men too, but it hasn't been studied as much. Good luck finding out what works for you.
  • gldnlark
    gldnlark Posts: 53
    Some people are hypersensitive to certain medications - and I'm one of them, unfortunately. Nearly every common drug causes me to gain weight no matter how I diet and exercise... I'm about to switch heart medications because the current one is keeping 50lbs on me... Just stay in close touch with your doctor and carefully monitor your progress and side effects. Be open-minded to try different types.