shassen Member


  • yup, protein and fats only.. lots of meat and raw nuts
  • Try a good trail mix. That's what i use to combat those sweet cravings and not only is it delicious, but it's healthy and filling. Raw nuts usually satisfy cravings for sweet things like chocolate and other sugary snacks.
  • just stay away from any of those magic pills that cause dramatic weight loss. Generally people who use those supplements put the weight back on when they stop the cycle. Good old fashioned healthy eating and exercising is the way to go!
  • wu-tang, tribe called quest, smif-n-wessun, bone thugs!
  • optimum nutrition (gold standard whey) is generally what I take. I never find myself wishing I had a different brand so that says something about the flavor. I've tried quite a few different brands and so far ON is my favorite. BSN has a line that they market as "dessert shakes" and I'm sure that those would be delicious…
  • add a little bit more food to every serving you have, and start working with weights a little bit. that should help you gain muscle and no fat.
  • are you weighing yourself at different times during the day? or all at the same time?
  • cardio tones muscle, and yes you will lose muscle if you don't eat properly. With that being said, you will uncover all the muscle that you already have if you were to only do cardio. If you are trying to burn any amount of fat, you need to do cardio quite a bit. If you want to build your muscles, you would need some sort…
  • try taking a week off from performing pullups and see if that helps at all. It might be that your over training your arms. It takes a while to master pullups, i generally do pullups on saturday's only and do 5 sets of 12 (every grip). However, this takes time to work up to. If you would like some tips on how to improve let…
  • Actually, the bad sign would be if you were to stop sweating. If this happens, you are very dehydrated and in danger of blacking out. So keep sweating and drink a lot of water!
    in Sweating Comment by shassen August 2011
  • By drinking more water, you force your metabolism to keep running constantly throughout the day. This means that you are burning more calories during the day as opposed to consuming smaller amounts of water. Also when you don't drink enough water your body holds onto most of the water that you consume. If you keep drinking…
  • just order a pizza and eat it with 2 other friends, that way you can't eat the entire thing. When it's all gone, tell yourself "until next time." I have the same problem with any kind of chocolate. When I cheat, I CHEAT...
  • I eat 1 gram of protein per pound every day, but thats just me. I do a lot of heavy lifting and cardio, so I want to preserve all of that muscle :).. Going over in protein is not a bad thing at all, so don't worry about that. I agree with marie_2454, the recommendation is way to low to begin with.
  • that calorie goal is a recommendation if you were to not do any physical activity at all during the day.. aka just go along living. If you are working out, that just means you get to eat more during the day. You don't want to have a deficit of more than 1000 calories a day or else your going to lose muscle tone along with…
  • Stay away from anything that has a white creamy sauce, it's always contains more calories than you think. The more simple the food you are eating, the better it will be for you. For example, tuna salad vs. tuna from a can. the difference between the two choices in terms of caloric intake is drastic. Another example could…
  • Starvation mode is definitely not a myth! Never let yourself get to the point where you are starving. When you've reached this point, your body actually starts to eat your muscles as a fuel source. It is better to eat small meals throughout the day, which will also keep your insulin levels in check (if what your eating is…
    in Oops! Comment by shassen May 2011