

  • A craving for milk is a sign of a calcium or vitamin D deficiency. Try adding a daily calcium supplement and the cravings should subside.
  • Did my first day of 30DS yesterday and I am definetley feeling it today. I really didn't think I would be this sore! I woke up this morning and was only a tiny bit achey but by lunch time I was struggling to walk up and down the stairs. I couldn't do day two today due to my work shift but I was able to get to the gym on…
  • Way to go!! Getting yourself to start and attempt day one is usually one of the hardest parts!!! Try again tomorrow and lets us know how you do!! I bought it yesterday and am starting tonight after work!! I was looking at some videos of it on youtube and I am a little apprehensive!! I also feel kind of guilty that I'm…
  • I love the elliptical, great work out and low impact on my joints! I'm also able to read while I'm working out which I can't do on the treadmill!
  • Thanks everyone!! I'm going to take my before pictures either tonight or tomorrow morning and post them with what I hope to be amazing after shots in 30 days!! I'm also thinking that I may stop and pick up 3lb weigths on my way home from work tomorrow, I'm a little scared!!
  • Don't feel bad! I almost had to ask what TOM stood for earlier before common sense kicked in from what I was reading!!
  • I'm in between a 10 and an 8 in street clothes right now. I tried on the dress in a 12 initially and she said that it fit but I could definetely easily fit in the 10 so I went with that. Hopefully she sized me right, now I'm worried it will be too small!! Should be in any day now though, so I guess we will see!!
  • Yes it's a bad idea. Only consuming 300-400 calories a day is starvation. If you want to lose weight that's great, but starving yourself will only produce short term weight loss. When that weight comes back, it comes back with a vengenace. Also, if I'm reading your ticker correctly you only weigh 122 right now and are…
  • Count me in too!! I'm in the Marine Corps and have been serving for the past 8 years. My EAS is in February and I'm still incredibly undecided about whether or not to stay in!