milk craving

So, we started our weight loss journey on May 30th. Since then, I've had this undying craving for milk. LikeIi can't get enough. For calorie and tracking purposes I limit myself, but man is it HARD! Anyone else have a similar craving?


  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    every morning I have an 8 oz glass of milk (2%) and a carnation instant breakfast packet. together they are 260 calories and fill me up enough to make it to lunch. Hope that helps your craving.
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    you can try unsweetened almond milk, just as good for you and only 35 calories a glass, it might help! it might take a little getting used to but will be worth it.
  • elizabethdemulder
    A craving for milk is a sign of a calcium or vitamin D deficiency. Try adding a daily calcium supplement and the cravings should subside.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I can drink a never-ending fountain of chocolate milk. My stomach, however, cannot handle 8 ounces of chocolate milk. Therefore a battle is waged between my will and my digestion processes.

    Calorie counting has helped ween me away from milk. I see that chocolate milk is quite hearty in caloric proportions! :laugh:
  • edg_15
    edg_15 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm so with ya! I tried cutting milk but that only lasted a day. Lol! I've tried soy and almond, but nothing is as good to me as 2% milk.
  • mstephens182002
    I crave milk to. so i went to low fat milk instead. and i now cut down to one 8oz glass for breakfast and dinner. It was hard and still is, but from going from vitiman D to low fat the lowest u can go made a difference. I started by portioning first. count how many glasses you have a day cut that in half. for a week. Then the following week go down to 2% then the 3rd week low fat. then the next week cut your servings in half again. best luck..
  • Miss_Sissy
    Miss_Sissy Posts: 27 Member
    I'm so with ya! I tried cutting milk but that only lasted a day. Lol! I've tried soy and almond, but nothing is as good to me as 2% milk.

    I agree with ya 150%

    I usually have a craving after about 3 days with no milk. But since starting MFP and counting, I haven't had the urge for it. I did have half a glass of chocolate milk the other day and about choked when I read the calories and sugar.