beat myself up playing tennis yesterday but plan on doing some spin bike and circuit training tonight.. bring it on
here for support.. Welcome to MFP req sent
here for support.. req sent
here for the journey as well.. req sent
def here for support.. know what you mean about lack of support from req sent
here for support. welcome to MFp.. req sent
I joined Weight Watchers and didn't really like it that much.. First of all the tracking they have is horrible.. I would try to scan multiple items into their tracker and over and over it would say it could not find item ... MFP;s database is huge and gets everything and I have a great support group... and its all free...…
also here for a little get away.. Support is the key and glad you found MFP.
also in it for the umpteenth" time.. Never give up hope. Support is the key.
here is to your road to success.
welcome to MFP and good luck on your journey. Friends req sent.
always here for support. welcome to MFP
your not alone Maggie :) friends req sent.
wow.. that was so inspiring.. You are a true warrior.
always here for support.. friends req sent
Hope you hit your goal by Summer.. hard work pays off.. Friends request sent
I drink EXTEND by Scivation which is a bran Chain Amino Acid. NO Calories and great replacement for gatoraide as well.
MFP is a great place to be. Always here for support.
always here for support. MFP is a great place to be
wish you the best beating this disease. MFP is a great place to get motivated and awesome support. feel free to add
always here for support.. feel free to addie if you likey
good luck with the race. I am also training. add me if u like
2lbs a week is great.. You can try some interval training which will kick in the fat burning much faster. For example: Sprints. , doing FAT Burner level on Stairmaster. Once you really kick in those fast quick workouts you burn much more than doing longer more mundane workouts.
I hear ya.. I have totally hit a road bump as far as losing more weight. I always start out losing 20lbs and then it stops.. Even when I excercise and eat good but I am happy being healthy for the workouts. Its just our bodies and they are fighting against us. Mine being slow metabolism. I also use working out as a way to…
also an emotional eater which has always been my downfall. Always here for support. FRS
Here is to feeling comfortable again :) friends req sent
from san diego but always here for support. FRS