Need support!



  • I need support too ... How do we add each other here?
  • Feel free to add me :) !
  • fp64
    fp64 Posts: 128 Member
    hahaha (whine whine whine) i totally understand. You sound just like i do. you have to really really put yourself into this if you want to make an impact on yourself. ( i've barely understoof this) i think that feeling is a different feeling and a different feeling of resolve for everyone. Its everyone's goal to lose weight (keep it off) and be healthy. I used to only log when i was "trying to lose weight" so that basically meant i never logged my wingstop or meals at Chili;s hahaha. but ive finally understood the importance of logging EVERY bit that enters your mouth (ok probably not EVERY bite, but if it can coundt as a snack then yes it gets logged)

    I'm noticing that too. Also, I really didn't realize how many calories I was consuming. You think a bowl of cereal is just fine, then realize you just had 2 or 3 portions of cereal! Amazing how a "light food" like that is so many calories.
    and that's how you start...
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Happy to encourage and support. Just send me a friend request. I'm much in the same boat as you. Have you looked at any of the HCG vlogs on YouTube? It helps to view them and you can also communicate with whomever made them. :smile:

    PLEASE stop trying to encourage people to follow any "diet" that borders on an eating disorder! Eating 500-800 calories a day is bad for you - and the HCG topic is forbidden on this board as it is considered unhealthy and dangerous!
  • Feel free to add me, been doing it for 30 days with great success and met a lot of great people along the way. If you need a good friend on the journey happy to help.
  • d4ley1
    d4ley1 Posts: 73
    ill do what i can
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    We can all use more support I'm sure. That's what makes it fun. Add me if you're interested :) Good Luck!
  • kokoforskinny
    kokoforskinny Posts: 91 Member
    Hello everyone. This is a new to me - not the dieting, or any of the ideas behind it. For me what's new is the fact that I'm trying to get involved with a community. I've tried so many times to lose weight, but it's been a struggle. I know it all comes down to me and my actions in the end, but I don't have much support. Any friends I do have are either thin naturally, or follow unhealthy diets. I need a support system that encourages me, and will actually say NO don't eat that! I guess what I'm saying is, I need accountability! Can anyone help me on this journey? I will try to be helpful and supportive to you too! I'm tired of being overweight, feeling lethargic, and being unhealthy. (Whine whine whine, lol)

    Rachelle, My name is Danielle. You are more than welcome to add me. I used to "diet" all the time and just kept giving up. I joined MFP and I realize that the word diet is bad. I understand we are all here for different reason but the end result is we need to be healthier and make life changing decisions. So instead of looking at what you are doing as a diet look at it as getting healthy. I have notice since I started looking at it that way things have changed. I like to eat and work out. I love seeing the results. So instead of saying I am on a diet tell yourself you want to become healthy. Go ahead and eat whatever you want but make sure you log it and make sure you can eat what you need to stay within your calorie intake.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
  • I am always happy to support and help with accountability! I need it myself sometimes :) Feel free to add me!
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    This community has helped me already, and I hope it does the same for you! Feel free to add me.
  • Add this guy:

    Tons of info and support. Always there to help cheer you up!!!
  • I will do my best to support you! Add me! =)
  • elleinad1026
    elleinad1026 Posts: 2 Member
    that is awesome, makes me hopeful
  • mariefrance91
    mariefrance91 Posts: 33 Member
    its a really great community, ill add you :)
  • Malalu
    Malalu Posts: 39
    Hi, this is the right place because everyone is here for a reason EAT HEALTHY, you have to change the way you think =, you DON'T have to do DIET, you just have to CHANGE you Eating HABITS, and think is you feel more satisfied when you can watch and feel your body lighter or just 5 min of satified with a trashy food, thats my advice, good luck and everything you need here we are the entire community.
  • deanjou59
    deanjou59 Posts: 737 Member
    You have come to the right place! This is a fantastic group of very supportive people! We are in this together. Welcome!!!!

    Very well said...and very true! Welcome! :)
  • Hey there - I'm am new to myfitnesspal, but not new to helping people with weight loss. Add me as a friend here for motivation and find me on facebook as well:

    From the responses, looks like you won't have any problems with support. Love "like-minded people" :)
  • always here for support.. friends req sent
  • Hello everyone. This is a new to me - not the dieting, or any of the ideas behind it. For me what's new is the fact that I'm trying to get involved with a community. I've tried so many times to lose weight, but it's been a struggle. I know it all comes down to me and my actions in the end, but I don't have much support. Any friends I do have are either thin naturally, or follow unhealthy diets. I need a support system that encourages me, and will actually say NO don't eat that! I guess what I'm saying is, I need accountability! Can anyone help me on this journey? I will try to be helpful and supportive to you too! I'm tired of being overweight, feeling lethargic, and being unhealthy. (Whine whine whine, lol)

    I started one week ago and have lost 3 lbs already, feel free to add me! I came here for accountability as well and I have some friends I know in my everyday life that are helping me on here too! It is a great tool and I am actually having fun with new recipes and exercising. Welcome to your new life!
  • smileyII
    smileyII Posts: 37 Member
    I need support to, so please add me:)