innocenceportrayed Member


  • Yeah, thats what I thought but I don't want to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry. Maybe it's because I drink a lot of water? I drink around 10-13 glasses a day and no I don't have diabetes (everyone always says that when I tell them how much water I drink). Last year I was losing, but I was on a 1200 calorie diet but…
  • I use a heart rate monitor, I do not use MFP numbers for my calories burnt. I just need to know if I should net my BMR calroies in order to lose because I'm not losing but I'm also only netting about 800 a day, I'm just not hungry.
  • Took tonight off. Bad eating day and I hate myself for taking it off instead of doing it but it was a long day emotionally and physically. I'll be back at it tomorrow, if I have the energy, I'll do it twice tomorrow so I can catch up, if not I'll just be a day behind what I wanted. Shouldn't be a big deal, but it is to me.
  • <.< I'm a ...senior by credits.... (=
  • Do you want my psychological answer? (Not licensed, YET. ^_^ ) Let's assume you do. You have an unhealthy relationship with food and you have self image issues. Other than that, I don't know you enough to say much else. You will have to completely hit rock bottom before you will truly see the need for change. If you are…
  • I only have 25-30 to lose, but I'm 22. Add me if you'd like
  • /)_(\ is someone covering their eyes lol And I think I'll start looking at the weekly instead of daily. I never thought of that.
  • Right click image, copy image URL, type the IMG's need to be lower case.
  • I take rest days, but I usually do a workout, just much lighter than normal, like going for a walk or taking a swim instead of an hour at the gym. If I don't I feel lazy and like I'm not doing enough. =/ Sometimes I think my brain is against me.
  • I'm listening to it for now, but I don't want to have the chance of putting it into a starvation mode. If I make myself eat I'm more likely to binge which I definitely don't want to do, but if I need to intake more calories then I can plan out my days more carefully.
  • If you don't have the correct form, yes, push ups could have done it, planks could have done it, anything really. If you have icy hot, throw that on in-between icing. Ice for 20 minutes on, 45-60 minutes off and don't immobilize it because it will hurt worse when you start to work it again. Just go easy and if it hurts too…
  • The trolls around here tonight, man, don't ya'll have bridges to be huddling under? Squats will help you slim your thighs, but not alone, you need to add other things like cardio, lifting and other thigh exercises besides squats. If you're ONLY going to do squats, add weights, not squats alone. I'm on a 30 day squat…
  • 20 pounds by July is do-able! You CAN do it. Just work hard and eat right. You'll get there! And I totally know the stress from school and work. I'll be graduating with my BS in Psychology next spring and going straight into my masters next fall all while taking care of my great grandparents who I live with and trying to…
  • I know the whole phrase "If you look cute at the end of your workout you didn't train hard enough..." well that'd be 5 minutes into a workout if you're working outside in FL. -__- I HATE the hot weather and humidity. My hair is thick and curly and so I turn into a freakin' poodle if I wash my hair and go outside. I get…
  • I love Orlando (I'm about 1 hour 15 minutes from downtown Orlando, I'm closer to Tampa) and go as often as I can!
  • It's amazing how many floridians have never seen snow! I was born here but grew up in Iowa and I'd trade FL for IA any day and people down here think I'm crazy, but I personally have like 2 friends down here and the rest of the people are rude, snotty and stuck up. =/ I'll take snow over A**holes anyday. I LOVE Canada…
  • Unless it's tear inducing, ice it, massage it and then stretch it. I had hurt my elbow muscle a few days ago and I iced it, and made sure to stretch it and the more I worked it, the better it felt.
  • Finished 5 (even though I said I did earlier, I did it tonight). I didn't push hard today because I burned 646 calories at the gym earlier and a little over 100 in the garden. Am I the only one who acts like she's punching Jillian in the face in the cardio squat punches?
  • @ Honey_bee Pic #3, you look so happy with that smile
  • I've been doing 30DS instead of walking =( but I did 2 miles today! Total of 22 miles. 78 to go. /)_(\ I will make it!
  • I don't want to go until I get my abs back lol or at least my thunder thighs are gone. However, we are going to adventure island soon. Hopefully I'll have lost a few inches by then (I'm doing 30 day shred now)
  • I haven't been onto her actual website yet, just her youtube page and watched some of her videos. I'll have to find her calender and do a month of it and see how it goes. She seems insane, but she's loud and enthusiastic that's what keeps me interested.
  • All forums you find online are going to have their share of people who come off as rude. This may not be their intentions and yet for some it may be. Online it's impossible to understand the tone and manner of the person. Just how it is.
  • Today was my weigh in day and I somehow gained half a pound so I'm discouraged but I'm going to keep going. I'm not sore at all so I'm continuing without a rest day (I know, I know). I honestly think level 2 will be easier for me, I watched it a few days ago and I can already do planks up to 75 seconds and have been doing…
  • I say BS. You can get rid of fat anywhere at any age if you truly work hard at it. I can't ever remember not having a layer of fat right under my boobs and it's been the cause of a lot of self consciousness (even though you can only see it when I'm naked sitting down or in a bikini sitting down) but it's slowly…