sharmonesq Member


  • Hi Manda and all, I'm new here too (well, new again). Single mom of two active girls, working full time. I'd love to share motivation!
  • Done, Done, and Done :)
  • Hey team. I've had a crazy busy week so I haven't been active here, but I just wanted to check in and bump into my topics. :)
  • I did it!!!! I did 5 5 min rounds on the heavy bag and did crunches, pushups, lunges, jumping jacks and calf raises in between rounds (so I exercised for about 35 min total). I also had already done about 30 minutes of cleaning and am now going to log off to do 30 more. So that means.... Under calories - YES! Workout -…
  • I am going to try really hard not to let you down...I just logged in my food and I am 411 over as of right this second. It was a rough day at work and combining that with my "girl" time, I had cravings like crazy. Now I need to go find a way to burn 400 calories despite the fact that I feel like total crap generally plus I…
  • Hey team. Sorry I've not been very active on here the past few days. its been crazy at work and not much better at home LOL Anyway, under my calorie goal, did my challenge (although not my regular workout because I strained my shoulder a bit yesterday), and got in my water (finishing the last bottle now). Since I wasn't…
  • I have started on the water. I will get there. I'm still trying to figure out how to get this mile in and I'm struggling. Wonder how long I would have to run in place? LOL
  • Ok. I logged and was under calories although I ate horrible things today. Again, I know it was NOT healthy, but it was in range. I did finish the water, which is a major accomplishment for me. I also did my 100 jacks in addition to my 25 minute cardio circuit. Go team thin to win! Yea!
  • I use a scale at my office, so I will know how much damage I did this weekend on Monday, but I did weigh on Friday, so I guess I will use that. Challenge SW: 160.4 Challenge GW: 152 154 is the lowest I've been in my adult life and I was back down there a few months ago and sort of hit a wall. I want to go below that. I…
  • LOL...I was thinking something very similar and meant it as a total compliment. You look amazing!!!! I went from 209 to 154 (now I'm about 160) and never looked that good. I looked big in the 170s. You look super hot!!! I guess its a body type thing and a toning level (you look tone)....I am about the same age as you. Do…
  • Hey, I never officially joined your group, but I could swear I saw a challenge related to this group this morning and I just had to share that I completed it (almost)! 35 min cardio 100 pushups (I know it was 35, but I was also doing another challenge) 50 oz water (still drinking) 90 calf raises (did this instead of…
  • I got my 100 in...finally. I had to divide them up. My shoulder was feeling a little off. Over half were standard with the rest girlie. Unfortunatley, I couldn't do one single jack with good form. Oh well, I'll get there :) Congrats to everyone posting finishes and to the last poster, you didn't let anyone down. Better to…
  • to craft338: I don't think it sounds cheesy or shallow at all. Congrats on your progress already :)
  • Hi all. I am a 29 year old wife and mom. I am getting back on track after a bit of a plateau and subsequent fork in my weight loss journey. I am so excited for this challenge and am so glad to meet all of you :flowerforyou:
  • I'm 5' 8.5" Feel free to add me (OP and later posts). I also think its nice to compare goals with other same height girls :)
  • I am so excited to find this recipe!
  • I'm in. Sending friend request and info. It sold me that I would be on team purple, my fav color :laugh:
  • Hey. Just a thought. I was having similar issues. The doc changed my meds, checked my thyroid, etc. Everything normal (except some hormone issues but we got those fixed too I think). Anyway, at one follow up he wasn't in and I saw the PA. She tested my vitamin levels and I had a D deficiency. It wasn't even that low so I…
  • Also, I have a deck of cards handy. My hubby uses them a lot in his workouts. I wonder if you are heading the same direction....
  • Hi! I'm new (sort of). Is this a challenge for a specific group or a challenge for anyone? I would love to be in. I will break them up and hope no one walks in my office during any of my sets LOL My boss my think it odd if he walks in and finds me on the floor behind my desk. LOL
  • It is TOM for me and in pain and stressed. Ate like a crazy person all week. I REFUSED to weigh in. Please just leave me the same for this week. We'll see Friday..... Also, I am making myself a promise to post on here more. I always monitor but have been so bad about posting. I'm really stressed and de-motivated. I WILL…
  • I'm 5'8.5" My current weight is 157 and I am still chubby. I also still wear a 10/12. My goal is 135. I really want to wear a size 8 again. I always said that I have a large frame but I'm pretty sure it was just a lie to make me feel better about being chubby. I was about 125 in high school and I know that's not…
  • I'm starting today too. Have tried before and not been able to finish due to injuries. This time I'm finishing!
  • Sorry I missed Friday's weigh in. I weighed in this morning (the scale I use is at work so I only have access on weekdays) and another week with no change. I'm on a pateu (I know that is spelled wrong but for the life of me can't figure out how its supposed to be spelled - it's been a long, stressful day). I restarted P90X…
  • Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Starting Weight: 157 Challenge Goal Weight: 145 How exciting...I just realized that this would put me exactly 10 lbs above my final goal weight :)
  • I want in! I'll post my weight on Monday :)
  • Sorry I didn't post yesterday. It was a CRAZY day at work and when I got home I just crashed, but I did weigh in. Starting Weight: 159.8 Week 1 Weight: 159.8 Week 2 Weight: 158.6 Week 3 Weight: 157.6 Week 4 Weight: 158.2 Week 5 Weight: 157.0 I'll take it :) At least it moved in the right direction. I'm thinking of ordering…
  • I loved this post. There is so much I could rant about today, but I just felt the need to comment. First of all, congrats on getting your degree and working toward your goals. I am a lawyer but want to be on the criminal justice side of the lawyering someday, but can't find a job doing that here (moving is not really an…
  • Starting Weight: 159.8 Week 1 Weight: 159.8 Week 2 Weight: 158.6 Week 3 Weight: 157.6 Week 4 Weight: 158.2 So, that's a gain of 0.6 this week. I'm not so happy about that. :mad: So, that means I am only down 1.6 lbs in 4 weeks. I am also not very happy about that. Grrr... However, like I posted last week, I had a kidney…