yeah great topic and I do love that show and if I had the 4-5hrs a day/personal trainer & food prepared I think I could do it as well... But I would go on there and do whatever I had to win as well!!
I would so take that cat if I lived out there... we could take walks together:)
Love it... I don't miss my Monday night classes for anything.
You can do it... one day at a time.. I struggle almost every min of the day except when I am sleeping.
So I am not sure.. if I eat my 1000 to 1200 a day and burn 350 at the gym do I eat those 350 or not? Would it be ok if I don't if I am at least getting 1000 in and feeling fine?
It's only 10:30AM here :( and yeah this day is DRAAAAGGGGIIIIINNNNGGGGGG
This brings back so many memories of my son how precious.. time goes by so fast... .. My son is almost 8 now!!
For my sweet tooth I get sugar free chocolate jello pudding made with fat free milk... it helps some or half a whole wheat english muffin with peanut butter & bananas... Oh those 100 calorie packs work too!!Good Luck:)
Does anyone have one? How is it? I have also heard water with Lemon is detoxifing and helps aid weight loss? :)
Welcome were here for you :)
yeah I want to know too?
Thanks so much... I will send you an Add request so we can keep in touch:) Thanks!!
what an adorable baby!!!
So does anyone know how to do a search of people maybe in your state? I would love to get together and hike with some folks from the area or plan some walks? Thanks everyone!
WAY TO GO!!! I hope to do a 5K one day as well.. wow!!
No But I would like to know as well because I do that as well....
I have one close by my place in Oregon City, OR but I haven't been or heard anything either way?
Thanks.. I heard that you shouldn't count on the machines to tell you how many calories I burn.. but I really want to know.. I will look into them maybe check out consumer reports and get a decent cheaper one? Thanks so much for being so kind:)
Way off:) ha.. are they that expensive? What's the benifits of them?
Sorry I am soo dumb what kinda equipment is this? A Bike? :)
Hey there Welcome:)
What about Coffee... that always seems to work for me.
My son struggles with this and we tried everything.. prunes really helped him.. I recently started taking Alli and let's just say that works!!
Ha.. I noticed I can see more of the floor around my thights when I sit my butt down on the toliet!! I can't wait to almost see the rim:)
Great questions... I should be taking one but I don't know if it was my mutli vitamin or the combination of that and Hoodia I took about a year ago and I thought I was going to go bald I was loosing so much hair so I stopped them both and now am scared to do the multi vitamin again???
I think that is most of our nightmares!! It will be ok.. Next time try getting all dolled up like your going out.. or after your hair appointment that usually works best for me. Sometimes it's just my mood.. one day I will find nothing and the next I day I don' t have enough money for all the stuff I find?? Keep your head…
Ive seen that picture... it is hilarious but I don't want to be like that as well. I work at a college and am surrounded by young hotties. You are gorgeous so don't even go there.. Hang in there and stay positive:)
my favorite is hummus or apples & peanut butter.. lots of water with Crystal light fills me up!!
So I am on a budget and wondering if anyone has any great recipes with Eggs and Tuna? I lean towards low carb but any suggestions are welcome including other cheap healthy recipes & thanks a ton!!!
hey how do you get that little weight loss calculator going? Thanks:)