

  • Perfectly normal... I get seven or eight pounds myself. I just don't weigh myself during that week when I know that is the reason, it will be gone soon enough. Hang in there!
  • Our elementary school is collecting candy for the troops overseas. It's a great thing to ask about, a lot of local groups around the US (and likely around the world) do this and ship out the donated treats to the men and women in the armed forces. :) HTH!
  • It gets me a little later in the year .... November / December when we get up and it's still dark and get home from work and it's dark already. (I'm also in NH by the way) The holidays are the worst time for me. I'm also on meds for regular old depression but the best thing that works for me when it gets worse this time of…
  • Grew up way Downeast (past Ellsworth, keep going :D ) and miss it! Luckily not too far away in NH, though it's really a whole different world on this side of the bridge -- LOL.
  • I do track the weight but I only weigh myself once a week, sometimes less. For a while I was focused too much on food journaling and getting kind of obsessive about every bite, so I scaled back on that too. For me it is way more about how I feel and how much energy I have. My big victories are more the fitness markers and…
  • I'm glad I came back to check this. I was about to head for the fridge but I have some Sleepytime tea. ;) Thanks for the support & good luck to you! We can do this!
    in Day 1... Comment by mmc23 April 2013
  • How did it go? Good luck to you!
  • Wow, that's great. It makes you think before you reach for snacks-- thanks for sharing!
  • Wow, good luck!! The late night battle is SO hard for me. Perhaps I will join as well. :)
  • I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved dog. The above ideas are all good ones. If you are looking for contact with dogs (if its not too soon for you to face them) maybe you could look into volunteering as a dog walker at a local shelter. Giving yourself permission to grieve is an important first step. Take care.
  • Now that both kids are out of the house by 8:15, I usually run straight from the bus stop. :) before they were in school, I would go before hubby left for work. (5:30 to 6:15 am). It was so hard to get any workouts done with babies or toddlers or preschoolers in tow, I remember that well. When I just had one I would often…
  • Hi! I am a mom on a mission to get healthy. I am halfway to my first goal weight and for those just starting out, I can really relate to where you are. I also gained back last spring's 20 lb loss and more and was at my lifetime max non-pregnant weight in December. (200) I finally decided that I had had it. Since then I…
  • Hi! I finished C25K about three weeks ago -- I'm in the in between stage where I can run for 35 minutes but I don't actually make 5K yet. It's getting closer though. My pace is between 13-14 minutes per mile. My first race is in a few weeks and I'm thankful it is a "run / walk" 5K. I'm racing with a good friend who is a…
  • Also in the Nashua area :) Yay for running in the spring, dodging poison ivy and snapping turtles on the side of the road (soon -- after this snow melts :) )
  • Hi from the greater Nashua metropolitan area :D
  • I try really hard. Most days I am tracking every bite, and then there's one day every 1-2 weeks when I stick an approximate number of calories in there and call it good. I have my food diary set to private, and I think that helps me personally with being honest. I know for some people, it might have the opposite effect. :)
  • Thanks so much everyone! :). I love Greek yogurt -- have been trying to learn to like cottage cheese but it's an uphill battle ;). I appreciate the suggestions.
  • Hey! :) I'm a little older (37) but have also struggled to take care of myself while taking care of my 2 kids and hubby. (trying to be a good example for all of them in regards to healthy eating and exercise!) I also nursed both of my kids... With the first one, the weight came off like nobody's business (I think it was…
  • Age: 37 Height: 5'6" Weight: SW 200 CW: 185 Goal: 155 Work at home mom of 2, beginning runner, chocolate lover :) Any twins out there? :)
  • So funny! I volunteer with Girl Scouting and it's really hard to avoid eating those darned cookies by the boxful. ;) Thin Mints are definitely the best.
  • Geek, band nerd, goth (early 90s style here) ;) ...Maybe I'll get some black nail polish and scare my kids' teachers except they're about my age as well and would probably just laugh.
  • Wow do I belong in this group -- hugs all around! Reading over your posts I feel like I understand where you are coming from. I overeat when stressed. Lately I have had a close friend dealing with a serious illness and whenever I feel out of control I'm craving sugar. I am starting to recognize this in myself as a trigger…
  • Thank you! :)
  • Oh my gosh this made me laugh. I am afraid if I get below 150 they will disappear. I didn't have any till I had kids. LOL
  • Welcome! I joined a long time ago but this is my first time poking around the message boards :) best wishes to you!
    in New to MFP Comment by mmc23 January 2013
  • I'm 5'6"... CW 187 (which was my delivery weight for baby #2... He is six and a half!) GW 155. Once we get to 155, we'll see about 145. :) Best wishes to all.