tmoneyag99 Member


  • This tells me you didn't learn anything about yourself. The thing is you are going to get incredibly demoralized by trying to work off every extra calorie you consume. I think the better solution should be "How did this happen. What should I do differently next time" The thing is you will "over eat" in the future. It is…
  • I'm not saying I have over come it but this is what I am doing now. I keep a small notebook in my pocket with a small pen. The minute I go to grab some food (specifically candy) I write it down. One day I wrote down 17 different entries that were related to mindless grazing/eating. So I have since purchased a doorknob lock…
  • Just giving this a quick bump. I hope it's helping people. I'm definitely going to check it out again!
  • yup. Hence why I don't let myself access it during certain hours of the day and have a timer on time spent. Currently I'm actually writing down my food in a food log that I keep with me all of the time. I'll add it to MFP during the evening for the totals.
  • Lots of stuff: 1st the App Freedom. This allows me to block generic websites for specifc times. ie "All social Media" 2nd Leech Block. This allows me to block specific sites for certain times. 3rd StayFocused This allows me to put a timer on websites I want to allow myself to view Example: Freedom blocks all search…
  • The calories in food aren't exact either. I can eat tons of almonds that would in theory put me way over my calorie limit. BUT the truth is, the next day you can see those almond bits in my toilet and I end up losing weight. In theory if you go to family christmas dinner with all the pies and calorie rich food, you should…
  • Simply put, CICO ignores the mental and genetic and lifestyle aspects of weight loss (and any other variable you have to determine for yourself) For those of you that don't know have issues with insulin or stress eating and counting calories works for you GOOD FOR YOU. But let me say this, each person has to find what…
  • Congratulations. However, for whatever it is worth. 34 aint old. You're still a puppy and lots of good healthy life to live.
  • I learned that drinking broth massively helps with this. I just warm up some beef broth, (1 cup) add some garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, a smidge of Worcestershire. Sip and cravings are gone.
  • I dont know how much this will help but go to youtube and find "The Honest Guys" meditation page. Find a meditation for you to do when you get these urges. Furthermore, remind yourself that your body is likely having an extinction burst to the habit change. Look that up in wikipedia. When you feel like you need to purge…
  • You realize that in the wild those super cute babies become vicious man eaters. Pigs are omnivores. So they will absolutely eat you. And they won't feel the least bit of guilt about it.
  • That's Amazing!
  • Please lord tell me this was intentional
  • its so interesting you say this because before becoming over weight I never snacked either. I didn't eat breakfast either. Just lunch and dinner (effectively intermitent fasting) I was fine, had plenty of energy. I didn't start stacking because I had a really fit person tell me I needed to. The thing is that was…
  • Lift as heavy as you can for 10-12 reps, for 3 sets. Heavy weights = more muscle. Side note, most women do not have the biology to get super bulky, so don't be afraid of that. You just want muscle to poke through what (very little) fat you have. Make sense? The only way to build more muscle is by lifting heavy. If you're…
  • yeah the MSG thing is complete garbage. Regardless, there is a large enough group of buyers that effect sales so companies go with it. Regardless those two seasonings are awesome.
  • Yeah I realized after the fact that I was looking at the calorie column and not the protein column. I still maintain the TYPE of carbs used to fill the plate is important as well. While I don't have any statistical data to back up my theory, I think the remainder should be 75% from non-Starchy/non-processed plants (ie…
  • Well depends on what type of carbs you are filling it with. are you filling it with simple carbs? Hello hunger pangs Or are you filling it with a good balance of fiberous fruits and vegetables. PS, .6grams of protien seems low to me. For a 200lb person That's only 6oz per day. That's like 2 boiled eggs a day and a handful…
  • not to derail... but she's got 60lbs to lose. When you are trying to lose more than 20lbs it's about more than just calories. You also have to factor hunger management, emotions, habit change, dieting under stress. I really wish people would quit minimizing a process which is, for some, a complicated approach. Nothing…
  • I literally aint got time for 'dat. Plus we all know how kids shop... I ain't got money for DAT. Me too. I don't have time for that. I live 15 minutes from the closest grocery store. Pluse I only get 2hrs of quality time with my son a day and that includes making dinner, eating dinner, bath time and bed time.
  • Might want to wrap your head around the fact that none of this is exact. There is no way to know exactly how many calories in the food you are eating can be used to raise 1gram of water one degree in temperature. It's a complicated science. Not to mention every person's metabolism is different depending on the amount of…
  • My time is limited. I know that if I don't get into the gym and bust my @SS in the time I have, I won't make any progress. It's amazing how efficient and motivated we become when our resources are scarce.
  • No more than 1x a week. In the mean time focus on what you can control. You cannot actually control your weight. You can only control the things that effect your weight.
  • My solution to this: I keep the package sealed and in a more difficult location (eg a locked drawer) and then when I am ready I use this Oxo jigger glassOXO Jigger glass and measure out my almonds into the bigger 1.5oz cup. THEN I sit the almonds down in front of me and mindlessly eat from the cup. When they are gone...…
  • Nope not even close to active. But that's okay. I'm getting to the gym daily. I'm taking this slow and focusing on progress.
  • so forgive me for playing devil's advocate here but what are you going to do when you fail again? Notice I didn't say "if" I said when. I think first you need to change your mindset about weight loss and food. It's not all or nothing. We all "fail" and there is no perfect diet. Infact, if you obsessed about eating…
  • Then maybe you should be posting this in the "maintenance" forum. We are all trying to lose weight and frankly this type of post is unsupportive, unhelpful, and misleading for anyone "Getting started". Congrats to you on maintaining a 50lb weight loss, but this post is really a slap in the face to anyone just getting…