Pangui Member


  • I agree with the first two responses. It may take a few days to adjust to a whole plant-based diet, but once you do, the temptations of processed sugar and fat diminish and you will start feeling great. It is also very satisfying and you can lose weight without being hungry. You don't need more protein to be healthy. Most…
  • Yup, but I've been holding steady for the past 9 months. I have another 42 to go and make it an even 150.
  • It's not the ratio that dictates your rate of weight loss. Generally, it's the amount of caloric energy you consume. Healthy whole foods will give an advantage over processed packaged foods. My ratio is C:80%, P:10-15%, F:5-10% I eat potatoes, rice and beans all day and still lose weight.
  • Now you are the beautiful one! Congratulations on your progress so far. Doesn't it make nearly every aspect of your life just a little bit better?
  • I just turned 48 and I am so thankful that I found a way to eat that I can live with for the rest of my life, without deprivation or hunger. I intend to be fabulous by 50 and have a big celebration or vacation!
  • If limiting carbs makes you feel bad, please know that you can consume a high carb diet, lose weight and have incredible energy. It works for me and has reversed ALL of my medical conditions. I enjoy eating a ratio of about 80% carbs, 10% protein and 10% (or less) fat. I am fully satisfied and feel like I can eat this way…
  • You are right, but I am sure going to try my best. I shop organic when it's available and I avoid dairy and animal products. I am not afraid of potatoes either. They are one of my staples. Eating this way does not come with a guarantee, but I feel so much better and got off all my medications. I am saving a ton of money on…
  • Oh! I finally see what you are referring to. In my original post, I did refer to "most" cancers as being lifestyle diseases. I guess what I really meant was that the most common varieties of cancer (breast, prostate, colon, endometrial) are largely affected by diet far more than by genetics. Decades of research is now…
  • Yes. It is unfortunate that most medical professionals aren't taught much about nutrition in medical school. There are even quite a few heart surgeons who don't realize that coronary artery disease can be reversed by diet. Doctors may be experts in what they do on a day to day basis, but that doesn't make them nutritional…
  • Hi Ben, You make a very good point and one that I would like to emphasize. This isn't about being "vegetarian" or "vegan". It's about eating healthier. I spent 14 years as a vegetarian/pescatarian and I was morbidly obese and my health was declining. Cheeses, fake cheeses, pre-packaged meals, fake meat products and…
  • I don't get 30-40% of my calories from protein. That would be very unhealthy and it would overwork my kidneys. Standard plant foods provide all the protein I need in just the right proportions, usually between 6-15%. Human breast milk is only 5%-8% protein and that's for a growing baby, when protein needs are high. Too…
  • You are exactly correct that correlation does not equal causation. It would be foolish to rely upon the findings of any given study. Now we have decades of research and tons of studies to show that plant-based diets are ideal. I find it interesting that folks seeking to find support for a high fat high animal protein diet…
  • I grew up next to this small town. My mom owned a flower shop there and we used to joke that at 5 PM on Friday evening, they would roll up the sidewalks. Everything was closed on Saturday. I wish I had known back then that they were onto something with their diet.
  • I have to disagree with this commonly made statement. Complex carbohydrates are equally as satisfying as protein and more satisfying than fat, calorie for calorie and pound for pound. All that fiber (found only in high carb foods) contributes to a sense of satiety as well.…
  • Whole grain bread, pasta and rice aren't the problem. I know that each of us chooses our own path to weight loss. My choice has been "high carb" with no calorie counting. The foods that are addicting are sugar, fats and salt. These are what need to be limited. I've lost over 100 pounds eating lots and lots of starch…
  • Well, I guess I should have titled this thread "Vegans Live Longer and Better". Perhaps that would have spurred a dialogue.
  • My favorite is Maple Grove Farms Fat Free Honey Dijon. I don't buy many items that are processed, but this one is low-calorie, tasty and I use just a little. Google it.
  • Happy 40th! It's not really that old. I am 47 and feel younger than I did in my 30s thanks to my healthy eating. It looks like there are at least 6 of us here with birthdays on February 21st. My current weight is 185 pounds. I would like to be into the 170s by my birthday, so let's say 179. I have been bouncing between the…
  • Sadly, it's not. Exercise alone won't do it either for most folks.
  • While I don't dispute that a meat-eater can have a low cholesterol, I do know dozens of folks who have dropped their cholesterol numbers below 150 eating a whole foods plant-based diet, myself and my husband included. Some people see their numbers drop dramatically in just a few days, other take a few months and some even…
  • Whole food plant-based no oil type vegan here. Since starting this way of eating, I have lost over 100 pounds and I love my food now more than I ever did eating the Standard American Diet. If you are looking for supportive friends on MFP, add me. Lori Lynn
  • I've lost over 100 pounds eating mostly carbs. That's approximately 75% of my calories. That does not include highly processed or refined carbs, but rather the carbs nature provides in the forms of whole fruits, vegetables and whole grains and especially starches. It's very easy and satisfying to eat like this and I know…
  • I had this condition for a few years in my late 30s and early 40s. I even developed heel spurs. However, since wearing Merrill shoes, I no longer have that issue. Do some research and find some shoes that will work for you. I tried all the home remedies and special orthotics. You really just need good footwear. Now that I…
  • All the protein you will ever need can be found in whole plant foods, like potatoes, brown rice and quinoa. Fake meats may be tasty, but they aren't really much healthier than the real thing, if at all. I have never heard of anyone eating a whole foods, plant-based vegetarian diet being hospitalized for a protein…
  • I don't believe there is such a thing as "healthy" oils. Fats should be consumed in or close to their natural state, rather than processed and stripped of fiber and nutrients. It's better to eat an olive than olive oil. Many posters have touched upon the best alternative, which is to make your own dressing from natural…
  • I was a vegetarian for over 15 years and I managed to become morbidly obese. In June of 2011, I saw the film "Forks Over Knives" and I immediately switched to a whole foods plant-based, very low fat vegan diet. I learned that plants contain all the protein we need and that we don't have to worry about it, or calcium for…
  • If it comes in a packet, it's probably not healthy. Try a piece of fruit instead.:smile:
  • I chose a route quite different from most of the responders here. After struggling for decades with my weight, I watched the film "Forks Over Knives" and it changed my life instantly and permanently. I adopted a whole foods plant-based diet, nearly 80% carbs. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and whole grains. Starches,…
  • Follow the principles of calorie density. Use your starches for fullness and satiety. Use your veggies and fruits as volume foods. Minimize oils, nuts and high calorie items. Try to get all of your calories from the first four groups listed below. Fresh Veggies are around 100 cal/lb Fresh Fruits around 250-300 cal/lb…
  • I try to never cheat. That doesn't mean that sometimes I won't give into temptation, or perhaps I have to eat out and there aren't any ideal options. Or sometimes, I may be celebrating a birthday, like mine, and I want to indulge a little. There are far too many holidays and opportunities to overindulge. If I added in…