LF women over 40 who have lost 50+ pounds



  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    47 here. I started Jan. 20, 2011 and by Sept.12 I had lost 58 pounds and I have kept MOST of it off for a year now. No crazy diets here. I wanted this weight loss to be something that I could maintain the rest of my life, not just until the weight was gone.

    Just watching what went in my mouth and counting EVERYTHING that crossed my lips. No "cheat" days since I don't really care for that term. At first I weighed and measured everything. After a while I kinda figured that part out and now I can pretty much tell how many calories are in just about everything. I cut out the unnecessary fats whenever possible. Very rarely do I fry foods at home, but when I go out (see Wendy's) I don't mind eating a burger and fries. I never "super" size the meal and try to work the calories into my daily allotment. Eat more vegetables in their natural state-something green with EVERY meal. Try new foods that you never thought you would like. Try them again and again and again...you will learn to like them.

    I went to the gym at work 6 days a week for an hour everyday before work. Weights one day, running the next, mix it up until you find what you like. I ALWAYS eat back every single one of my calories. I worked for them, I am going to EAT them! I figured MFP worked it into the system this way for a reason so I went with it.

    Everyone is different. Find what works for you. Weight loss will not be linear-I would gain a couple pounds a week after a week in the gym and eating good and wonder what the heck did I do wrong. Keep the eye on the prize and don't lose faith.

    Thanks, I guess I need to relax and think more long term, and not focus on the scale so much. I love veggies, and if I am really hungry on a high workout day, I will eat a little more, but most days I am under goal and am not hungry. Congrats on your success.
  • Please, friend me! Support is so important too!! I have my calories set for 1420, but usually stay under 1400... Glad to have you as a friend!

    Edit: I friended you first!! :)
  • I'm 55 and have lost 34 lbs, 40 lbs is my goal. I eat what the website suggests and right now that is 1230 calories. If I exercise I eat back those calories.

    I stay away from snacking. The only snacks I have are fruit,microwave popcorn and lite ice cream (2-3 times a week). I eat very healthy. I'm always over my protien and usually under the suggested carbs. I don't salt my food and don't eat anything fried. No sweets. And now that I'm 5 months into this, I don't miss any of that. It's like quitting smoking, the cravings are gone.
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    I'm 42 and started mid January. I've lost 55 lbs. I've lost it by simple math, burn more than I take in. I do eat back at least half my exercise calories. My motto is to do what I can do forever and consider this a permanent change as opposed to a temporary one. So, some days I eat way over and some days I'm just on spot. Over all though I just try to make healthier choices and change up my exercise.

    I should also add that I don't bother watching macros, only calories.
  • I started Weight Watcher in Jan 2009, I will be 44 next week... I lost a total of 90 pounds in 3 years...I am actually starting back up again on Oct. 2nd...so I lost the weight by tracking what I ate and I do cardio an hour 5 times a week, my favorite thing is spin class, still going 3 times a week. There is no grand secret...portion control and activity, there is no race...just never give up! I am going back to regain focus and kick it...I have been maintaining the last year and feel like I need the accountability WW provides...Good Luck...
  • Hi, I'm turning 52 on Thursday and started using MFP seriously the first of January this year. I have lost 65 lbs since January, what has worked for me is portion control and exercise. I ate basically what I wanted just not as much and eventually started eathing healthier but still slip some junk in there sometimes. The only exercise I could do in the beginning was walking, I have added to that since the beginning, I use the elipitcal machine, ride a bike, jumping jacks, jump rope just more active. I haven't started the strength training yet but do need to start because I need a lot of toning now. My weight loss has slowed down alot but I thought it would since I am about 20 lbs from my goal. I am also perimenopausal so thought that would make it harder but honestly for me portion control and little exercise is what has worked for me. Good luck and you got this, you can do it if I can I think anyone can.
    I usually eat 1200 calories but go over some days but don't mind cause I do have the exercise calories, don't always eat them back but do sometimes and actually when I do is when I see the scale move.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I havent read all the replies so forgive me if i am repeating someone elses reply!

    i am 44 and have been dieting for 4 months and have lost 11lbs, i have apx 60lb to go so firstly feel free to add me!!!

    Secondly i find the hardest part of it all for me is my PMT (PMS) time. My doctor has informed me i have entered 'the change' and aside from always being either boiling hot or freezing cold i find my appetite is following my PMT pattern with renewed vigour!!!!
    , i seriously have 2 clear weeks of being able to diet and stick to my daily goals well, for the other 2 weeks i am starving,and rarely find i can keep to my calories.... some days i may only be a few clas over and other i will be 300 over, this results in me losing apx 1lb a week, with 4lb in the first 2 weeks and regaining 1 or 2 lb in the second!!!!.

    my point of telling you this is that i many people have said to me that losing weight when your older is hard because your metabolism slows down, im not sure about that fact but i do know that my diet progress is hampered by some sort of hormonal demon......anyone else find this or similar?........

    Yes, definitely our metabolism starts slowing down after 30, and especially after 40. Those of us who were an average weight naturally when we were younger are now having to really work at it to lose or maintain. It's not fair. But I refuse to accept weight gain as inevitable and will fight it every step of the way.

    One thing that has really helped my mood swings is getting off of sugar and simple carbs- white flour, pasta, etc. It isn't easy in the beginning for carb addicts, but if you can do it for 2 days, it gets easier. You will really be amazed at how much better you feel. That is one thing that everyone agrees on for successful weight loss. Upping protein helps you not get hungry while cutting bad carbs out and helps you keep muscle as you lose.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Hi, I'm turning 52 on Thursday and started using MFP seriously the first of January this year. I have lost 65 lbs since January, what has worked for me is portion control and exercise. I ate basically what I wanted just not as much and eventually started eathing healthier but still slip some junk in there sometimes. The only exercise I could do in the beginning was walking, I have added to that since the beginning, I use the elipitcal machine, ride a bike, jumping jacks, jump rope just more active. I haven't started the strength training yet but do need to start because I need a lot of toning now. My weight loss has slowed down alot but I thought it would since I am about 20 lbs from my goal. I am also perimenopausal so thought that would make it harder but honestly for me portion control and little exercise is what has worked for me. Good luck and you got this, you can do it if I can I think anyone can.

    Congrats on your success and thanks for the motivation!
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm 43 and have lost 78 pounds so far with MFP and 100 pounds altogether. I'm not trying for super fast weight loss, I'm trying for a lifestyle that I can still enjoy, and maintain. My net calories are at 1600 to lose a pound a week, and I DO eat back my exercise calories most days.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I chose a route quite different from most of the responders here. After struggling for decades with my weight, I watched the film "Forks Over Knives" and it changed my life instantly and permanently. I adopted a whole foods plant-based diet, nearly 80% carbs. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and whole grains. Starches, including potatoes, are my staples. I can eat all the potatoes I like guilt-free. I am no longer pre-diabetic. Many of the benefits were immediate and dramatic. My skin cleared up and my allergies, acid-reflux and female issues went away. No more chronic bronchitis or sinus problems. My blood pressure dropped and my cholesterol is below 150. I have more energy than ever before in my life.

    Now here I am almost a year and a half later and I am down over 100 pounds at age 47. My rate of weight loss fluctuates as well as my caloric intake. I don't worry about the calories as long as I feel full and satisfied. In fact, dumping all the processed, high fat and heavy foods has left me loving the taste of real natural healthy food. I enjoy a greater variety of foods than I ever ate before. I don't have to count calories, but I try to track my food on MFP to see where I am at. Some days I eat 1800 calories and some days it's only 800, but I am never starving and I get lots of nutrients.

    I try to exercise as well, usually about 120-180 minutes a week. I believe weight loss is 90% the food you eat and 10% exercise. Exercise cannot make up for a bad diet.

    What thrills me most is that I now have a maintenance plan once I reach my goal. It's to just keep eating the same way forever. It's satisfying and it feels great. I no longer crave the sweets or heavy cheesy meals. No longer being a slave to temptation is a wonderful feeling.

    Whatever path you choose, I wish you well. Never stop pursuing knowledge about your health and the food you eat.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I'm 42 and started mid January. I've lost 55 lbs. I've lost it by simple math, burn more than I take in. I do eat back at least half my exercise calories. My motto is to do what I can do forever and consider this a permanent change as opposed to a temporary one. So, some days I eat way over and some days I'm just on spot. Over all though I just try to make healthier choices and change up my exercise.

    I should also add that I don't bother watching macros, only calories.

    Hi, I saw your diary was open so checked it out for a few days. Hope you don't mind. I see actually that you are eating below 1000 most days, which is what I have seen with many women who have lost successfully. Are you not logging all your calories you eat? What you are doing is working apparently, so not judging anything, I just want to be sure exactly what that is that you are doing. Thanks
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Heading out for some social therapy with my sister in law. Will check back this afternoon to read more stories. Thanks SO much ladies for taking the time to share! Have a great day.
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    I am 64 yrs old and had 112 lbs to lose when I started in April of 2011. I have lost 82lbs so far and 30 to go. It can be done, and logging is one of the most important things to do.......I will add u as a friend... Good Luck....Joann
  • gaj87
    gaj87 Posts: 53 Member
    I am 47 with a hypo throid and am anemic. I have lost 70.96 pounds since April 2011. When I started my journey, I told myself "what ever I do , I need to do for the rest of my life. This is a way of life not a diet", so I tired to eat in moderation. Being a binge eater, this was very hard. I also did not try to change everything all at once. I tried to get my eating in order before I added the exercise. I made the commitment to not go more than three days without exercising because once I missed that third day then the fourth and fifth days were easier to skip. I have kept that commitment. I added commitments to drink more water, eat more vegetables and so on.

    When I wanted to binge, I would ask myself "Is this food worth going to the gym and getting on the elliptical for how long it took to work the calories of?" If the answer was no, then I would put the food back. If the answer was yes, then I ate it and did not feel guilty eating it. Sometimes this has worked and other times it didn't, but most of the time it did.

    I only started worrying about calories and journeling my food since March 2012 when my weigh loss slowed down and I had 17 pounds more to lose.

    Now that I've lost my weight, I have hired a personal trainer to work with me.

    For me, little steps is what it is all about. I've gone gung ho before but it never lasted. I do eat my exercise calories back. I told my Personal Trainer that I do cardio so that I can eat chocolate if I want it. I do cardio 5-7 times a week and strength train 3 days a week. My calorie goal is 1200 but I eat between 1400 and 1650.

    My big ah ha moment came when I realized that even when I hit my goal I still would need to watch what I ate. In the past I had it in my head that when I lost weight, I could eat whatever I wanted. I am where I am because I watch what I eat and exercise. This is something I will need to do everyday of my life, so just ask yourself if what you are doing if you can do for a lifetime. If not then twick it to something you can. Make it your own.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    I am 42 year old, 5’10” and now weigh 155 after losing 77 pounds since I gave birth to my daughter and 45 of those pounds in the last 21 weeks. I decided it was going to be all or nothing (the safe way) when I started my journey. I started doing 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training at the gym 5 days a week and going for a walk whenever I could and walking on the weekends or riding the bike. I then started to add in a Zumba or aerobics class here and there. I removed all refined carbs and garbage I knew truly was not good for me from my diet. I have substituted 100 calorie breads, sweet potatoes and brown or wild rice instead in moderation. Introduced lots and lots of fruits and vegetables and good proteins and drink 10-15 glasses of water a day. In the first 16 weeks I only splurged on like 3 things (by personal choice) and logged everything to the penny. I truly wanted to see healthy results happen. I would pick a day like Sunday to have a cheat meal, but not an entire cheat day. The changes started to happen. The system was set up for 1200 calories and I started with that but learned to fill it with healthy dense foods and snacks. Tried to watch the processed foods and sodium intake. I started to eat back half of my work out calories consumed daily so that usually brought me around 1300 to 1400 calories but I cautiously made sure that I was under my carbohydrates and fat and sodium. Only a few to count had gone over. I continued to lose weight every single week with 1 to 2 pounds healthily. The one or two weeks that I only lost .5 to 1.0, I lost several inches instead. If you go lower than listed, yes, you may lose, but will most likely being losing good muscle mass rather than fat or risk gaining it back when you start eating more calories (you don’t want that). Your body needs the fuel like a car to run efficiently. The weight is now falling off and I am now going to adjust my goals since I have met them, but am currently eating each and every work out calorie back with staying under calories to maintain. The calories have now been averaging 1700 and who could complain, I am enjoying eating all the things I love to eat – all within reason. I enjoy going out, but choose to make healthy choices. This is not a DIET, but a LIFESTYLE. Please make the choices to do this healthily. It will work for you with adjustments. If you don’t see results, I would check your measurements as the honesty in the logging has been fool proof for me. Good luck in the journey you choose.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    I'm 51 and have lost 51 lbs in 11 months. I'm glad you started this thread, thank you! It helps me to see that there are more women in our age group on MFP than I knew and our stories are very similar. It's been a long slow process but I just keep plugging away. I try to work out at least 5-6 days a week. Started off just walking mostly and trying to jog (which I absolutely hate) and doing DVD's at home. Now I am doing Zumba, a total body class (just started) and the gym plus I continue to walk just about everyday. I wear a Fitbit to track my miles and a HRM when I do my classes to track my calorie burns. I still need to lose at least 40 more to be at a fairly decent weight.

    Just stay focused and keep trying new things. Eventually you will find what works for you. And you might even find that what works for you changes from time to time. I am given 1700 calories a day by MFP and I eat less but I eat whatever I want just in moderation. I also eat back some of my exercise calories as needed.

    Anyway, thanks again for this and all the best to you in your endeavors.
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    Just remember it took most of us years to put the weight on...it will take time to come off. Slow and steady progress...for me this is not a diet, if I want a beer I drink one. Just always make sure I have room in the days totals for it. :smile: :drinker:
  • I am 49 and will be turning 50 in February 2013. I want to lose a total of 80 lbs. I don't think I will be able to do that by February, but if I could take off 50 by then. I would be so happy.

    I don't have time for the P90X I work a full time job and a part time job. I used to do a kettlebell work out and I loved it but timing is my enemy right now. I just ordered the beachbody 10 min workouts. I was hoping I could do them 1 in am and 1 in evening.
    Has anyone tried them?

    I get sucked in to so many things, so I hope they work. I have messed myself up so many times trying all kinds of crazy fad diets pills drops you name it. Now I am on to eating as clean and sugar free as possible and try to do something every day even if its just walking.

    Any advice anywhere would be truly appreciated.

  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    im 40 in a few weeks.
    lost 52.5lbs since april 2012
    have about 40 more to go.

    increased protein intake ( i eat 2-3 eggs almost every day for breakfast... and try and get some form of high protein with my other meals and snacks. helps me STAY FULL LOOOOOOONGER so im honestly not hungry all the time.)
    increased activity level ( i try and do some form of physical activity every day. generally avg an hour of cardio @ the gym daily)
    increased my water intake. ( def not where i should be, i hate it and have to force myself to drink it, but have significantly improved my intake from where it was)
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    Hello! :wink:

    I'm just about to turn 43 and have managed to lose my weight over 8 months. I joined MFP in January 2012 after losing around 14lbs already. Here's how I've done it....

    Diet: I primarily eat raw foods, but whether raw or cooked, I do not touch processed foods. Anything mass made by man I avoid. Sounds extreme, but convenient foods don't have adequate nutrition and is high in sodium and sugars. I stuck with lean meats, raw nuts & seeds, fresh fruit and veggies. I enjoyed the occasional addition of short grain brown rice, but otherwise Essene bread. I continued to enjoy real butter and a bit of cheese here and there. I would also eat an avocado a day... LOVE them so much. By eating healthy, my digestive system was working beautifully and my skin complimenting my new approach to healthy eating!
    I limited myself to 1500 calories per day and occasionally ate some of my exercise calories. I listened to my body and if I was hungry, I would eat the good stuff. Normally macadamia nuts or almonds.

    Exercise: I joined a gym and got a personal trainer to get me on my way. I would never have worked out so hard on my own. I purchased a Heart Rate Monitor and the information from that increased my enthusiasm and drive to succeed. Simply because I could actually SEE what I was achieving.
    I do various workouts at my gym. Anything from Zumba to kick boxing, aerobics, spinning, belly dancing etc.... anything that is fun and enjoyable. I have learned that I enjoy the interaction and I'm not the most trustworthy person to go around the gym on my own doing treadmill, etc.
    My body has taken shape. I have toned arms and legs and finally, a waist too! It has been SUCH HARD WORK and I'm vowing never to have to do it again. Now I'm in shape, I'll stay this way.

    I am a few pounds away from my goal. I am happy in my new skin and I'm delighted with my achievement. No matter what advice/motivation I was given or what I had researched , my success came from the sheer desire and drive to achieve my goal.

    The only down side is that I now understand and appreciate that when we have lost a lot of weight over the age of 40 - our skin does not recover so quickly. However.... I dry skin brush, moisturise and do what I have to do to keep my skin happy. I still have a bit of a jelly belly but hey, it's not like I'm going to be modelling underwear...... YET! LOL

    I can't say my experience hasn't been life changing. It has. I am either invited to parties more often, or in some cases, less often! Depends who the host(ess) is! he he he he.... I am loving being able to dress in a style that suits my personality and the confidence is amazing!
    I use to feel half the height and twice the width.... Now I feel twice the height and half the width.

    So all I can say is..... WELL DONE FOR JOINING MFP. It is an amazing network with an array of wonderful people, information and support!! All you have to do is to add some focus, commitment & determination! YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!


    ps. I have kept my story reasonably short. If anyone would like detailed information, please feel free to inbox me! :flowerforyou:
  • I am over 40 and have lost 78 lbs to date.

    I cut out all fast food and all soda pop. If I want a carbonated beverage I will drink seltzer water (such as talking rain) that has flavors but no sugars or artificial sweeteners. Overall I strive to only eat healthy, nutritionally balanced foods and meals. I avoid processed foods and try to only shop from the "perimeter" at the store. I try to keep my calories between 1300-1800 per day depending upon how many calories I burn during exercise.

    For exercise I primarily use the treadmill for cardio work outs and am now incorporating strength training. I am also adding some excercise (dance) classes such as Zumba and Latin. I am also changing my treadmill workouts to include more interval training.

    One other technique I use is to wear a pedometer. I try to get a minimum of 5000 steps in a day but my goal is 10,000 per day.

    Good luck and happy stepping.
  • djk721
    djk721 Posts: 59 Member
    I am 51 years old. I started MFP in January, weighing 207 lbs. I quit drinking pop. I get at least 30 min. of exercise every day, mainly walking, and I eat healthy foods 5 times a day--1200 calories a day. I keep my food and exercise journal up to date, with help from my smart phone app. I now weigh 152, which is the smallest I have been in my adult life! Everyone tells me how good I look, but honestly, I still see my fat self when I look in the mirror. I know my clothes are smaller, and my measurements are A LOT smaller. I guess it will take me some time to see the real me!
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    I am 71 and have lost 57 pounds since July 28, 2011. I admit that I eat a fewer calories than 1200!! And I had to walk a couple of miles nearly every day to do it.

    My secret is my HRM. It motivates me. I try to get my HR up on each walk. And it's really fun keeping track.

    My other secret is fear. I fear that I will have a heart attack if I don't do something to clear out my old used-to-be-fat arteries.

    The stories I have read here are all inspiring. Thank you everyone. It helps me commit to the last 25.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    Well, I have to beg to differ with the OP's original statement.

    I lost 55 lbs at age 54. I used exactly the numbers given to me by MFP. I always ate every single one of my exercise calories. I was often way over my calorie goals - by 500-1000 calories. I did regular exercise, used a heart rate monitor, and used those numbers exclusively for exercise. I updated my "goals" here whenever the site asked/prompted me to. It took me seven months, or 1.96 lbs per week, on average.

    I also take thyroid medication, and I've gone through menopause, so you can throw those excuses out, too. I found it is mostly about a long-term consistent pattern. Some weeks I lost nothing, some weeks I lost one pound. But it was a general downward trend.

    I went from 210 to 155, and I have been maintaining for five years.
  • marinemomx2
    marinemomx2 Posts: 143 Member
    I am 47 and lost 62 lbs in a year. I lost more than 30 without exercising at all (not recommended) and then started exercising after about 8 months of changing my eating habits. For me, I made sure I ate 3 meals a day plus snacks and focused on what I was eating. I did not measure, count or anything and it worked for me. I started MFP and then started really tracking what I was eating and how much and lost the rest. I do the 1200 cal/day but I exercise pretty much daily and I do eat most of my exercise calories back. I also do not deprive myself of things that I really want but just do so in moderation. Feel free to add me - I would love to encourage and my food diary is open to my friends :smile:
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi! I am 51 and I lost my first 50 pounds in about 4 months. I have a total of 150 to lose and I have lost 69 so far. I will have my 6 months in next week. I am almost halfway to goal and very happy with my progress.

    I typically eat between 1200-1300 calories a day and exercise 4-5 times a week I mix strength training and cardio. I have a sedentary job where I don't get a lot of activity in but I get lots of activity at home. I DON'T eat exercise calories back though!

    Hope this helps! Good luck to you! :)
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I'm 40 and have lost 38 pounds in 16 months. 22 of those pounds have been lost in the past 4 months = 1 +pound lost/week. On days I don't exercise I eat 1400/day and when I do exercise I usually eat at least 50% of those calories earned. I workout a lot and some days burn almost 2000 calories from long runs but average about 500-700 burned 4 days/week, so that's anywhere from 1900-2500 depending on my exercise.
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
  • andreajp
    andreajp Posts: 52 Member
    First off - thank you for starting this topic and to everyone that has replied. It has been very inspiring and encouraging!

    I don't quite fit your profile (yet) but I am 52 and I have lost 26 lbs. since my highest weight in May. I didn't start MFP until about a month ago and dropped 15 of the 26 since then. My goal is to lose 49-59 more (well see how I look and feel when I hit the first goal).

    According to what I plugged into MFP my calorie intake should be 1290. I never go over that. Usually I am just just barely under 1200. I never eat my exercise calories. I've been walking five days a week and generally I do gardening on the weekends.

    I do want to add in some slightly more aggressive exercise just because I feel like I'm hitting a plateau. I was thinking of doing Jillian's 30 day shred, in addition to the walking, to see if that gets things moving again.

    As for what I eat I try to eat clean. No processed food (except for whole grain bread, store bought hummus and yogurt) and, the thing I really think has helped, I have cut WAY back on alcohol. I was finding that it was so easy to pour a glass of wine while I was cooking dinner, have a glass with dinner and then what the heck what is one more..... Limiting myself to one glass wasn't cutting it. After the first one I would talk myself into the second and third one. Even if I still didn't go over my calories it was just a very poor nutrition choice.

    So now I have two glasses on Sunday. It's my treat for the week.

    I also remeasure my food on occasion. At first I was religious about weighing and measuring things. Then I got good at eyeballing my portions. But I do a status check now and then to make sure the sizes (and calories) aren't creeping up.

    Funny story - my friend is also doing MFP and she bought a new cereal that said it was 150 calories per serving. She cheerfully ate a bowl every day and then was kind of stymied that she had gained weight during the week. She looked at the nutrition label and realized a portion size was 1/3 of a cup and she was eating about 1 1/2 cups a day. Her 150 calorie bowl of cereal was actually closer to 700! She is weighing and measuring everything now.

    If anyone would like to add me as a friend I would love it. I feel like I have found my people!
    FITNLUVINIT Posts: 119 Member
    Debbie I am 48 years old and my husband 49 we are both over 100lbs. over weight (used to be) we started back in March of 2012 and with MFP and exercise we have lost over 100lbs. as of today. I have lost 43lbs. and I make sure I don't starve myself if I want to eat something I just make sure everything is done in moderation. You can feel free to look at my food diary and take note of my calories. Whenever I go to the gym and burn alot of calories I find myself wanting those calories I had burned because I do get more hungry because of the intense workout and I continue to lose. Hope this helps. I am on a 1295 calories but I was on a 1400 calories and changed it, when I exercise heavy I bump it up to anywhere from 1700-1900 depending on my stomach growling at me to feed it heeheee!! You can friend me on here.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
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