LF women over 40 who have lost 50+ pounds



  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hey there! I am 49, perimenopausal, and it took me a full year to lose 55 lbs. (I started out at 222 lbs, size 18). It came off steadily and slowly, and it wasn't hard, just plodded along at a pace I could maintain! I am no 60 lbs down and have never been in such great shape in my life. I am still 20 lbs from my goal, but am in no particular hurry to get there. I am already into size 8 firmly, size 6 if I squeeze.
  • cheree1969
    cheree1969 Posts: 98 Member
    I am 42...almost 43. I have lost almost 40 pounds. Fifty pounds is my first big goal. After that, I would like to lose another twenty. For me, I followed 1200 calories a day and totally changed what I ate. I walked on a treadmill for 30 mins. (most days). The first 30 came off pretty quickly, then I got a little lazy with the exercise and water, but managed to keep up with my 1200 calories.

    Once in a while I allowed myself a meal that was over my daily calories. But for the most part stuck with it. I have since kicked this weight loss into high gear and I am on that treadmill every day again. Hope to see my goal within two months.

    It's a little harder when your a woman and older. But I must say, I feel so much different being lighter. To compare a weight loss, whenever you reach a ten pound goal, go into a grocery store and pick up a ten pound bag of potatoes. I picked up two bags when I hit 20 pound loss. You won't believe how heavy those bags are.
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    I'll have to get back with you on this (hopefully in the near future)
  • aprueitt
    aprueitt Posts: 91 Member
    I just turned 48 and I have lost 29 lbs in 5 months. I cut my carbs between 100-150 a day. It is a slow process. I eat what I want, I just stay between those numbers and I try to stay between 1700-1800 calories a day. This has worked for me and I don't feel deprived or starving.
  • I'm 43 years old and I started changing my eating habits on 8/8/2012. I started at 262 pounds- a tight jean size 18 and I'm 5'8" tall- had high blood pressure- desk job and no exercise. I am around 236 pounds now, almost a month and a half later- down 26 pounds- tight jean size 12- no more blood pressure medicine. My bp has been around 120/73. I weigh every morning because it inspires me to do better and make a conscious effort to try hard each day to eat healthy and work out. I work out on the treadmill four to five times a week for 45 minutes to an hour, started at a speed of 3.1- now at 3.6. If you do a machine, you need some good music because it is boring as heck. Music makes a world of difference to me. Basically, my goal calories per day are 1,360. I am usually a bit under my goal calories, due to working out as much as I do. I watch everything I buy now- most things have tons of sodium. When I make soup or anything else, I buy low sodium broth and veggies. I don't eat boxed foods, cut out pop and most junk foods. I eat greek yogurt every day, nuts, fruits, veggies, salmon or fish, chicken breast, lean red meat a couple times a week, lots of water and some green tea. I have cut portion sizes back. I don't pig out like I used to. I dropped a lot of weight the first month, which I know is a lot of water weight that you lose in the beginning. It's not coming off as fast now and I even get stuck at a certain weight for days at a time now. I have a goal to lose another 36 pounds by Christmas. I will do everythig in my power to achieve this. My main goal was to get off the blood pressure medicine and be healthier, which I have already achieved so I'm very happy. My BMI is still higher than it should be. The BMI chart in my opinion is crazy because I am a very big boned person and everyone carries their weight differently. Nobody ever believes that I weigh as much as I do because I do carry my weight well. It's good to get advice from other people and hear their success stories and see their before and after photos. This actually inspires me. You have to be ready- both mentally and emotionally to make an effort to lose weight. I have tried so many times and have given up because I felt deprived. I don't deprive myself. We treat ourselves to dinner out, at least one time every two weeks or when the need arises. The thing is that this has to be something you can live with and something that "you" can do, if you make it too rigid- you won't succeed. I actually look forward to working out now. I can't wait to get off work at the end of the day and go burn the treadmill up. When I leave the gym, my clothes are soaked, my hair is wet underneath, I feel stress free and accomplished. Instead of sitting at my desk job all day like I used to, I make myself go walk for a half hour three or so days per week. It's amazing that your focus changes so much as you get to middle age. You just want to be healthy. We are over 40 years old and our metabolism crawls, so I know what you mean about wanting to hear from us older folks and what works for us. Drives me nuts on here when girls put their pregnancy photos on here, with a side picture at nine months pregnant and then say they lost thirty pounds after the birth of their baby and show a side view after the birth. Well, you will lose it after a baby and especially at 22 years old. There's just no comparison to a young girl that's pregnant and an older lady who is overweight from years of eating unhealthy. Anyway- just my own little opinion. I wish you luck! It can be done. Make sure that you get on here everyday and log your calories, weight loss and exercise. Make friends that can offer inspirational ideas, encouragement and this can make you be accountable. My husband is in this journey with me and we are doing it together, which makes it easier. GOOD LUCK!
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    Hey there! I am 49, perimenopausal, and it took me a full year to lose 55 lbs. (I started out at 222 lbs, size 18). It came off steadily and slowly, and it wasn't hard, just plodded along at a pace I could maintain! I am no 60 lbs down and have never been in such great shape in my life. I am still 20 lbs from my goal, but am in no particular hurry to get there. I am already into size 8 firmly, size 6 if I squeeze.

    This is very important to note - younger 40's still have a greater metabolism, energy levels and usually aren't going through the hormonal changes so If you are 48 and older - expect more obstacles.
  • fattypattybinger
    Okay well I haven't lost 50 pounds but I am wanting to lose 40 pounds. I am 52.
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    YOU are an inspiration.

    A week ago, I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2. My life completely changed. I'm 45 and have over 60 pounds to lose. Before, I was on a 1200 calorie diet and was losing Maybe a pound every 2 weeks, if I was lucky. This went on for months. Then, in order to control my blood sugar, I had to go on an extremely low carb diet. I'm still trying to get it under 30 grams a day. Out went all of the breads, crackers, potatoes, corn, and pastas. The diabetic forum I joined a few days ago said I needed a high protein, lots of fat, and Extremely low carbs, no fruit. I thought they were Crazy. But, after 3 days I lost 4.2 pounds! I still kept it under 1200 calories, for the most part.. and I feel stuffed. My blood sugars are primarily Normal. I'll say that again. My blood sugars are, for the most part, Normal. When I was diagnosed, they were in the 300's! (70 to 110 is normal between meals, and nothing over 140 is normal 2 hours after meals). Apparently, my triglycerides will be normal, too, if I follow this diet. We'll see.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I am 49 and 5'6"

    I have lost 27 pounds in 6-7 months. A pound a week give or take.

    All calorie counting. The first 4 months at 1200 and once I hit 150 I went to 1525 which is the number I got for my goal of 145.

    I move (dance, walk, run, 30 day shred) what ever at least 4-5 times a week.

    I just got a pedometer 2 weeks ago and my goal is never to be under 10,000 steps in a day. I average 15,000...so far so good!

    Slow and steady wins the race!
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I am 43 and have lost 45 pounds in 30 weeks (still have 45 to go). When I started on MFP, I set it to lose 2 pounds a week and for a while was doing all right. Then about 6 weeks ago, I started gaining and losing the same 2 pounds every week. I decreased my projection to lose 1.5 a week and do eat all my calories (1390 a day now) plus up to half my exercise calories and that seems to have started the weight loss back up. Overall I averaged 1.5 pounds a week and I am very happy with that. I work out 5 - 7 days a week. I put in miles (running and walking) 4 days a week, stationary bike twice, circuit training twice, strength training twice and have recently started the 30 Day Shred and do that 2/3 times a week. My only diet changes have really just been tweaks...instead of a nice juicy burger for dinner, I have 2 ground turkey burgers with no bun. Instead of half a Digiorno pizza for dinner at 1,050 calories, I have half of a Newman's Own thin crust pizza for 450 calories. If there is a special occassion and I go out to dinner, I eat without guilt, but still log everything. Someone asked me the other day if it has been hard to lose this first 45 pounds and when I really thought about it, no it hasn't been. I don't deprive myself from something I might want. I just make sure it fits into my calories for the day. I have learned to really love going to the gym and the park to the point where I feel guilty about taking a day off (even though I know my body needs rest).

    Good luck! Friend me if you want some support from a stranger!
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    41 here and lost my first 50 in 7 months...the rest has been coming off slowly. I cut out diet coke and breads and began walking. I now eat pretty much whatever I want, just not big portions and am still walking (addicted to it) and have started to lift weights. This time last year I was a size 1x in shirts and 20 in pants. I am now a L in shirts and 14/16 in pants. The day I reach a size 12 in pants I am going to scream for joy!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't qualify because I haven't lost enough weight (but if you have 50, you'll soon catch up to where I started), and I was 38 when I started losing, 40 now, but I eat quite a lot. 1350-1600 + exercise calories to lose, for a total of 1800-2000. Currently trying to just eat 2000 flat instead of adding exercise calories, and still losing.

    I used to believe that I had to eat under 1000 a day to lose, but I was very very very wrong.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I'm 48, 5'7" and 186 lbs. right now

    I started mid-January of this year (240 lbs.) eating 1400-1500 calories a day and putting in maybe 3-4 hours of cardio a week. (For me, cardio is mainly walking on a treadmill or outside to the store.)

    My cardio has dropped significantly since we moved and don't belong to the fitness club anymore, but I am still getting in at least an hour a week, sometimes 2. Yesterday I upped my calories because I had been super hungry for several days in a row, but I may drop them back down. I've been running at 1400 calories a day and eating back most of my exercise calories, and losing weight steadily but not too fast.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    47 here. I started Jan. 20, 2011 and by Sept.12 I had lost 58 pounds and I have kept MOST of it off for a year now. No crazy diets here. I wanted this weight loss to be something that I could maintain the rest of my life, not just until the weight was gone.

    Just watching what went in my mouth and counting EVERYTHING that crossed my lips. No "cheat" days since I don't really care for that term. At first I weighed and measured everything. After a while I kinda figured that part out and now I can pretty much tell how many calories are in just about everything. I cut out the unnecessary fats whenever possible. Very rarely do I fry foods at home, but when I go out (see Wendy's) I don't mind eating a burger and fries. I never "super" size the meal and try to work the calories into my daily allotment. Eat more vegetables in their natural state-something green with EVERY meal. Try new foods that you never thought you would like. Try them again and again and again...you will learn to like them.

    I went to the gym at work 6 days a week for an hour everyday before work. Weights one day, running the next, mix it up until you find what you like. I ALWAYS eat back every single one of my calories. I worked for them, I am going to EAT them! I figured MFP worked it into the system this way for a reason so I went with it.

    Everyone is different. Find what works for you. Weight loss will not be linear-I would gain a couple pounds a week after a week in the gym and eating good and wonder what the heck did I do wrong. Keep the eye on the prize and don't lose faith.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I am 46...5'7' tall, my starting weight was 205 (on April 16th) as of today I have lost 42.5lbs. My first goal is 45lbs and my next goal is another 10-15lbs. A wise person one told me that "You can't exercise away a bad diet", that has helped me so much. I log and weigh everything I put in my mouth. I log my food before I eat it...you can't take it back once you've eaten it! I exercise 3X a week, I am working on the weight first and when I reach my first goal I will worry about toning. My macros are set at 40 carbs, 30 protein and 30 fat. My food diary is open... Best advice is be strict with yourself...I have been "treating" myself for the last 20 years!

    I have the same macros set for mine, and that is the time frame I am shooting for. Congrats on your success. I know I have to be 100% on my diet. Just 'cutting back' and 'watching what I ate' is how I creeped up to this weight. I am at 1200 p/d now and am maintaining, so am considering lowering it a bit, at least a couple of days a week, so I can lose 1 pound a week. The lower cal level has worked for many women my age, but other people scream "eat more!" I am far from starving. I get enough protein that I don't get really hungry ever, and have cut out all simple carbs and sugars, so no cravings, mood swings, or fatigue. I have lots more energy now and much less joint pain, so I know I am doing right with what types of food I am eating. I just now need to figure out the calorie level that works for me. And get more movement thru out the day. With a few exceptions, seems like so far the vast majority of older women being successful in losing and keeping it off are not averaging over 1200-1500/day and are getting a lot of consistent activity in daily. Many of them are doing it at 900-1000 safely and longterm. BTW, your diary wasn't open when I checked. It may be open only to your friends as mine is. Would like to add you if you don't mind. Thanks
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I am 44 and 5'9", I started at 297lbs on 23rd May this year, I have logged my food, exercised a whole lot (although that is not new), I do not eat my exercise calories unless I am on holiday (vacation) and I have always stayed within my calorie goal. I never eat less than 1200 calories, I probably average 1300 per day.
    I have lost 59lbs so far

    I am doing the C25K 4 times a week, walk my kids to school every day, a Body Pump class each week and I try to fit at least 1 swim in a week too

    Good luck
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm 44 and had a total hysterectomy in April. I'm also a fairly newly diagnosed diabetic and heard it would be difficult to lose. I'll be honest, but I thought I would have more trouble losing than I have. I've been eating around 1400-1500 calories a day (and watching my carbs) and I'm losing just under 2 pounds a week (some of it came off before surgery/MFP). I'm doing moderate exercise (a brisk 35-50 minute walk) about 5 times a week. I still have quite a bit to lose and I won't be surprised if/when the weight loss slows. Everyone is different and we just have to figure out what works for us.
  • shalonda110
    I am glad you posted this. This is EXACTLY what has been on my mind, too.
  • PinkyFran
    I havent read all the replies so forgive me if i am repeating someone elses reply!

    i am 44 and have been dieting for 4 months and have lost 11lbs, i have apx 60lb to go so firstly feel free to add me!!!

    Secondly i find the hardest part of it all for me is my PMT (PMS) time. My doctor has informed me i have entered 'the change' and aside from always being either boiling hot or freezing cold i find my appetite is following my PMT pattern with renewed vigour!!!!
    , i seriously have 2 clear weeks of being able to diet and stick to my daily goals well, for the other 2 weeks i am starving,and rarely find i can keep to my calories.... some days i may only be a few clas over and other i will be 300 over, this results in me losing apx 1lb a week, with 4lb in the first 2 weeks and regaining 1 or 2 lb in the second!!!!.

    my point of telling you this is that i many people have said to me that losing weight when your older is hard because your metabolism slows down, im not sure about that fact but i do know that my diet progress is hampered by some sort of hormonal demon......anyone else find this or similar?........
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