

  • This begs the question, is it appropriate for me to take my little scale to my mother-in-law's for Thanksgiving? I could slip it under my plate to find the weight of my food...
  • Wow! I'm impressed; keep up the good work!
  • I have been stuck for about three weeks, after losing about 11 pounds. This is my second "plateau," and I'm discouraged too. I think your idea about focusing on the good (at least I'm not gaining) is the right attitude. Stick with the plan. Sometime there will be a day that just kick-starts'll drink extra water,…
  • If I had any Japanese eggplant, this is what I'd do with it!:flowerforyou: Simple and elegant...and quick!
  • I don't have any particular recipes to share, but my family all prefer brown rice to white in any dish that calls for rice. It's nutty and more flavorful. Just have to add 2 1/4 cups of water (instead of 2) for each cup of rice, and cook longer, usually about 45 minutes for me on the stovetop.
  • My husband has a lot more to lose than I do and he just doesn't pay attention to what he puts in his mouth (tries to "keep up" with our fit and exercise-prone teenager). I'm trying to set an example, and get him interested, kind of like theflyingartist posted above. Those are all good ideas. Good luck! It's hard to sit…
  • Wow! you look fabulous! I especially like the hiking picture; you look so happy ;) Thanks for the inspiration
  • good luck! i joined 50 days ago and I have lost about 9 was pretty easy but i just had to be careful to measure EVERYTHING. got a good little scale to help me for under 20 bucks. i especially like that i can use this app on my smartphone too, and that i can enter recipes that i make
  • I keep a big Hershey dark chocolate bar on hand. One block of that is 12 grams, 53 calories. If I have that many left at the end of the day, I give myself a rich reward! Satisfies my craving...
  • Welcome to the group! I have been tracking my progress on this site for about a month and a half and have lost about 7 pounds so far. What I really like is that I can log what I eat and my exercise using my mobile phone, and also I can enter my own recipes. (I really like to try new things and that helps a lot!) This is…
  • Welcome! I've been doing this for about a month; trying to lose slowly and have lost about 7 pounds so far...on a plateau I think. What I like best is that I can enter recipes of my own...that way I'm not discouraged from trying new things. My husband and I love to cook and try new recipes. Best of luck to you!
  • Remember 3500 calories = 1 pound, so a cutback of 500 calories/day means a pound in a week. I joined about the same time as you and I've only lost 7, but I'm not cutting back as much (trying for 1450 per day). So hang in there and know that you're doing the right thing. It will happen!
  • Good work! I think the exercise is the thing that does it, as long as calories stay within a reasonable weekly average.
  • You're not obsessed, you're goal-oriented! Hang in there...
  • Nice thing about this site (and the mobile app) is that you can see HOW you've been eating during the day, not just how you can balance out the carbs, protein, fat. It's helped me to make sure I get more fruit and veggies, since they are such calorie-cheap snacks!:wink:
  • good luck! be'll learn so much
    in Hello Comment by lockermama June 2011