

  • Our area has a glow minature golf or outside minature golf. We also did the bowling thing and last night did Wii bowl at home. Going to a Japanese steak house where they cook in front of you might be fun. Not exercise, but neat anyways. : )
  • I guess I'd say as long as it's only every once in a while (3-4 times a year) that I wouldn't worry about letting him sleep over. He may very well come to the conclusion on his own that he would rather have it at your house due to the smoking thing. I wouldn't let him go in their car though - that just seems like way too…
  • I found working out made my cramps worse. Pain makes me stressed though, so it might help you if you're not wimpy like me :ohwell: As far as cravings, my big discovery was that I needed to eat what would satisfy me. This cut out all the grazing that I did as I tried NOT to eat what I really wanted. I mean, if I want a…
  • All of you are doing so wonderful! Keep it up! You know, I was at the mall last week and texted my cousin all the things I wanted to buy (to eat) but was being strong, doing this challenge, and so I passed it by - and what a glorious list it was! Coney dog, Godiva, pretzel with honey mustard, cream puff sundae, french…
  • HI Team 4! This is the first challenge I've ever done and I'm so geeked that I allready lost 2lbs! Would be so nice if it continued! I'm married with 2 kids and tend to stress eat. Plus I do all the cooking so I'm constantly tasting things for taste and temp with the kids so needless to say the weight kind of creeped up on…
  • 5 years after the birth of my son, I still have a little of that "jelly belly" going on - similar to what you have I suspect. My doc said that reverse situps would help tighten it up and that there's still hope to get rid of most of it! Good luck to both of us! :)
  • Just something to keep in mind - did you eat something you LIKED? I mean, I've found that if I eat a blah sandwich with blah carrot sticks, then I tend to feel hungry after (though it's probably all mental). Sometimes perking it up just a little - spicy mustard/a little coleslaw on my sandwich/hot peppers or even a little…
  • I've had the same problem recently. I did take a week off - though not on purpose. Just was SOOO busy that it wasn't possible to get a "real" workout in. I still kept track of calories (though I went over) and I made a point to do the little things - park far away, walk up to the store with my kids but the treadmill and…
  • Needed to see that! Yes, I promise to eat within my calories every day I promise to drink my water, without making excuses I promise to lift my weights I promise to make exercise a priority I promise to log everything that passes my lips And, I promise to not let all this be an excuse to not get other things done I CAN do…
    in I promise Comment by Rensco June 2010
  • Welcome! It's a great site and all the people seem really nice! I've been amazed at how much logging my calories has helped :flowerforyou:
    in New Comment by Rensco June 2010
  • I've had a similar problem when I eat fast food now - doesn't matter what the fat or calorie content, just doesn't agree. Not so bad with sit down restaurants, but I look up nutrition info before I go there and it seems to work. Don't know why it doesn't with fast food. Anyhow, I've found that I have to just not eat at…
  • My 3yr old fell and started crying and I jumped off the treadmill while it was in motion to get over to him (he was fine). The only thing was when I got back on I kind of forgot it was in motion, jumped on and twisted my ankle. Duh!!! Why I didn't just stop it before I got on is beyond me.... :smile:
  • Hi there! You're not alone - I only have 2 kids but am in a similar situation. Yah, don't know if the pouch will ever go away after a c-section????? Mine doesn't seem to have changed much but would be nice to look better in a bathing suit (I've got the fat back going on too)! I've found that this site has really shown me…
  • Call/see your doctor or obgyn. They have direct and personal knowledge of your body frame, weight gain/loss over time, physical health and have access to all the charts. They'll be able to say "hey, you're fine where you are" or "if you lost a few more it'd be fine but don't go lower than XXX". I found my obgyn was best to…
  • I've got friends like that. Sometimes it makes you wonder why they're you're friends, eh? :ohwell: Mine got better after a month or so and hopefully yours will too. Too, just remember, you can eat with them wherever they want to go - you just have to make good choices. I try and research the place I'm going before I go, so…
  • Thank you for the laugh! Breastfeeding is SO worth it but also such a challenge! Gotta love husbands - they can be wonderful but I swear they're wired differently and just don't think! :laugh:
  • I don't have much to loose and only get 1200 calories a day. I've had the same issue. What I had suggested to me was that I needed to eat more things that were more down to nature or more closely resembled the original source. So I did a few little things like switched to whole grain english muffins instead of white ones.…
  • I'm in a similar boat - hit middle age and started putting it on. Oh joy! Trying to loose since I turn 40 this year. Feel free to friend me! The site is wonderful!
  • Congratulations and thankyou for the motivational picture! That's what I'm striving for....well, more or less since I'm female :smile: Also, thanks for the enjoyable photo! :wink: Seriously though, good job!
  • Give your doctor or obgyn a call. They should be able to tell you over the phone what your "ideal" weight should be. My obgyn told me the last time I was in for a checkup, but I did have to ask. After two kids, my advice would be to be as close to or at your ideal weight as possible. If you breastfeed after, you'll…
  • Make sure you're meeting your protein goal - I've found I get really shaky and/or cold if I don't meet that. Also, like the others, I've found that once I lost a couple of pounds, I do get cold a lot faster. That's the only thing I WILL miss about having more weight on me! LOL!
  • Fresh blackberries (1/2 cup) with Redi whip. Gives me fruit but the whip cream adds creamy texture and the sweetness I crave and is surprisingly low in calories! Sam's Club has a great deal on blackberries too - 12oz for $3. Makes it worth going there once a week just to get them! Too, K2O lemonade mix is great tasting and…
  • Haven't tried crystal light but that sounds good enough to try! Thanks for the tip!
  • I don't know the answer to your question but wanted to say, don't forget that in the exercise database you can use "cleaning" and "gardening" for exercise. I've used that on the days when I know all I've done is majorly clean house all day or worked outside. Was nice since it did give me my excuse for a bite of candy or a…
  • Welcome! I'm a fellow mom trying to loose weight though my youngest is 3 now. Did great after my first one was born but put it on after the second and just haven't gotten rid of it. I want to be the Mom that doesn't "look" like a Mom when my oldest hits school. Since that's in the fall, figure I'll get moving now. Good for…
  • Funny, I do the same thing! If I'm entering my food on the computer, at least I'm out of the kitchen and away from the food! :wink: Welcome though! I've been doing this for almost a month and have lost 4lbs to my delight! I wish you the same success or better!
  • You CAN do it! Just remember it's one step at a time. You're making a lifestyle change to last your entire life. It took you years to get to where you are, so you can't expect to change it all in a few days. A little at a time and you'll be fine! And it WILL come! Good luck!
  • I've been keeping a zone bar in my purse and found that they do fill you up. Could do one of those for lunch along with your favorite fresh fruit. I've also done Potbellys sandwich works - if you get a sandwich from there, you can eat 1/2 for lunch and 1/2 for dinner along with fruit/veggies or a single serving of chips.…
  • I haven't been doing this long but I would say that if you need a break for a week, take it. You've been doing it long enough to know the drill (watch your calories/serving sizes and exercise) and can probably judge it all for yourself. Maybe weigh yourself before you take the week off and then after a week. Obviously if…
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