10 down by Christmas (CLOSED) Team 4

Hellloooooo Team 4

Your Captain is away and I wanted to keep in touch with you all so I'm starting new a new thread. (hope you don't mind Brooke :flowerforyou: hehe )

How is everyone doing?

Please introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit bout yourself

I'll start I'm Julie I'm poaching your team this week hehe :glasses: <- bahaha that's hillarious I'm like the fitness mafia or something ha I love these little smileys though I know I'm probably driving everyone crazy with them but they're great there's one for everything!

Oh yes back on topic,

I'm so excited about tis 10 down by Christmas challenge. I am thrilled at the prospect of only having one chin in the christmas photos. That is my goal :laugh:


  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    Hi everyone!!
    I am Kay - I have hypothyroidism and gallbladder issues, so its been super hard to lose wieght, but I am so so excited to be down 2.8 lbs in the first week! Maybe I can lose it after all! :happy:

    my main goal is to be more aware of what goes in my mouth, and look better for the New Years trip we have planned to the inlaws! It would be fun to be noticeably thinner this time around.:wink: I had lost 5 lbs before this challenge, so if I lose the 10 I plan to before Christmas, it will be 15 lbs, and that would be a good chunk of my weightloss goal.
    I am ashamed to say I only walked 1 day out of last week - so booo on my keepingup with the fitness challenge! :grumble: :frown: And we are leaving today for a weekend away with family, so it will be hard to do the goals this weekend - but maybe next week. So glad you started this thread. I was considering starting it myself! :smile:
    Yay for team 4!!!!
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    Hi everyone!!
    I am Kay - I have hypothyroidism and gallbladder issues, so its been super hard to lose wieght, but I am so so excited to be down 2.8 lbs in the first week! Maybe I can lose it after all! :happy:

    my main goal is to be more aware of what goes in my mouth, and look better for the New Years trip we have planned to the inlaws! It would be fun to be noticeably thinner this time around.:wink: I had lost 5 lbs before this challenge, so if I lose the 10 I plan to before Christmas, it will be 15 lbs, and that would be a good chunk of my weightloss goal.
    I am ashamed to say I only walked 1 day out of last week - so booo on my keepingup with the fitness challenge! :grumble: :frown: And we are leaving today for a weekend away with family, so it will be hard to do the goals this weekend - but maybe next week. So glad you started this thread. I was considering starting it myself! :smile:
    Yay for team 4!!!!

    I know exactly what you mean Kay. It can be so hard to lose weight with health issues going on.I have an autoimmune condition and the steroids just crush my attempts at times BUT IT CAN BE DONE!!!:smile:

    If you only walked one day last week and lost 2.8lbs just imagine what you could lose if you walked all 7 days?? :noway:

    Haha well done that is a fantastic loss for week 1 !!! :flowerforyou:
  • msenior
    msenior Posts: 171 Member
    Hey Team 4
    I'm Maxcine. I am thrilled to be part of this challenge. I joined mfp with the intention to lose weight and keep it off for life. It has made me aware of what I am eating and also help me better understand food labels.
    My holiday pictures in 2010 was not great at all in my swim wear and I am planning another holiday for 2013 ( i know it looks far away) but if i start losing from now I will be able to wear a yellow size 12 bikini for that holiday.
    If I lose 10 lbs for christmas, I will be buying 3 pairs of shoes. 1 blue, 1 red and 1 purple. Killer heels.
    I also gain so much confidence since I joined mfp. The weight loss has given me so much confidence, its unbelievable. I didn't thought I would wear heels. A BIG THANK YOU MFP.
    I am a single mom with two kids, very demanding role, especially working full time. I get my kids involved in healthy eating as well and its amazing for them too.
    Hope you all know me a bit better now. LETS ROLL TEAM 4.
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Hello Team 4
    I'm Lilian, this is the first challenge I've joined, I haven't been a member for long but I kept seeing other challenges on the community board. When I saw this one I thought "why not" I'm excited about it. I'm super pumped. For the new year I want to say goodbye to the 90kg's for ever, so my aim is to get really close to 80kg's so that's roughly about 20lbs I'm currently 89kg's.
    I've changed my way of thinking and am thinking that my normal is a slimmer me, that this now isn't normal. I can't wait to look better, feel better and run around with my children without getting tired. We also want to have another child, and I'm refusing to weigh too much and hurt my body unnecessarily. So let's dig our heels in and get moving! We can all DO IT! that's we are here right? :wink:
  • PeytonSwan
    PeytonSwan Posts: 56 Member
    Heyaa :)!
    ( great idea of opening this group @fortysixpounds!)
    Well I just took a look at our wonderful spreadsheet and have to say : Great job @ us all and especially aranchmom &premiumchilenita&mseniour & resco you really did massive (2-3 lbs lost !) Keep on going guys :)!

    The first week was kind of tricky for me, some of you noticed that I had a hard time with eating ( too much >.< - still I lost :o ) but hopefully I'm going to be back on track again next week :) !
    My real name is Kelly, I live in Germany, so my time zone might be a little bit different than yours. I don't really have to lose weight (I'm in normal range), but I struggle with an eating disorder ( for those who are wondering, when they take a look at my food diary ) and am just trying to find the weight I'm comfortable with.
    I admire and am amazed of all you who are doing it the healthy way - it's definitely better !
    MFP has definitely helped me getting a new perspective of how you should eat to be healthy, maybe I'll get there someday :)!

    But for now, let's kick those *kitten* of the other teams ;D!
  • Rensco
    Rensco Posts: 36
    HI Team 4!

    This is the first challenge I've ever done and I'm so geeked that I allready lost 2lbs! Would be so nice if it continued! I'm married with 2 kids and tend to stress eat. Plus I do all the cooking so I'm constantly tasting things for taste and temp with the kids so needless to say the weight kind of creeped up on me. I went to a baby shower 2 weeks ago and wore my dress pants and actually pulled my back struggling to get them closed! LOL! Quite an eye opener. :cry: I'd love to be able to fit into them by Christmas.

    I'm doing more (some!) exercise - swiming twice a week and trying to walk. I love that this week's challenge is something I can do in the house!

    Anyhow, we can do this! Go Team 4! :smile:
  • Hey Team 4

    My name is Alyssa and I'm 24 years old! A couple of years ago some idiot ran into my car head on and I broke both my kneecaps and my ankle. Without being able to walk for a couple of months and minimal exercise for a while after I piled on the kilos (I'm from Sydney, Australia!). I would love to be the same weight I was in the final year of high school! Already I have lost 14kg from my heaviest weight! Only 8 more to go!
    This is my first ever MFP challenge and am enjoying the push with the mini exercise goals which I am adding to my normal exercise routine! Loving this week and am taking it a bit further and running up the stairs for 5 minutes instead of walking. Look like a total beet root.
    I was also thinking we could have a mini team challenge. We should all do the 1 minute of jumping jacks counting how many we could do at the beginning of the week ad comparing it to the number we can do at the end. I bet we could all increase our numbers by a couple!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Nice to meet you all!

    Im back and back on track now. I had an amazing 30th birthday, it was probably one of the best holidays Ive ever had. But as always, too much food and drink (even threw in a bottle of Moet to celebrate the big day!). I wont lie - I have gained a few pounds, but in the last 2 days Ive already dropped 1.5 of those, so I am back with avengace!!

    Today I ran my first fun run ever. 3.6kms, and finished with 22 minutes and 20 seconds. I felt so alive when it was over. It may have been the first, but it wont be the last - Im going to enrol in all the runs I can in our area - its awesome motivation! (Oh Alyssa, Im in Canberra - just down the road!).

    Well awesome work showing on the spreadsheet guys. If there are any of you who havent uploaded your data, please do. Fourtysixpounds has gone to a massive effort to set this up and we've all committed. Its an incredible opportunity for us all to make the most of this challenge - and its for the best of us!! Together we are stronger :)

    Alyssa - I love the idea of 1 minute of jumping jacks! (are these star jumps.... I grew up in Tasmania, we have funny names for things lol). Anyone else up for it? We could also report each day on how were going - like with calories and exercise, even water. Doesnt have to be a huge blog, just a few lines. Im also back online and happy to help out with messages or any other support I can offer in times of crisis!
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    yes! I like that challenge, I started at 45 jumps, I'll see how far I go today :tongue:
  • msenior
    msenior Posts: 171 Member
    Hey team 4
    How you all doing. Didnt manage to drink all that water. today I was stuck on a train for 3 hours. I could not drink any water. I wanted to we so badly and the toilet door was stuck as well. i thought I was going to wet myself.
    I will be doing my stairs tonight and jumping jacks.
    Good luck every one.:drinker: