

  • while in China, I ate (not all at once) shark fin soup, a sea cucumber in some weird fishy green broth, and bird's nest soup....just gonna leave this here -'s_nest_soup After I asked my boss what the soup was, I stopped eating it. So gross!
  • Your story will definitely inspire many folks. Congrats on losing so much in just 34 days. This site is an eye opener for sure. I'm happy you're taking your health into your own hands and sticking with it. You're right...this is a lifestyle change. My brother has Trigeminal neuralgia....I had never heard of it until he was…
  • I just picked up Crystal Light Pure which is made w/ Truvia and has zero preservatives or artificial flavors. I only found 2 flavors in my local Publix, but the others on their website sound good.
  • It needs fat to melt.....and w/ a low fat content, it won't melt very well. If you add a small amount of EVOO or something like that, it should help it a little. When I make anything baked in the oven w/ FF cheese on top, I drizzle some oil over it and it helps it along. Good luck!
  • I agree w/ all of the above. I went through the first 3 cycles and lost 12lbs total and hardly exercised. Then I stopped for a bit because I got tired of cooking dinner almost every night. I know I have alot more to lose, so I picked it back up again this week. I'm motivated to work out a bit more and try different foods.…
  • Drink your water, watch your sodium intake, and also be aware of what you eat and when you eat it. Sugar and carbs should be kept to a minimum in the late afternoons and evenings. I started my weight loss journey 3 years ago at 201lbs. I've been slowly loosing. I've learned alot in the process. Also, don't give up!!!! :D…
  • My mom (who is 63) has been a type 2 diabetic for about 15 years and has seen amazing results by just eating a strict vegan diet. She's been vegan for about 7 years and is now off all of her diabetes meds. She has regular doctor visits and always checks out fine. She still has certain cookies and breads (which are vegan),…
  • Totally makes sense. It's in my right leg, which is my stronger side. I'll try to even out my lunges. thanks so much.
  • Question.....and it maybe a silly one. Does anyone have sore muscles on one side of their body??? My right outer thigh hurts when squatting or going to sit. And especially when doing the side and forward lunges. Could I be doing the exercises wrong?
  • Gonna do D3 tonight....legs are feeling like jello though. And I feel myself getting tired of her saying "I could always use a little chest fly in my life".....annoying!!!
  • Day 1 down! It was a little tough but I pushed through. The only thing I adjusted was the lunges and arm raises. I alternated arms on the lunges. I am also using 5lb weights. Noodle arms are in my future, I'm sure. :) Good luck all!!
  • I'm a newbie too! I've just been using the MFP to track my meals for the 17 Day Diet and haven't really posted in the boards. I've decided to start the 30 Day Shred tonight after work. Do any of you guys do additional workouts with this?? In the past, I did several days of the Shred and know it kicks your I…