30 Day Shred - Starting Around June 13th



  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I just finished L1D3!
    It was a world easier than the past two days! I was still sweating buckets and groaning as I did the moves, but it seemed to go a lot faster! I could tell my endurance has improved just in the past few days! I even did the side lunges (most of them -anyways) with both the 5lbers!

    Okay, so I found it weird that I usually get this knot in my stomach right when Jillian goes "You may feel a knot in your stomach.. don't give up, it's just fear leaving your body.." and I thought that was interesting. Also, does anyone else find it hilarious when she goes "Your neck was not invited to this party, it's all abs" AHAHAH. I die laughing while I'm trying to do the crunches.

    I'm really glad that it's getting easier!!
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    I would love to join in. I started yesterday and finally got through the whole workout :) I tried it once before and turned it off after like 10 minutes.
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Congrats on getting through the whole workout! That's fantastic! Please keep it up and keep coming back here and telling us how its going, it will help keep you as well as all of us motivated! I love reading how everyones doing! We can get through this together!
  • L1 D3 down! It seems to be getting a little easier to me (thank god!). I made it through most of the work out, gasping and drenched, but i only had to stop to drink a couple of times as opposed to every other exercise like the first couple days. The side lunges are still a pain, and i had trouble on the bicycles and push ups, but i'm getting a little bit stronger every day. I was pretty exhausted after it, and had to convince myself to actually take my two mile walk (which after the first 10 minutes of draging my feet i started pushing myself and my legs were screaming the rest of the walk!) but i'm insanely glad at my progress for today. :happy:

    Great work today, everyone! :smile:
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 139 Member
    L1D3 done! :) I'm amazed every time I finish this, because I remember when I bought it (a year or more ago) I turned it off after struggling through half the workout. It doesn't seem easier quite yet (I'm still modifying a couple of the moves) but it seems to be going faster. It no longer feels like the longest 20 minutes of my life :)

    I have trouble the the ab workout because my back is not straight, I have what my mother calls "Swayback" so I feel most of the tension in my back and not my abs. I am able to catch a pinch in my abs every so often but I have trouble maintaining whatever form it is that gets me the right ab workout. I'm not sure how to remedy this except to keep trying.

    Congrats everyone who is pushing through this!
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 139 Member
    L1D3 done! :) I'm amazed every time I finish this, because I remember when I bought it (a year or more ago) I turned it off after struggling through half the workout. It doesn't seem easier quite yet (I'm still modifying a couple of the moves) but it seems to be going faster. It no longer feels like the longest 20 minutes of my life :)

    I have trouble the the ab workout because my back is not straight, I have what my mother calls "Swayback" so I feel most of the tension in my back and not my abs. I am able to catch a pinch in my abs every so often but I have trouble maintaining whatever form it is that gets me the right ab workout. I'm not sure how to remedy this except to keep trying.

    Congrats everyone who is pushing through this!
  • jme1282
    jme1282 Posts: 17
    I just finished L1D3!
    It was a world easier than the past two days! I was still sweating buckets and groaning as I did the moves, but it seemed to go a lot faster! I could tell my endurance has improved just in the past few days! I even did the side lunges (most of them -anyways) with both the 5lbers!

    Okay, so I found it weird that I usually get this knot in my stomach right when Jillian goes "You may feel a knot in your stomach.. don't give up, it's just fear leaving your body.." and I thought that was interesting. Also, does anyone else find it hilarious when she goes "Your neck was not invited to this party, it's all abs" AHAHAH. I die laughing while I'm trying to do the crunches.

    I'm really glad that it's getting easier!!

    Gonna do D3 tonight....legs are feeling like jello though.

    And I feel myself getting tired of her saying "I could always use a little chest fly in my life".....annoying!!!
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    Does anyone else experience some back pain while doing those "reverse crunches" during the first circuit? I couldn't do them yesterday because it was so painful when my lower back hit the mat!!!! I don't remember being in pain while doing those the first time I did level 1. :frown:
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    @mmassey - Haha, I totally agree with you there on it no longer feeling like the longest 20 minutes of my life!

    @ floricienta - I don't know if I'm doing the reverse crunches right.. The heaviest part of my body is undoubtedly my butt, so it is immensely hard to lift myself up off the mat without coming crashing right back down! I'm going to keep working on it, but I haven't had back pain, maybe its because my butt is the cushion for when I hit the mat? AHAHA.
  • linsical
    linsical Posts: 34
    Starting on Friday! I've already done a few intermeitten days of level 1 when I couldn't go to my Boot Camp workouts and was sweating bullets so I'm excited to commit to doing it for real!! :)
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Completed L1D2 last night. I am not buring very many calories, only 160 according to the HRM, i need to push myself more! During the work out my feet hurt the most! How is everyone doing the butkicks? The most painful part for me is the knee bend lunges? i think that is what she calls them, , my knees feel like they are going to come out of my skin! Not sure if it is soreness or bad knees?
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    @mmassey - Haha, I totally agree with you there on it no longer feeling like the longest 20 minutes of my life!

    @ floricienta - I don't know if I'm doing the reverse crunches right.. The heaviest part of my body is undoubtedly my butt, so it is immensely hard to lift myself up off the mat without coming crashing right back down! I'm going to keep working on it, but I haven't had back pain, maybe its because my butt is the cushion for when I hit the mat? AHAHA.

    haha I have a big "cushion" myself but I don't know, it's like my tailbone hurts when it hits the mat, I don't think I experienced this on day 1... weird, I just keep on going the first ab move instead of the reverse crunch but it's a bummer since that's supposed to get rid of the pooch... my worst enemy!!!!!

    I am pleased to say I am now done with day 3!!!! woot woot :bigsmile:
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    Completed L1D2 last night. I am not buring very many calories, only 160 according to the HRM, i need to push myself more! During the work out my feet hurt the most! How is everyone doing the butkicks? The most painful part for me is the knee bend lunges? i think that is what she calls them, , my knees feel like they are going to come out of my skin! Not sure if it is soreness or bad knees?

    I don't own a HRM but I logged my workout under circuit training or something like that and it says I burn 166 cals in 20 minutes. I am not sure if I should trust those numbers but that's all I have for now!
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    Did my first day of 30DS yesterday and I am definetley feeling it today. I really didn't think I would be this sore! I woke up this morning and was only a tiny bit achey but by lunch time I was struggling to walk up and down the stairs. I couldn't do day two today due to my work shift but I was able to get to the gym on base and do 35 minutes of elliptical. I will be putting the dvd back in tomorrow though, I am totally sticking with this!!

    My arms and chest were so sore it hurt really bad to cross my arms during the warm up... it figures! :laugh:
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    D2L1 down. I wasn't really sore this morning. I had a few little spots that I could tell I hadn't worked in a long time but overall I am feeling good. I also decided that this week I am going to try out the not eat exercise calories back if I am not hungry. If I am hungry I will def eat them back. I will not STARVE myself ever!! Here is to all my changes for the week!
  • I'm definitely IN!!!
  • I'm definitely IN!!!
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    How many pounds or inches do you expect/wish you will have lost once you are done with the shred? I would LOVE to be 130 when I'm done, now that's 8.8 lbs from today, a bit ambitious I know. Has anyone in here already completed the whole program? if so, how much did you lose?
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    After 30DS on Monday and my strength training at the gym yesterday, I could NOT do it last night (fail!) I did a WATP dvd instead and will hit it again tonight. I feel like I'm confessing a horrible sin lol :wink:
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    Count me in. Started 30DS this morning.
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