30 Day Shred - Starting Around June 13th



  • emmavisman
    emmavisman Posts: 33 Member
    I'll be doing my 4th workout today! For anyone who think they're too sore to continue doing it everyday, DO IT ANYWAY. You won't feel as bad when actually doing the shred and you'll also find that with every day you're getting stronger and better at the routines! When I first started I couldn't finish a few of the exercises but on day 3 I could finish them all! And actually do the sit ups properly! I'm already feeling a difference in my arms, too! :)

    Is anyone on here combining the workout with any other exercises?
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    I'm trying to talk myself into this. But I think the only way I can do it to get up early every morning and I'm SO not a morning person. And I'm on week 8 of C25K and I don't want to mess that up. But I've been on a plateau for 4 weeks, so I need to push myself. I just don't know if I can get up at 5:30 every morning for 30 days in a row.
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    finished day 7

    today I did level 2 - it more challenging, but I'm gonna keep at it this week, then for days 19-30 I go 1, 2, 3, 1, 2,3, etc
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    I'll be doing my 4th workout today! For anyone who think they're too sore to continue doing it everyday, DO IT ANYWAY. You won't feel as bad when actually doing the shred and you'll also find that with every day you're getting stronger and better at the routines! When I first started I couldn't finish a few of the exercises but on day 3 I could finish them all! And actually do the sit ups properly! I'm already feeling a difference in my arms, too! :)

    Is anyone on here combining the workout with any other exercises?

    Great advice! I had a personal trainer for a few months back in 2009 and I was doing C25K, personal training (he kicked my butt big time...you think Jillian is bad, try the stair stepper at a quick speed for 15 minutes...killer), and spinning. There were some days I thought I'd die going to the trainer but honestly I felt so much less sore after the work out than I did before. I guess it warms your muscles back up and alleviates the aches. The next day is always a different story lol So you just have to mentally convince yourself you won't die and it will make you stronger and go for it.

    I'm walking and biking with the 30DS. I'd love to run again but still trying to figure out how to make it work with my 5 year old. And I don't need frustration right now if it doesn't work so I am going with things I can count on at home. I have Walk Away the Pounds, some Prevention Walking videos, and a couple prevention dancing videos plus a couple Jillian Michaels. I am using those, walking at work when I get a chance during breaks, and I also have a stationary bike so I am using that. I am aiming for 60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise daily. How about you?
  • mamato3babes
    mamato3babes Posts: 125
    Awesome! I am starting this on Monday as well... I will post my stats later tonight or tomorrow :)
  • crystalinda
    crystalinda Posts: 151 Member
    Ok, since I'm heading out on vacation before 30 days are up, I started today. Honeslty, I thought I'd welch because I 3 straight days in a row of tough bootcamp, but I want results and it would be nice to have the results in time for my vacay so I trudged through it. My body was tired and my shoulders are sore but I'm going to get up early in the AM for day 2.

    I also have bootcamp 3xs a week for the next two weeks, not sure if I will continue other workouts once my bootcamp is over.
  • Ohiopugmom
    Ohiopugmom Posts: 43 Member
    hi everyone! I am new to the forums and I can sure use some accountability!

    I started yesterday and am trying to motivate myself to go downstairs and do day 2! The only thing I am trying to figure out is if I should skip it on days that I have a tennis lesson. It is 1.5 hours and kicks my butt, but I get the feeling if I take a day off the shred I will lose some momentum.

    I will try to take some measurements. Really I need to lose around the waist. I only have 20 lbs to lose, but everything is right around my belly which I know is so bad for you!

    I am guessing I will probably do this, then buy the no more trouble zones video to really focus on my tummy.....
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Got mine at Target today for under $10, so I'm in to start tomorrow! I was so impressed with the before & after pics from another thread on the 30DS, I had to try this for myself :)
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    I am beyond thrilled that you are all joining me! I took my measurements tonight and I'm going post them tomorrow after Day 1 because I am waiting to step on the scale until the AM (its my weekly weigh in time). However, I bought 5lb lime green weights at Target and I know I should have gotten 3lbers, but I am low on money (being a college student sucks when it comes to finances) and figured that I will work myself up to 5lb'ers anyways, and can use them in college!

    I also brought a hot pink sports bra that I am ecstatic to have. I am in love with it. It's my second sports bra like ever (I used to exercise in regular bras sometimes - not cool!) and the other one I had was white, so I'm loving the pink one!

    I'm thinking I'm going to get up early and go for a jog before I do Day 1 and I need to remember to stretch, because my hamstring or some muscle is giving me troubles today!

    SO PUMPED!!!!
  • crystalinda
    crystalinda Posts: 151 Member
    I'll be doing my 4th workout today! For anyone who think they're too sore to continue doing it everyday, DO IT ANYWAY. You won't feel as bad when actually doing the shred and you'll also find that with every day you're getting stronger and better at the routines! When I first started I couldn't finish a few of the exercises but on day 3 I could finish them all! And actually do the sit ups properly! I'm already feeling a difference in my arms, too! :)

    Is anyone on here combining the workout with any other exercises?

    I'm in the middle of a 4 week bootcamp that meets 3xs a week for an hour, the instructor estimates that we burn between 600 - 800 calories (at least) during the work out. The bootcamp is over in about two weeks and I'm thinking of doing the C25K thing, but I have to read into a bit more or another bootcamp not sure.
  • Ohiopugmom
    Ohiopugmom Posts: 43 Member
    woot. day 2 in the books. It feels great to get to the 3rd circuit and I am still doing it, as opposed to sitting watching it the first time I tried 30DS a few months back!

    BFW - yay for new bra! I love treating myself to new things to keep me motivated!
  • MrsMills712
    MrsMills712 Posts: 350
    Okay, I bought the DVD today and have completed L1D1. It's not going to be easy, but nothing is that is worth anything, right? Just think about how many of us might be posting our before & afters when we get done! Let's let that motivate us :-)
  • Ohiopugmom
    Ohiopugmom Posts: 43 Member
    Happy monday! All of you guys starting today - good luck, you CAN do it!
  • liza8888
    liza8888 Posts: 24 Member
    Day 1 done! I followed it up with 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer. Tired but happy I did it. 29 more days to go!
  • mackemshazza
    mackemshazza Posts: 87 Member
    I started mine today, so I'm in, phew!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Did my workout yesterday, level 1 and 2 back to back as I dont feel like ive had a workout otherwise! Have done the dvds before so know the score! But boy am I sore !!!
  • PDC72601
    PDC72601 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in if thats OK. Need the workout and want to jumpstart the weight loss. Completed L1 D1 today.
  • crystalinda
    crystalinda Posts: 151 Member
    went to bed early to get up super early so I can complete day 2! I hope with everyone's motivation here I can say the same thing next week!
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    Level 1 day 1 complete!!

    Although my legs feel like jelly, it was the push ups that I found the hardest part. I even did the modified version and struggled, but now feel at least I've achieved something and am looking forward to tomorrows workout and our results in 30 days.
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    I started today, so am in
    I'm doing it in conjunction with training for a half marathon so am running around 30 miles a week also (over 4-6 runs)!