advice please :-)

so last week i worked out like a demon and ate under my cals most days only to find i had lost 1lb

i had expected more than this, given that it was my first week and i am 201lbs

i should confirm that i was eating about half to nearly all my exercise cals.

my partner thinks i should eat 2000cals a day and then deduct my exercise from that but would this work on days i dont get to exercise? probably not..... i know this isnt a rush but 1 whole pound?!?!?!

really need some advice to tell me what i am doing is right


  • celtickarasu
    Drink water. Drink as much as you can, and then drink more. I'm around the same weight as you and I have been drinking 10-13 glasses of water a day. I've been losing around 2 lbs a week. I wasn't losing that much until I increased my water intake. If you don't like water (and I HATE it), add mint or orange extract to make it taste better.
  • brianna626
    brianna626 Posts: 156
    Often times when you work out hard your muscle retain water making you weigh more. You may have lost more than 1 pound but you are retaining water. Eat your exercise calories! And a pound is still a pound!
  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    Measure your waste to track inches.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    All this advice is great advice. But even after all of that, sometimes you won't lose. You'll do everything "correctly," and you won't lose. Some weeks will be like that. I had to learn this the hard way. Losing one pound in one week is fantastic! Don't knock that!
  • jme1282
    jme1282 Posts: 17
    Drink your water, watch your sodium intake, and also be aware of what you eat and when you eat it. Sugar and carbs should be kept to a minimum in the late afternoons and evenings.
    I started my weight loss journey 3 years ago at 201lbs. I've been slowly loosing. I've learned alot in the process.
    Also, don't give up!!!! :D good luck!!!!
  • lucysmommy
    lucysmommy Posts: 460
    thanks for the replies

    i have been drinking 3ltrs a day - some day 2.5ltrs but on the whole mostly 3 ltrs

    also since the start of june i have lost 5inch from my waist, 2in from my bust and 0.5in from my hips (crap i know)

    so on the whole this has pleased me but the scales not moving is a major downer
  • lucysmommy
    lucysmommy Posts: 460
    Drink your water, watch your sodium intake, and also be aware of what you eat and when you eat it. Sugar and carbs should be kept to a minimum in the late afternoons and evenings.
    I started my weight loss journey 3 years ago at 201lbs. I've been slowly loosing. I've learned alot in the process.
    Also, don't give up!!!! :D good luck!!!!

    i have looked over the weeks meals and i was under on sodium everyday and i was so impressed with myself

    i just need to stick at it
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Track your measurements, too. Sometimes even though the scale hasn't budged much you inches have. When I get discouraged, I take a measurement and look at it against the other ones.