"weirdest" thing I ever ate was:



  • Kangaroo meat is amazing if it's cooked right.
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    My wife and I love to try food from all over the world. I have had ox tail soup, goat curry, pigs feet, among other various sundries. What I would REALLY like to try though in penguin.
  • Another thing: My mom is from New Orleans & they eat a lot of sea food, people in NC look at me weird because I eat crawfish, mm mm Good!

    Mmm, crawfish. I'm from New Orleans as well, and hate that you can't find decent boiled crawfish where I am now on the west coast.

    Weirdest thing for me was probably chicken hearts at a Brazilian BBQ place. Not bad flavor, but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it again :laugh:

    Oh, and baby octopus at a Korean BBQ place (apparently I'm my most adventurous during BBQ time) - chewy and delicious with the spicy dipping sauce, but I felt so bad for the poor lil baby octopus!
    There are a couple of places that serve gator burgers in New Orleans but a gator Poboy is way better especially the one at jazz Fest. I love hogs head cheese; its sold at my local farmers market. To me the weirdest thing I've eaten is dried shrimp especially since the dry them with the peelings. It tastes sea water.

    Dunno why I've never seen those gator poboys at Jazz Fest. Next time, next time!
  • wylliecoyote
    wylliecoyote Posts: 2 Member
    Pickled Pigs Feet or Head Cheese.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Sheep brain curry. I've never felt more ill in my life.

    I also ate a millipede as a child, and spewed all over the bathtub.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    The only thing I've eaten that I wouldn't eat again is gizzards. Chewy little things...

    My grandma would make us eat gizzrds. I wasn't a fan!

    I love gizzard paprika stew :)
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Gator jerky (DELICIOUS, much better and softer than beef jerky.)
    Gator nuggets (I was tricked into eating them and they were GROSS)
    Roasted squirrel (Yum yum)
    Goat (pretty good, but only in curry.)
    Oxtail (damn good)
    Raw eel (really good)

    I think I may have everyone beat with the squirrel thing...

    Nah! My husband will go out on a cool fall saturday morning shoot one and start the grill just for a Squirrel or a rabbit! when my daughter was young and he would have one marinating in the fridge she would say daddy has a bear in a bowl momma! it was so funny cause it was so little but to her it was a bear!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now that i am responding! i have had Fried gizzards/chicken necks/liver9 i dont like liver). i have tasted manudo, pig/cow testicles (dont like either). i actually make my own hog head cheese! i like it too! brunswick stew made with a hog head! i make that from scratch also! cow /pig tongue. pig feet and tail! matter of fact i think i have had an entire pig head to toe! not to say i liked it all! crawdads are great! shark-gator-frog legs! i think i have tried everything! i have had elk steaks! ostrich eggs.
  • Kdingo
    Kdingo Posts: 145 Member
    Mashed potatoes with chocolate syrup. Pickles with cheesecake. Hot dog dipped in apple sauce. Popcorn with chocolate syrup and cinnomon..
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    I live in Denver, CO. Rocky Mountain oysters - they ain't seafood.

    nah they are NUTSSSSSSSSSSS
  • Squid, octopus and whole anchovies (not all at once) which FYI are actually GOOD for you. My friends mom cooks the anchovies (they are from Africa - some of the yummiest food!) with tomato paste which she makes a sauce out of. Sometimes she cooks them with beans. They are my favorite food.
  • I tried goat at an Indian wedding. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT. gag.

    ....I love goat. But it has to be either a neutered or young male or a female. The adult males that aren't neutered taste musky. Grilled is best. And lamb is good, too.


    More things coming to mind that are to me just normal.. To others, surely odd.
    Pickled pigs feet or pigs feet just boiled with some vinegar, salt and pepper, dipped in hot sauce.
    Pickled eggs with beet juice.
    Rabbit (I only had a tiny nibble, I couldn't stand the thought of really eating it).
    Beef heart (A little chewy, VERY lean).
    Deer (Maybe weird by some peoples standards).
    Beef tongue (Also very lean).
    Chicken/turkey neck.
    Fried Chicken Gizzards (I used to like them, but after ending up with some that weren't well cleaned, I no longer like the idea).
    Pig tails.

    It's a wonder I didn't get heavier than I was. :huh:
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Am I the only one so far that's eaten brains?
  • sixxx
    sixxx Posts: 39 Member
    Shark, BBQ'd bugs.
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    Weirdest thing I ever ate was some durian.
  • darklord48
    darklord48 Posts: 114 Member
    In Italy I had a pizza with artichoke and horse meat on it.
  • jme1282
    jme1282 Posts: 17
    while in China, I ate (not all at once) shark fin soup, a sea cucumber in some weird fishy green broth, and bird's nest soup....just gonna leave this here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird's_nest_soup After I asked my boss what the soup was, I stopped eating it. So gross!
  • maria1993
    maria1993 Posts: 112
    Chicken feet.
    Pig feet/tails.
    Goat, quail and rabbit (killed them myself, and butchered them)
    Beef and goat heart, kidney and liver.
    Roasted eel.
    Whole anchovies.
    Pickled quail eggs.
    Scrapple (pork heart, snout, liver, + some. All cooked and mashed with cornmeal)
    Beef tongue
  • Soultwist
    Soultwist Posts: 19 Member
    Giraffe kabobs.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    My dad was a true red-neck, rest his soul and he was notorious for feeding us unusual fare.

    I tried frog legs when I was a small child;
    I had no CLUE what Rocky Mountain Oysters were until I was about 12 LOL (Google it if you don't know what Rocky Mountain "Oysters" are);
    he killed rattlesnake in our front yard, skinned it and cooked it for dinner;
    he made eggs w/ brains in them.

    and probably the most unusual food experience was when he gave my grandma a hog head so she could cook the meat off of it and make tamales. My grandmother told me that "you can get a lot of meat off the hog head".

    I was about 13 when the whole hog head incident went down, I realized then it was pointless to even argue about the contents of tamales (mainly because I LOVE tamales). I had probably eaten weirder stuff before....I just didn't know what I was eating at the time! LOL
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    Snake soup (good), snake blood and bile in alcohol (yeuch), battered chicken feet, pigs feet, bbq'd crickets on a skewer (didn't taste of anything), some weird gelatinous egg dish (not good) -all in china
    roast guinea pig (good, very gamey), llama meat (tough but tasty), random nameless fruit from amazonian trees (all good) in S. America
    Snails (yum), frogs legs (yum)- france/china/uk
    conch (known as lambi), callaloo, in caribbean
    kangaroo meat, octopus, squid

    It makes me sound like I literally hoover up everything! I'll try anything once, thats my only rule!