Hopes this helps someone.

Im 21 years old and Ive never had any luck with my health. I have IBS-A, and Trigeminal neuralgia. So Im in pain 24/7 and have a headache 24/7. Im clusmy. I have a bad knee. Arthitius in my back.

I would feel depressed all the time about how I looked and how crappy I felt all the time cause of my health problems. I just couldnt motivate myself to do anything about it. or I'd be motivated for a day or two and then just give up.... it was too hard i'd say.

I'm in my 3rd year of college for business-administration-accounting. which is alot of homework and study time to get good grades. especially when you feel like sleeping all the time.

I used to get up between11am-1pm, sometimes nap in the afternoon and then not fall asleep till 1am-4am. (pain keeps me up at night)

I started on here 34 days ago. (its augst 25th today) and I feel soooo different already. I found amazing recipes on here. I love to cook and bake. I make dinner everynight for me and my mom. Im trying to get her to eat healthier too. I was shocked and disgusted at how many calories, fat, sugar and sodium I was comsuming. I vow I will not go back to that. And this is not a day or two day thing. Its lasted 34 days. I'm thankful to my friends on here that I've made for helping with that.

I havent had as many problems with my IBS. I've lost 15.7 pounds. And Im not sleeping all the time. Im in bed by 11pm. (still dont fall asleep til 1am). But im out of bed by10am at the lastest! Normally Its between 8am-9:15am im out of bed. I just want to start me day and see what I can do.

I look at pictures and just see how big I am and I keep thinking to myself. in few months im not gonna be that big. and in a few more i'll be thinner then those pictures. and one day I will be my goal weight and I now know how to do it smart and healthy so I can stay like that!

Its possible to do this. I started at 293.7 pounds and now weight 278.0 pounds 34 days later. I feel less depressed everyday. Im falling asleep with a smile on my face thinking of all the cute clothes ill be able to wear. That I finally wont have to shop in the plus sizes anymore.

Just think. One day you will reach your goal weight. And you have friends on here to help you do it. You dont have to do this alone. You will be healthier and happier! Think of what you want to accomplish when you lose the weight. Dont ever forget that.

This is not a diet. This is a Life style change. And I'm proud of you for taking the first step! Keep up the good work everyone :flowerforyou:


  • jme1282
    jme1282 Posts: 17
    Your story will definitely inspire many folks.
    Congrats on losing so much in just 34 days. This site is an eye opener for sure. I'm happy you're taking your health into your own hands and sticking with it. You're right...this is a lifestyle change.

    My brother has Trigeminal neuralgia....I had never heard of it until he was diagnosed. He would have what he described as "lightning bolt" headaches that shot down the middle of his head. He had surgery to help and hasn't really had any problems since. I can't say I understand your pain, but know someone who does.

    Keep on your journey! You're doing great so far and can only get better from here! Thank you for posting your story.
