clobercow Member


  • I agree that metabolic damage happens on very long stints of caloric deficits, especially when it's less than 50% of TDEE. However, the most efficient way of losing fat is to not eat. That's why it's very effective (short term) to use VLCD or starvation. Short term PSMF, or Intermittent Fasting work extremely well without…
  • Different strokes for different folks.
  • No it's not. Scare tactic. This is true, but a half truth. Method matters just as much as the caloric intake. Opinion, I think the opposite. 10 months in and I feel better now than when I tried a carb loaded CR diet. Some people can't get over the initial carbohydrate withdraws, and that's because they crash into it.…
  • For me, low carb helps to keep my appetite and hunger in check. I feel dramatically better and full of energy when I eat fat rather than carbohydrate. I don't count calories. I think it's the wrong way to go about dieting. I listen to my body. I eat when I'm hungry. I don't eat when I'm not hungry. I create my deficit…
  • A tape measure.
  • A picture will help a lot. Do this: Grab a hold of what ever is left. Is it thicker than maybe a couple of sheets of paper? If so, it's still full of fat. The unfortunate thing in the weight loss process is that we can't control were the fat comes off. That may be the last spot. The only way to eventually get the fat to go…
  • "cardio" and lifting are not seperate. You need to have an efficient cardiovascular system to lift with intensity.
  • Great before and after! I can see it in your face for sure. What was your routine to get there?
  • I said "In before starvation mode" experts. Did you not see that? I lost 83lbs of muscle right? Edit: Lean mass.
  • You can starve yourself and lose weight without the "magical" drug that can cause some real issues. Just pick two days per week and don't eat. Enjoy the fat loss. It's not hard. Or you can count calories daily to ensure a deficit. I do the first option. in before "starvation mode" experts.
  • I've never once tested myself. I just low carb and love it. That site it's fantastically detailed. I subscribed. His progress is fantastic.
  • Keto is great, but it alone won't make the fat just melt off. The idea behind Keto is to get the hormones under control so your appetite is reduced and you're better satiated. Once you're rocking that Keto and you're feeling good, start creating your deficit by either counting calories, OR, consider intermittent fasting. I…
  • I'm doing great. IF has been the best tool I have to drop my weight.
  • Tmauck and I both use intermittent fasting to aid our results. If your not losing, it may help you to consume less by abstaining. On the other hand people will scream at you until they're blue in the face that you may not be eating enough and you need to eat more. I don't subscribe to that belief. If you want some…
  • Do what ever you want. I just gave advice. You don't have to agree.
  • Fat loss isn't all about calories, it's about the body reaction to food also. I'm not a fan the methods used here because I think they are flawed.
  • In this thread: Huge amounts of Eat More To Lose Weight fans and Starvation Mode subscribers. Sigh. Not worth the hassle.
  • I like your effort. It takes a lot to do that much work to lose weight. However. Losing the fat is all diet. Start there. I personally don't subscribe to counting calories. I use other methods to lose weight. So I would suggest you analyze what you're doing. If you're not losing the fat, then something should be tweaked.…
  • So the man is expected to pay because you're a woman or he is a man? Way to contribute to sexism. Put the ***** up on a pedestal and it will be treated as an object instead of a person. Flame away. Tell me how I'm wrong. You can't do it without making it sound sexist "Well the man should, because..." "The woman should not,…
  • The premise of Eat More To Lose Weight is the battle against Starvation Mode. Both are flawed and don't make sense. If you want to get down to the nuts and bolts of it, I suggest you look into why long term caloric restriction causes a reduction of metabolism to start with. A daily semi starvation diet is not natural, nor…
  • 1: Keto, Paleo, or generally low carb 2: Low carb helps to greatly reduce food cravings like that and it helps keep you feeling full. 3: You don't need to exercise at all to lose the fat. 4: Low carb/keto and Paleo is low inflammatory and I would guess that it would help improve your health greatly. (it has for me)…
  • Often times blood tri's are a bit high because of fat mobilization. Most doctors freak out about this. Cholesterol is not specifically bad for us nor does it cause problems. They also freak out about this too. Find a new doctor if this is the case. A high cholesterol is a sign of good health while it's in good balance.…
  • It's not that easy. To burn that much, you have to exert yourself much much more than the machines say you do. Most machines read 2-3 times higher than they should on what you burn. This is also the common pitfall people fall into when they plateau while "eating their exercise calories back". Keep your diet in a deficit.…
  • Were are your or his sources? You can't argue that I don't have sources when you or anyone else has provided none. You make no sense here. So that guy has a picture on his profile? Who's to say that is credible? How can we KNOW if what he says is true? Lets not start on this bull**** of credibility and citing sources, and…
  • If done correctly and intensely enough. I'm just setting the correct example for the context.
  • Nothing. That's the wrong advice for her goal. There is no such thing as "toning" . She wants to get rid of the flabby area. Exercising that muscle won't do that. The very tiny amount of growth she may get will do nothing to aid the goal of losing the fat. Diet is the answer to losing fat..
  • And this is the vicious circle of MFP bad advice.
  • NO NO NO NO NO NO NO You diet and continue to lose fat. That is the ONLY way.
  • This is a good example of why I keep telling people to lose more fat when they have stretched skin and stretch marks. The skin will pull up tight if there is no fat and adipose tissue layered behind it.