Cardio vs weights??!! Which do you do & WHY?



  • :happy: :smile: :wink:
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    I do both I am over on my BMI and would like to get back into the healthy range so the cardio is to burn fat, I do strength training because I want to be toned and wont get there only doing cardio.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    I lift weights. The only form of cardio I do is the stair climber and mud runs in the Spring/Summer. My cardio pretty much consists of "lifting weights faster.." lol. I used to do cardio, but have found my body looks better and more defined if I limit my cardio and stick with weights. Not only do I burn more calories while lifting, I also can eat more and have more energy.

    heavy weights make me hungry! XD
  • I lift weights. The only form of cardio I do is the stair climber and mud runs in the Spring/Summer. My cardio pretty much consists of "lifting weights faster.." lol. I used to do cardio, but have found my body looks better and more defined if I limit my cardio and stick with weights. Not only do I burn more calories while lifting, I also can eat more and have more energy.
    :wink: :smile: :wink: :smile:
  • I do both!!! LOVE BODYPUMP and BODYCOMBAT! It has changed my body so much! As of today, I have lost 121lbs with the help of these classes! :wink:
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    A lot of broscience in the article, but to answer the question I do both, because both are good.
  • A lot of broscience in the article, but to answer the question I do both, because both are good.
    LOL I concur!
  • scottbrown78
    scottbrown78 Posts: 142 Member
    Cardio, because there are no weights to lift where I work. I run on my lunch break. But I have reached a point in my weight loss that I think I need to find a way to hit the weights.
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    "cardio" and lifting are not seperate.

    You need to have an efficient cardiovascular system to lift with intensity.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Article was a bit harsh. I've actually spoken to my DOCTOR and she supports the fact that cardio, at least one hour a day is awesome for your body and all around health. It's better than sitting on the sofa all day long. I have yet to incorporate weights into my work outs, but I'm planning on it. I love cardio. I love sweating my butt off. It makes me feel accomplished :)
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I stay away from fitness blogs such as the one you cited. They are full of all kinds of naked assertions. No attribution or footnotes. It appears to be a vehicle to sell stuff

    He wrote:"Cardio makes you soft and eats away at muscle." Really? How did he arrive at that conclusion?

    I do cardio (running) and weightlifting. Weightlifting because the added muscle helps me lose weight according to an article at

    "Improved weight control: Muscles burn calories. Muscle gains through strength training help burn more calories, making it easier to reduce body fat and control weight. At first, strength training may not result in much weight loss because muscle weight gains may offset losses in fat weight. Reduction in measurements such as waist size and a leaner overall body are likely to occur."

    Source Link:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Here is a great article from someone I follow on FB check it out & let me know what you think. **The language is a little harsh if you're sensitive**


    Joseph C. Donnelly's Fitness Page

    Some key factors why you are not losing as much body fat as you want or achieving the physique you desire:

    1) Missing meals or starving the body. Everyday I hear a story about some women saying I'm only eating 600 calories and doing an hour of cardio and I cant lose any weight. No ****. You are starving the body and it will refuse to let any fat go when starved.

    2) You are doing too much cardio. If you want to get fit you need to lift. ESPECIALLY YOU WOMEN!! Lift, Lift, Lift. 70% of your efforts need to be with weights. Adding muscle increases metabolism and forces the body to burn more calories during the day. Cardio makes you soft and eats away at muscle.

    3) You are not getting enough carbs. I see so many people especially competitors on this low and no carb diets doing 2 hours of cardio, only once they come off they find out their thyroids are shot and it can take years if ever to return to normalcy. If you are training daily your body needs fuel. Plain and simple. Eat healthy slow digesting carbs.

    4) You simply are not working hard enough. If being fit was simple everyone would do it. Eating 5 healthy meals, doing some sets in the weight room and an hour of cardio does not guarantee you will receive the results you want. Life is all about return on investment. if you invest maximum effort into your studies, your job, finances or your body, you will get the desired payout in the end. Walking on a treadmill for an hour or getting on the stairmaster is not maximum investment., Its minimal

    5) You are doing the wrong type of cardio. Get your *kitten* off the treadmill or elliptical. 20 mins of sprints or bleachers on the football field trumps walking and jogging on the treadmill for an hour all day. Believe it!!!!

    6) Your lift can be fat burning as well. I know why so many people fail at lifting programs. They do a set, wait 3-4 minutes then do another. Boring Boring Boring. Yeah I would quit too. Shorten rest periods to a minute or less between sets. If you are not sweating 5 minutes in, you aren't working hard enough!! Increase intensity!!!

    7) You have a cheat day not a cheat meal. I guarantee the person that invented the term "cheat day" was a fat *kitten*. Its "cheat meal" have a cheat meal once every 10-14 days and then get your *kitten* in the gym and make it work for you!!

    8) Alcohol: Oh you cant lose weight but you drink come happy hour Friday or out Saturday night? No ****. If you want to cut the fat, cut the booze!!! I guarantee if you went 30 days with no alcohol you would see and feel a dramatic difference!!!

    For more helpful info and all my workout videos join the team at

    Goodluck guys:JD

    You should have posted his picture too. That's what got the most attention on the FB post I saw too.

    I'm with backtatJim - cardio can burn muscle, but with proper nutrition and adding strength, you can avoid looking "soft". Look at some of the ironman winners, even MMA fighters do tons of cardio and still have tons of muscle.

    To answer the question - I do both.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    i like this! :) very informative and well said. thansk for sharing!
  • Both! I do anything I like! I like to run, I like it a lot so I wont give it up. I also cycle and kickbox not as often but I like them so I squeeze them in when I can. I am learning I also like to lift weights, it makes me feel strong as woman so I do it. I think for you to succeed you have to do what you like.
  • dantrick
    dantrick Posts: 369 Member
    you can get a great cardio workout with lifting if you employ the active rest principle. An example of this is: bicep curls then while recovering from that do squats. Rinse, Repeat. if you don't have a heart rate monitor get one. Find your max heart rate by this simple formula:

    206.9 - (0.67 x age) = MHR

    Low Intensity - 50-60%
    Moderate Intensity - 60-70%
    Vigorous or High Intensity - 75-85%

    these things really help increase workout intensity while keeping you safe from overdoing it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Both. I run for my heart, lungs and brain. I lift for bone and muscle strength... and because it does great things to my shape.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
  • fitfocusedfamily
    fitfocusedfamily Posts: 117 Member
    Cardio = can help lower high blood pressure, increase good cholesterol, improves your body's ability to move nutrients and oxygen to tissues and to dispose of waste products, will improve heart function, and of course it is a great way to lose weight with the right diet plan. This said I lift heavy 5 days a week and am not trying to lose weight, I am currently trying to gain some muscle mass so I have been limiting my cardio but will NEVER stop doing it!
    ^^^^Perfectly said. The writer of the starting article should have stated cardio + calorie restrictive diets = muscle loss.

    Cardio AND weight lifting is a MUST for anyone looking for better overall health. If anyone thinks weightlifting is boring, you aren't doing it right (if you've done it at all).
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Cardio = can help lower high blood pressure, increase good cholesterol, improves your body's ability to move nutrients and oxygen to tissues and to dispose of waste products, will improve heart function, and of course it is a great way to lose weight with the right diet plan. This said I lift heavy 5 days a week and am not trying to lose weight, I am currently trying to gain some muscle mass so I have been limiting my cardio but will NEVER stop doing it!

    Other than the fact that I am trying to lose weight, ^that. I love lifting. It makes me feel like a badass who could tackle a bear or something. :laugh: Cardio bores the crap out of me, but it seems to really keep my blood pressure in check, which after going off bp medication, is really important. I noticed that when I slack off with the cardio (even if I'm still lifting 5 days a week), my bp starts to creep up a little.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I used to be a cardio bunny, but I've cut down a bit but I still do both cardio and weights. Cardio is great for your heart, lungs, endurance and heck I just love doing it. It's important to do things that make you happy! And I lift weights and strength train because maintaining your lean muscle mass is important (especially at my age).