

  • I have 8 and like most others who have tattoos, I want more! 1: I have a generic 5 petal flower on my right foot, which I had done for my 18th, kind of a 'I'm 18, can get a tattoo, let's have that!', it's naff but I love it. 2: I have a butterfly on my left ankle, in memory of my dad who passed away nearly 4 years ago. At…
  • Sorry I'm late! Almost forgot! SW: 218lb GW: 182lb UW: 168lb CW: 208lb :)
  • I think I added you all! :P
  • Oooh and me! (email removed by staff) !! :P
  • Start weight: 218 (24th Oct) Goal weight: 168 Current weight: 211 So got to 211 on 2nd November - then went up to 213 on 19th November then back down to 211 as of yesterday; don't quite know what's going on but I'm just grateful it wasn't by much. Well done to everyone else though! Good job guys.
  • Meh, still the same. :frown:
  • I assume this is the right place? Sorry if it's not! :smile: Bit longer than a week, but I'm just accounting for all my weightloss from when I started :smile: SW [24Oct] 218 CW [02Nov] 211 I have plateaued from the 29Oct :grumble: GW 168
  • Definitely plateaued :cry: Update again tomorrow morning :grumble:
  • So far, I've had an ultrasound scan of my ovaries and uterus which is when they said about borderline PCOS. My doctor seems to be swaying more towards endometriosis because of the pain and my mum also had it, resulting in an hysterectomy, although she's not ruling out the PCOS. I also had a blood test to check my…
  • Thanks for the reply! My doctor also suggested the low card and GI diets and I'm the same, nothing has really worked for me. I just hope, after using the orlistat, that I can get a diagnosis so I can eventually control or at least help whatever is going on with my body!
  • Thanks for the reply! I went back on the pill in September and it seems to be acting like a painkiller for the moment! I'm not familiar with the mirena, what is it - like the coil? Congratulations on the weight loss!
  • Thanks for the reply! I suppose every doctor is different and unfortunately, people with the same condition get help in various ways. Congratulations on your daughter! and the weight loss! Oh wow, Insanity, that must be intense! How're you finding it?
  • Thanks for the reply! I didn't know there were stages?! Gosh. :noway: My pain is whenever - when I wasn't on the pill and when my periods decided to show up, it would be during the cycle and inbetween - just constant pain. I'm practically on the diet without even knowing it! haha :laugh: Wow, that's intense, 6 days a week.…
  • Thanks for the reply! Oh wow, what does Lupron Depot do? Does it help with pain? Yeah, it scares me to think I may be diagnosed with endometriosis because of probably needing a hysterectomy; probably scares me more because my mum had it, she had a hysterectomy and just seeing what she went through at the time was horrible…
  • Thanks for the reply! Yep, I started off like you - the weight gain started at around 16/17 which is when I went on the pill; came off the pill and started getting pains which is why I went the to doctors. Yet, when I was on the pill and I went to the doctors because of the weight gain I was told it was what I was eating -…
  • Thanks for the reply! I am starting to wonder whether it's more PCOS than endometriosis because of the rapid weight gain over the years; obviously I would prefer neither but I wish that I could be diagnosed quicker so I know what it is and how to really get it all under control. Yeah, it definitely is up and down - for me,…
  • Thanks for the reply! I've started doing the wii fit with the board, zumba for the wii and some of the dance games - can probably tell I'd prefer not to be seen exercising! lol. I also bought a skipping rope to use in the garden, or the conservatory when it's raining, as it often does in England! :laugh: Ooh, never heard…
  • Oh wow, well done. Fingers crossed I can do the same! :tongue: I'd love to do something like weightwatchers but I don't have that kind of money - hence why I've stuck to this. I like MFP because of the whole tracking your food/calories and talking to other people :bigsmile:
  • Ah, I never thought that! Um, only maybe an extra drink or so - I usually drink quite a bit of water anyway. Ooh, I see - yeah, probably not such a good idea to stay on them then! Well, I shall keep you updated tomorrow as to whether or not I've lost anything! Fingers crossed! :smile:
  • Wow, that's awesome! Well done! :drinker: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • Thanks for the reply, also :) How long were you on it for? Yeah, as I said above, the side effects aren't the best but, if you have them, at least you know it's still working. I posted in another topic that MFP has set my calorific intake at 1200 and I hardly ever reach that goal. But, I'm always fulfilled after my meals;…
  • Thanks for the reply :) Lol yeah, I can say I'm not it's biggest fan for the toilet trips but for what I've lost this past week, I'll give it some credit haha. I was talking to my mum about it before I went on it and she reckons that as well as stopping the fat being absorbed into your body from the food you've eaten, it…
  • Hi :) I've been set 1200 - however, I'm the opposite to you, I struggle most days to get to 1200; I don't really eat much but I have recently started to make sure I have breakfast in the morning; I used to miss breakfast because I wasn't hungry and would eat at around 12pm-1pm. But please don't get me wrong, my current…
  • Hi everyone! Thanks for the invite! My name is Alana, I'm 21 (22 on the 15thNov) and graduate from Uni on the 8thNov - so excited, especially for the graduation ball the day after! [Please excuse me if I get confused with dates on here, I'm from England and we do dates differently to those in the US! lol]. I've been a…
  • lol - thanks for the invite!
  • Is this an invite type of group or a group where anyone can post? I had a look earlier, it looks great. Would love to give it a go - could use the extra support :)
  • Hey :) I'm not 5ft4 (I'm 5ft1) but I'm most definitely podgy (211lb) so I hope ticking one of the two boxes means you'll be my friend? lol. Good luck with your goal! Alana
  • Hi :) My name is Alana and I'm from the UK too! I'm 21 and graduate from Uni on the 8th Nov with a BSc in Forensics :) Hope you find the support you need on here - good luck with your goals on MFP and good luck with uni! Alana