Thank you everyone! I will take all these ideas into consideration!
Yes.. I work a split shift. I can walk snd workout anytime.
That makes since. Thanks.
Why should i exercise before i eat?
Yeah I feel its better to work out after work. Thanks
So... Exercise before dinner or after?
I have been working out for about a month. I have not been working out everyday. I am gwtting better at what im doing but I can possibly work harder.
Thanks.. Its intense amd i sweat like crazy so i guess im losing some calories.
Thanks everyone!
My happy weight is my goal too : )
I weigh myself on Mondays because that starts my week. GREAT JOB ON YOUR LOSS!!
I eat a yogurt for breakfast, a cereal bar for snack, sometimes I eat a lunch but if not I just eat small snacks until I am satisfied, then I come home and eat a regular dinner! I do drink water but I think not enough because it is about 4 glasses a day!
I am fat because I got with a man that loved me for who I was and got comfortable. I did not care what people thought of me and did not exercise. I am also and emotional eater and love to eat the sweet!
Whats your secret? : )
Thanks. What is this Zumba that everyone keeps talking about?
Thanks for the information!
Be Healthy Lower my Cholestoral Be able to play with my kids without being tired all the time Fit into smaller clothes Feel sexy for my fiance and not be afraid to show myself to him...even though he says he does not care Be a role model for my kids!
Is this 30 day shred workout a video or can you do it online? There are so many out there and I love her!
Thanks everyone! Your insights are very helpful! :bigsmile:
Thanks Everyone