Step-up my game

I need to step-up my game to lose more weight...anyone have any advice?


  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    If you work out and it's too easy, intensify it, or go longer. Add 2 minutes each week to your workout. Drink a glass of water before each meal. That helps me. Good luck!
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    Let us know what ur doing and we can try to help
  • rtierney794
    rtierney794 Posts: 32 Member
    I eat a yogurt for breakfast, a cereal bar for snack, sometimes I eat a lunch but if not I just eat small snacks until I am satisfied, then I come home and eat a regular dinner! I do drink water but I think not enough because it is about 4 glasses a day!