

  • I hear you on this one... I've been feeling so down and depressed lately. I went over on my calories every day for the last 2 weeks and of course gained a few lbs... :frown: I'm trying to get back on track and remember that every day starts again, but it's hard, I feel so impatient sometimes.
  • I know that feeling!! it's horrible!! Especially cos it doesn't matter how much you eat, that feeling of "hunger" just doesn't go away! I try to drink loads of water when I get that feeling cos sometimes it's actually thirst. But other times it's like nothing will do, and even though I know I'm eating too much I just can't…
    in eep! Comment by shivers October 2008
  • Yeah, I'm in. I need something to keep me focused! :smile:
  • Oh I'm feeling SO much better now!!!! Went to the physio this morning and he did wonders! :smile: I have to take 2 days break, and wear flat shoes for a bit, but I should be fine!!! yay!!!!! I just hope I don't fall back into bad habits......
  • Congratulations!!! :smile: Good for you! You must be doing something right! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks you guys... I really appreciate the support! :flowerforyou: This site is great... :smile: I've taken some ibuprofen now, I've booked a physio appointment for the morning, and my boss has told me to head away early this evening if the pain persists. I'll rest this evening and tomorrow morning, and get back in to my…
  • I am just ready to cry.... My back is SO sore!! :o( And it's not my fault, it's not cos of all the running or the gym work that I've been doing, it's from all the crazy strength exercises we did in Taekwon-Do on Monday night. Ok, maybe the fact that I pushed myself so hard is partly my fault, but still I didn't choose to…
  • Thanks again you guys, I've been really loving all this improvement, and the support that I've gotten on MFP has been invaluable. You are great so you are! :flowerforyou: I'm having a fairly crappy day today though, think I might start a new post on that. :frown:
  • Good Idea TNTPete... I was just having one of those mornings where I shouldn't have stood on the scales! It's silly, I mean, I went for a run this morning - 3.5miles in 28mins - I'm doing 8min miles and I am not someone who would ever have called themselves a runner! But instead of being proud of that achievement, I had to…
  • Oh and I love that quote by the way ""Workouts are like brushing my teeth; I don't think about it, I just do it. The decision has already been made."--Patti Sue Plumer, U.S. Olympian " SO TRUE!!!!
  • Haha :laugh: Yeah it kind of looks like I am, and no one is more surprised than me!!!! :laugh: I actually signed up for a Ladies Charity Race next month, it's only 7km or 4.3miles, that's why I went for that long run today, I still can't believe I did 4.85 miles... in under 40mins... that just sounds like something…
  • Ok somehow in the last few weeks I have become a runner!! I don't know how this happened!!! :smile: Today I ran 4.85miles in 40 mins!!! I can't believe this at all!! I still keep thinking that I'm getting the distance wrong but mapmyrun is fairly accurate! (Plus I double checked with my milometer on the car!!:laugh: ) It…
  • I know weekends with Family are the worst! All that yummy food and everyone's digging in so I join them... :frown: Definitely important to drink lots of water, not only does that keep your mouth occupied it also helps you to feel less peckish and you won't eat as much. Try to just eat a small breakfast of something filling…
  • I've also noticed a few items will have the right calories, but then NO nutritional information. Like I'm pretty sure there's some protein in Salmon but one of the options I just clicked only had the amount of grams of fat. :smile:
  • I went to London for the weekend (I live in Ireland so it's not that much of a trip!!) :smile: and I was so good.... until.... we passed a Cinnabon... and then a Krispy Kreme... and we don't have any of these in Ireland... but at least I only had 3 little Cinnabon bites and One original glazed... It could have been a LOT…
  • Well done!!! :smile: I always feel like I should get a prize of some sort after I've achieved something like that. But honestly I just love that feeling of knowing you could have just rolled over in bed this morning but you didn't, You got up and went for that run, or went to the gym or whatever. Just the other day it was…
  • OK, first of all, why do you need to lose 5lbs by next week? I compete in a weight controlled sport and I used to drop 4-5 lbs in the week before a competition, mostly food and water weight though. It's almost impossible to lose fat in such a short space of time. Plus, once you start eating properly again you store…
  • Well, I'm going to London tomorrow for the weekend, so I'll let you know on Sunday!! :smile: I just got a shock when I saw the title of your post and thought I'd written something without realising it!!! :laugh:
  • I used my HRM in my Pilates class, it's fairly tough, but we do get a lot of breaks. I think I only burned about 120 cals over the hour. It's really not a Cardio/Aerobic activity, it's more intended for toning and core work. Hope this helps... :smile:
  • It's always hard to ask for other people's opinions... cos sometimes we really are better off not hearing it. :smile: I think you need to remind yourself that it's your body and your choice and if you think you would look good at 120, then don't feel pressured in to losing another 10lbs! Your body does change as get a bit…
  • I'm in too!! I'm not sure how many I can do, guess I'd better check that in the morning... :smile:
  • Ahn, you're so right! I didn't get a chance to go for my run this morning and I feel like I missed out on something!!! That's so unlike me! New habits = New ME! :happy:
  • Thanks again everyone! :flowerforyou: I'm finally down weight again! woohoo!! and it's all thanks to eating my exercise calories!! I even had a small slice of Strawberry & Cream Sponge Cake on Thursday... but I did a Circuit Class that night and burned off the same amount of calories! I'm just so glad to finally be down…
  • Thanks for the words of support you guys. It's just so frustrating because I know I look slim and all my friends think I'm nuts, but I just hate my body right now, I want it back to the way it was. Ok, so "hate" is a strong word... I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself... I need to stay focused on all the improvements in…
  • I've taken my treadmill aspirations to the road, I ran 3 miles on Monday night, and then this morning I ran 2.5 miles but that was after a major psychological battle to get out of bed so I was really pleased with myself. It's all about the little feelings of success... :smile:
  • That's hilarious!!! :laugh: That just brightened my day!! Good for you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I find that liquids help when I want to binge - just guzzle that water down, or I make green tea and sip on that to help quell those cravings... I'm actually doing it right now, so I can assure you I'm speaking from experience! :smile: I just walked away from a big slice of Chocolate Cake.. so I must be doing something…
  • yeah, i'm eating a good bit of fruit at work (we get it free here, how sweet is that?! :smile: ), but i'm mindful of the calorie/sugar content of fruit. I found a bag of Roasted Monkey Nuts in Tesco recently actually, and they were yum. I'd only have about 7 or 8 of the kernels and it took time to crack the shells so I…
  • I just got a new Polar RS200 HRM for my birthday and used it last night for my Cross Country run. Gotta love gadgets! :smile: I noticed it had an interval setting, might try that out on my next session. I'm trying to ignore the scales for a few days too, especially after my birthday bingeing...:blushing:
  • Does anybody have any ideas for Quick Nutritious Tasty Snacks? I was doing fine with carrot/cucumber sticks, cottage cheese, Light Philly, Rice Cakes etc., but it's starting to get a bit repetitive and I find I'm craving junk. I'm looking for simple food that tastes good. Any ideas? :flowerforyou: