

  • Shima I feel you! I always see those ladies running and say I'm going to work my way to doing that. I do really well on the elliptical but I want to be a runner. I run a little but not like I want to. I guess we just have to keep at it and we will get there. I got those Skechers shape ups and love them for the support they…
  • I haven't checked in for a few days, I have logged in my food and workouts. I have lost another 2 pounds making it 21 lbs!!:smile: Down 4 pounds! aimeeclaire hang in there. JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs - lost 2lbs = 12lbs remaining crking - to lose 5lbs Purenel - to lose 10lbs Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs Caramel827 - to lose…
  • Sunday, June 6 Rvrbarb - 3 Catriona - 2 Nia - 4 Stephanie - 5 Wendy - 6 Jill - 5 Robin - 4 Lana - 1 Lauren - 1 SteF - 4 Callie - 5 mj - 2 Heidi - 4 Mia - 6 Lia - 3 Sandi - 3 Elyse - 5 Autumn -1 Catherine - 3 Ellie - 2 Lyssa-5 Lindsay- 4 Cina-5 Angie-1 Mindy- 2 Allison-2 Kathy - 1 Anna - 5 Shawna - 2 Heather -4 Lauren-3…
  • I have a juice everyone may think is gross but it give me a ton of energy. I drink it every morning!!! 1 celery 1/2 cucumber beets ( fresh 1 whole beet) 1 apple 2 carrots 1/2 bag spinach 1/2 of a lemon 2 inches of ginger root
    in JUICER Comment by cina409 June 2010
  • For some reason I can't copy and paste. Thursday June 4 CIna- 4
  • Don't be mad at yourself or your hubby! That's called life and we have to push on. Don't make excusses about getting our workouts in. If you can't use that TV use another one in the house or workout before he gets home. Go into another room turn on the music and dance for 30 mins. that a great workout. I'm so glad you lost…
  • Thursday June 3 Rvrbarb - 1 Catriona - 2 Nia - 2 Stephanie - 2 Wendy - 2 Jill - 2 Robin - 1 Lana - 1 Lauren - 1 SteF - 2 Callie - 1 Heidi - 2 Mia - 2 Sandi - 2 Elyse - 2 Autumn -1 Catherine - 1 Ellie - 2 Lyssa-2 Lindsay- 1 Cina-3 Angie-1 Mindy- 2 Nancy - 2 please keep my name at the bottom of the list it is easyer to up…
  • I would love to join you all! I bought the Clean Eating book recharge two weeks ago and love it. I feel so much better had have less cravings for sweets. This will help keep me on track. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hello all, I would love to join. I have been really stepping up my workouts so this will keep me on track. Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods Wednesday, June 2nd Rvrbarb - 1 Catriona - 2 Nia - 1 Stephanie - 2 Wendy - 2 Jill - 2 Robin - 1 Lana - 1 Lauren - 1 SteF - 2 Callie - 1 Heidi - 1 Mia - 1 Sandi -…
  • I did it! I did 20 mins on my elliptical this morning and 20 mins after I had dinner! I'm going to keep pushing myself I'm going to push it to 22 min. tomrrow and work my way up to 30 mins. 2x a day.... I'm so excited!!!!
  • I'm still new to this so I haven't had a problem yet. I hope we all are here to motivate each other because this is hard enough. Next time someone is just being a jerk tell them to go eat a cookie already and chill out. :tongue: Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hello! I so excited I released another 2 pounds!!! I feel so good!!! If we keep pushing each other I know we Will do this!!!! LET'S GO!!! Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I bought the Hamilton Beach one at Target and took it back. The opening was to small and you have to cut everything up very small. I got the Jack Lalane and love it fast clean up and big m opening much easier. I don't see a big differance in pulp it's the same to me. If you don't mind all the chopping, I would say save…
    in JUICER Comment by cina409 June 2010
  • I'm going to give it another shoot in the morning. I'm really excited but knowing what I'm about to face also scares me a little. lol Please if you have any tips I would love to hear them, I really want to stick this out!!!!!
  • 1st June JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs crking - to lose 5lbs Purenel - to lose 10lbs Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs Janeabt - to lose 10lbs Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs pavenneh - to lose 10lbs…
  • JOJO your going to be so happy at the scale tomorrow! I know you will release a big number!!! I'm so excited we all are going to be so hot this summer, and I'm not talking about the sun!!!
  • Hello everybody what a wonderful day it's been so far. I jumped on my elliprical Machine did 15 mins this morning, my goal is to push myself to reach 20 mins by the end of the week. I have given up all processe food and loving the way I'm felling. It's June 1st everyone let get moving because the year is half over. We…
  • Wow! Thank you ladies. I'm hoping I can release some weight a feel good about my workouts, I will stick to it! Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Beyonce Michael Jackson Black Eye peas Usher: Yeah Destiny's Child Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I made a yummy veggie dip with greek yogurt. Greek Yogurt Pressed garlic sea salt to taste cayenne pepper ( I like it hot only put as much as you want) 1/4 of a lemon juice Mix and dip veggies!
  • I would like to jump in! I so need to release some pounds for life! I have several events and vacations coming up and need to step it up. I'm not setting any goals, I just want to release as much as I can and keep it going until I reach 135 pounds. Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods