June 2010 - Clean Eating Challenge

So today is the first day of the Clean Eating Challenge.

If you have never tried clean eating before, then be kind to yourself. Each person can define their own clean eating. For me, it means no processed foods. Learn to get my sweetness from things like honey and agave and fresh fruits and vegetables. Cut out all the processed boxed stuff and go for the clean, healthy, fresh stuff.

Out of 30 days, I'm going to make it a goal to eat 20 of them clean. Hopefully more, but I need to start somewhere. I did it last month, but kind of fell off the wagon. I think this will help me to be more accountable.

Join if you wish. We can help encourage each other throughout the month.


  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    I would like to do that as well. However, my clean eating will be no sugary snacks...I'm aiming for 20 days.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey clean eaters! here's to a great week of eating less crap! I'm aiming for 20 days as well! Let's clean it up! :bigsmile:
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    I will join, My clean eating challenge is NO FAST FOOD for at least 20 days (I already know on the 5th I will) .... thats a huge problem for me... I will work on processed foods later, fiber one bars are a life saver for this college student. :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm going to try this also--I need to cut out the crap and I'm going to try for at least 20 days! Here's to Day 1!:drinker:
  • athenafl
    athenafl Posts: 41 Member
    Count me in. I like your definition and 20 days out of 30 sounds challenging, but possible.
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    I have been eating clean for a month now and I have never felt better. I have found that when I eat something really processed, it doesn't agree with me, so for me that is a good reminder of what is good for me. I would like to join more for the encouragement, as sometimes it feels a bit lonely and I want to go back to eating the way I was. So maybe this will give me that boost to keep it up.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    i will be happy to join this challenge and my plans as far as clean eating for me is to eat no processed or boxed foods. Mainly eating fruits, veggies, yams, potatoes, oatmeal (sweetened with cinnamon), chicken, fish, and lean beef. Will that be ok to satisfy the term clean eating. I am going to try to make the whole 30 days. Should we post daily what we ate?
  • urbanchic
    urbanchic Posts: 19 Member
    I'm def in.. this sounds like a good challenge for me. :)
  • urbanchic
    urbanchic Posts: 19 Member
    NO sugar no bread 20 days:smile:
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    I'm in. I just joined a June weight loss challenge and clean eating is one of my weapons. I will shoot for 23 out of 30 days. Maybe we could share some suggestions, recipes, etc. I'm always looking for ways to make chicken breast more interesting.
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    Clean eating is what my husband and I have been doing and we haven't felt better..Lots of water and raw nuts, chicken, fish, lean beef and turkey. Real meats nothing from a deli. All those meats you get sliced for sandwich's have crap in them.. I worked in a deli before I was married.. YUK We try to have our fruit before noon so we have the day to burn off the sugar. We precook everything and we put it all in 9 oz containers. Ladies are allowed 3 containers of protein, 2 containers of carbs, 2 fats and 1 fruit. a day. All the salad and non sugar veggies we want and if we use sugar veggies like carrots we count that as a carb.. When we started this all I thought was I'm gonna starve. Well let me tell you we sometimes have trouble getting in our food... We also do not use dairy.. I had always thought I felt crummy after a big bowl of icecream or glasses of milk as I am a big milk drinker.. But after a few weeks in Europe ( I wouldn't drink the milk because it was awful) I learned I felt so much better. Of course until now doing this I have so found it to be true!!! Again no dairy and I feel better.. We get our calcium from the veggies and salads we eat.. Also we use different vinegars and spices. No more prosessed salad dressings or sauces.. We learned to taste the food not all the crap we pour on it.. By having our food in the container's we have learned portion control and it seemed so difficult but now it is really easy to set them up. The biggest thing I have learned is that I am not hungry!!! and I don't crave sweet's. Just bought a cookbook for clean eating.. Keeping my fingers crossed...
  • Moolieloo
    Moolieloo Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in! Instead of a certain amount of days, I'm going to set a goal of having 80-90% of each day be clean for the whole 30 days. I like to have whole grain cereal or oatmeal for breakfast (which is techically processed, since it comes from a box), but hopefully the rest of the day I can do this! I want to stay away from sweets, as well as continue to avoid dairy...dairy doesn't like me anyway! :) Good luck everyone!!
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    So here's a recipe I wanted to share, it's what I'm having for dinner.

    Big Kahuna Recovery Burger
    Serves 2

    10 oz ground turkey breast, divided into 2 patties.
    4 tbsp teriyaki sauce
    2 slices fresh pineapple
    2 thick slices red onion
    2 whole-wheat buns
    1/2 jalapeno sliced thin
    2 slices swiss cheese (or skip the cheese).

    You can either add the teriyaki sauce to the turkey before shaping into patties or you can baste the burgers as you grill. I like it added right in. Grill 3-4 minutes a side. Grill pineapple and red onion slices until lightly charred. Put each burger on bun and layer on onion, pineapple, jalapeno and cheese.

    My favorite turkey burger of all time!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    So here's a recipe I wanted to share, it's what I'm having for dinner.

    Big Kahuna Recovery Burger
    Serves 2

    10 oz ground turkey breast, divided into 2 patties.
    4 tbsp teriyaki sauce
    2 slices fresh pineapple
    2 thick slices red onion
    2 whole-wheat buns
    1/2 jalapeno sliced thin
    2 slices swiss cheese (or skip the cheese).

    You can either add the teriyaki sauce to the turkey before shaping into patties or you can baste the burgers as you grill. I like it added right in. Grill 3-4 minutes a side. Grill pineapple and red onion slices until lightly charred. Put each burger on bun and layer on onion, pineapple, jalapeno and cheese.

    My favorite turkey burger of all time!

    This sounds delicious!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    WELCOME EVERYONE. Awesome how many people joined. I hope your first day was successful.

    I am off to a great start.

    1 day me/0 day to junk. Here is to day 2! :drinker:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I did well yesterday--no junk foods and no mindless snacking! Here's to my second day!
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    I'm going to try this too =]
    for me clean eating is no chocolate/sweets/unnecessary calories :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :mad: Two kids home sick, which means I made some bad choices. But that's okay. I have a great month of healthy eating ahead of me.

    Me 1/Junk 1
  • samzmom69
    samzmom69 Posts: 2
    I'm in..My husband,son and I have been doing this for awhile.. MY husband and I feel great and my son's grades and mood have improved at school... it is def the way to go.. when my son wants a sweet treat I make it homemade or I get him some candies from the natural candy store online, made with no artificial colors or flavors he loves it... keep up the good work everyone
  • cina409
    cina409 Posts: 23
    I would love to join you all! I bought the Clean Eating book recharge two weeks ago and love it. I feel so much better had have less cravings for sweets. This will help keep me on track.
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