June 2010 - Clean Eating Challenge



  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    8 me, junk 2

    Since tonight is "date night", it will probably be a cheat night, but I'm going to keep it in control. Three bites on my dessert. One to see if I like it, two to really savor and enjoy, and the last one to wish it a farewell.

    Have a great and successful weekend everyone!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Today is my 4th consecutive day eating clean. I must say I do feel better. I've already just about lost all my craving for sugar, and I feel more clear headed. Hoping or 7 days in a row. Must not drop the ball over the weekend.

    Great Job Roadchic keep it coming!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    lulabellewoowoo I love the little though with the dessert way to set yourself up for success you already have a plan going in that helps!!!

    Kelly Congrats to the 2 days in a row keep it coming!!!!

    Still pushing I know we all have our own definition for eating clean but I am going to start being harder on my choices to make sure that I am giving it my all.
    I stand for now at 9 goood days out of 10 (this is for no eating out no junk food such as cookies, candy and crap like that actually not even gum as I confessed that was something I didn't count into my day but I haven't had any in the last 10 days. The rest of the month I am pushing for 5 fruits and veggies each day.

    Also I don't know how you all see Lara Bars or Odwalla bars but I see then as a healthy snack as they have no redefine sugar and are gluten free just curious on everyone elses view?

    Hoping everyone have a great plan in place for the weekend Keep It Clean!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Mindless eating today uggggh I ate a few chips and when I realized what I was doing I stopped myself ok now I am at 9good out of 11
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I discovered something amazing last night -- broiled fruit! I just threw a bunch of pineapple and grapefruit on a sheet pan, sprinkled with a tiny bit of honey and lots of cinnamon, and it was DELICIOUS.

    It really helped with a sweets craving I had late at night, a dangerous time for me. Leftovers were just as good this morning with some cottage cheese

    I feel like today is already in the bag (hoping by saying that that it will be true!)
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    cnbethea ~ I love the Larabars! I first started out with the peanut butter cookie flavored ones. I have tried them all now and my fav is the Ginger Snap one...not sure if that is the right name. They are kinda pricey, I have seen them for as much as 1.08 a bar, but also at .50. really gotta watch when they go on sale...I think there are coupons for them too. They are a very, very healthy, clean snack. Usually only 3 ingredients in most of them. Very tasty and satisfying!

    yay! today was clean! have a great weekend everyone....keep it clean and be mindful of the junk! fuel your body with food it recognizes and you will feel amazing! :flowerforyou:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    8 me/3 junk

    I knew last night I was going to "oops". Not too bad though. Now back on track.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Still keeping this challenge in mind, but funny how I let the tortilla chips spoil it, when I usually have chips at most once a month. I kept having a handful each day from this one bag we got - so not enough to spoil my caloric intake, but enough to keep me away from reporting here. Not giving up the thought, yet, though :).
    Btw, processed cheese is not on my list of "unclean" items, but sweet ("fruit") yogurts are.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Yesterday was a good day for me and hoping today will be just as good!

    Off to the gym now and I pre-cooked some skinless chicken so it will be ready for me when I get home.

    Stay strong through the weekend!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hi :flowerforyou:

    I know I'm a little late, but I was just wondering if I could join in here? I've been on MFP for about 15 months now- got within 5 pounds of my goal weight and then starting having stomach trouble- turned out I'm gluten intolerant and being tested for Celiac's, and I also have issues with my thyroid. So, to combat the gluten issue and the thyroid issue I've been trying to eat very clean- I always have, but the last few weeks I've gotten really serious about it, and I feel great- dropped 4 pounds the first week :bigsmile:

    Anyhow, I'd love to join you guys... if that's ok :flowerforyou:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Ok two in a row now that's not good I normally weigh in on Mondays to keep me focused for weekends.I am thinking I may need to go back to that because this hasn't turned out to be such a great weekend today was my son birthday I kind of let myself slip because of it so today I am going to clean things out and try to finish the month up good!!

    9 good out 12 :-(

    Hope everyone is keeping it clean!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    cnbethea ~ I love the Larabars! I first started out with the peanut butter cookie flavored ones. I have tried them all now and my fav is the Ginger Snap one...not sure if that is the right name. They are kinda pricey, I have seen them for as much as 1.08 a bar, but also at .50. really gotta watch when they go on sale...I think there are coupons for them too. They are a very, very healthy, clean snack. Usually only 3 ingredients in most of them. Very tasty and satisfying!

    yay! today was clean! have a great weekend everyone....keep it clean and be mindful of the junk! fuel your body with food it recognizes and you will feel amazing! :flowerforyou:

    Glad to see you agree that they are a healthy snack!! Keep up the great job keeping it clean!! Also I am loving your prices here in Wal-mart I can get them for 1.22 and in the other grocery store they are 1.99 and this is the store with the variety of flavors :sad: That's when I turn to the odwalla bars for back up they are .99!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    8 me/4 junk

    Uh oh, junk is sneaking up on me. stappen.gif Need to rein it back in. Today, I am in control!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Good morning. I haven't made it here for a couple of days because we've been busy getting things ready for the baby (my daughter and her partner share a house with us) and then we had SUN!!!:happy: so I've been outside working in the yard.

    Did well on Thursday and on Friday until I went to my son's company picnic on Friday night.It is always at a Rainier's game (they are the minor league team for the Seattle Mariners) and is always 'baseball' food. It was really good, though, and I did not overeat which is SO much better than other times!

    Saturday was so-so but I am back on track for today. It is still nice out so I'll be getting some more yardwork done and then I think we'll have a nice easy (clean) meal tonight.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Welcome Kelynn! I jumped into this thread late too but I'm pushing myself to finish June strong!

    Today is my 4th day of clean eating. Just walked in the door from the Farmer's Market with bags full of fruits and veggies.

    My goal has been to eliminate the processed foods as much as possible (especially ones with sneaky corn syrup) and although it's meant I've needed to cook almost every meal, it's really been eye-opening. I haven't stopped myself from having so-called "bad" foods because I would rather have the tiniest bit of real butter or cream than margarine or Cool Whip. So far so good.

    Oh, I did have two drinks last night but still stayed within calories.

    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    9 me/4 junk

    You guys are doing so great. In a world full of easily processed, deliciously yummy goodness, this is no doubt a challenge. Thank you for keeping it up and encouraging me.

    Last night went to a picnic and ate about 6 bowls of salad my husband had made to avoid the cakes. When I left, I really wanted ice cream. But ended up going home and having grapes, blueberries, and pb and honey on 15-grain bread. Certain times of the month :blushing: my body just craves donuts, cakes, ice cream. So I definitely went over my calories just to avoid them, but am okay with that today, knowing I succeeded.

    Today's challenge? My son's class picnic. And silly me is in charge of the food and our class in particular of the sweets. Uh oh. Must remain STRONG!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    10 good out of 13

    I tried the frozen banana in the blender and it can definitely take care of the urge for ice cream I used 2 bananas 1 cup of almond milk and I think it would be good with a splash of vanilla but instead yesterday I added a sprinkle of cinnamon it was great!!

    My goal this week is to keep it clean and stay away from eating out today is my first time back on the scale in 3 weeks I am hoping for a great number I will be back to share later.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I think I can safely count yday as my day 1 :happy:.
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    So tortilla chips are not a clean food? I thought the ones with made with just corn, salt, and oil (I think those are the ingredients) were OK.

    I have read several people say that they snuck or indulged in those with salsa and it confused me just a bit.

    Aslo, what are clean breakfasts other than oatmeal and eggs?