RobynC79 Member


  • Hi Shannon, I just rejoined MFP and just joined this group for the first time - I have a 13 month old and 20 pounds of 'not-baby' weight that I have not been able to lose, so I'm back on MFP. I also had a horrible late pregnancy/early postnatal stage (SPD so I was practically immobile for the last 5 weeks or so, then super…
  • Sigh... this is getting rather out of hand, don't you think? There's nothing quite as vicious as mothers discussing child-rearing! At no point did I suggest you should disregard a child's report of abuse - I am suggesting that once you have reported it to the school and they cannot find any further evidence of it,…
  • Hm, I find that rather insulting. But thanks for the expression of concern for their welfare. I am of the non-american school of child-rearing that says that teachers have a right to tell you that your child has been naughty, and they have the right to impose their authority by verbal and non-physical discipline in school.…
  • Hm, let's see... your child misbehaved in class and was verbally disciplined by his teacher, who then communicated why this occurred to you when you went to collect him. Of course you thought he looked 'scared and sad' while she thought he was being insolent - there is a big difference in how parents and teachers view your…
  • I am on week 3 of Ripped in 30 now - I think it's tougher than 30 day shred in the strength sections but easier on the cardio. I can see visible improvements but unlike 30DS I haven't lost any pounds. I am not having nearly as many issues with knee and ankle pain in RI30, but that might be because I already know I need to…
  • I expect the 'anti-freeze' comment comes from the posters confusion of ethylene gycol (anti-freeze) and propylene glycol (food preservative, also with anti-ice crystal properties). However - NOT THE SAME. Like how bleach (H2O2) and water (H2O) are not really both good for drinking, despite being chemically similar. 'Good…
  • I disagree with most of the posts here - your body DOES have a surplus of calories - stored as fat. For someone with considerable fat mass who is eating at a moderate deficit, it is quite possible to build a small amount of muscle while simultaneously reducing fat mass. That's part of what the metabolised fat is being used…
  • Just jumping in here to add some details about the 'mummies with artherosclerosis' study - the ONLY significant predictor of presence and degree of arterial calcification was age. One of the four populations from which the subjects were drawn was a marine hunter-gatherer that was pre-agricultural - consuming high-fat…
  • I'm just popping in to say thanks for providing an excellent bait thread to attract all the argumentative pseudo-science crusaders (not mentioning any names) so the rest of us can post sensible reasoned responses in all the other threads without having someone reply 'well so's your FACE!' several hundred times on the same…
  • Most of what's in the above post is incorrect. Timing of consumption of any type of food has no effect on metabolism. The oft-quoted axiom that one must eat protein within a certain time frame of a workout is also incorrect - there is weak evidence that timing of carbohydrate consumption within a fixed window improves…
  • I wonder if the OP wants to still visit 'america' after this fine examplar of the debate skills and intelligence level of a number of its citizenry?
    in America Comment by RobynC79 March 2013
  • Well this had certainly brought the supplement-defenders out in force.... I think proving a definitive link between this substance and sudden death is going to be almost impossible. Unfortunately there are a small number of people out there with undiagnosed conditions such as heart defects whose first symptom is sudden…
  • Here's the problem with this religious mantra 'eat more to lose more' - this *might* be the issue if she is not losing but just maintaining her weight. But she says herself that she is GAINING weight. There is no possible way she can gain weight (actual mass, so excepting transient inflammatory weight) by eating less than…
  • I have a BSc in Marine Biology, a PhD in EEB (evolution, ecology, behaviour) and post-doctoral training in neuroscience. I work on the evolution of mechanisms underlying chronic pain and neural plasticity. It's fun. Hooray for science!
  • Oh, this describes me exactly! I get on better with men in general, and I suspect it's because I violate various expectations of female friendship - I'm not outgoing, I don't do emotion-matching or conversational empathy very well, and I don't make small talk well because I'm quite shy. I'm also foreign, with a bit of a…
  • You don't seem to log very consistently - you have a lot of days with nothing logged, some days with only a few things, and on the days where you do, you eat a lot of processed, junky food. Are you logging everything you eat? It looks from your ticker that you have only a little weight to lose (14lb total??) - if this is…
  • Hmm, I have read through the success thread and this one, and I think you are being a little defensive. If you post photos on a website and invite comments, you are probably going to get some from people stating that they personally do not aspire to similar goals. That's not body shaming. You will almost certainly also get…
  • You forgot one: 4. some people who are very highly educated about human physiology who recognise a snake-oil scheme when they see one, and try to help people understand why this product is a waste of their money. I count a number of them on this thread.
  • Yes, I agree on that front too - useless ingredients are one thing. Useless ingredients that are provided in mysterious, most likely minuscule quantities - even worse.
  • Hm, this is one of the problems I have with supplements such as Shaleology in general - a whole lot of sciency-sounding things that nonetheless fall short of making any claims of causation that would expose them to scrutiny from regulators, and in reality is total nonsense. This is classic advertising double-speak. For…
  • Haha - 'science' is bad and quoting it in support of one's argument is now bullying, I see.. I also see a regular thread-hijacker complaining that those annoying 'science' people are hijacking the thread. Amusing. Ketogenic diets are useful for treating certain neurological disorders - notably seizure disorders, and to a…
  • No - you are most likely swollen due to fluid retention, both from the high-protein diet (excessive protein consumption makes your kidneys work hard and can cause constipation, both of which will lead to fluid retention), and from the exercise you are doing. When you work out muscles that are not adapted to it, you produce…
  • I would go with Chocolate milk for the following reasons: 1. Far cheaper per unit of volume and unit of usable nutrients. Protein shakes are expensive. 2. It is what it claims to be (assuming you get a good brand without a bunch of artificial sweeteners). Many protein shakes and meal-replacement shakes are packed full of…
  • I am quoting this because this is the best and most honest answer I've ever seen from a BB coach in response to a shakeology question. Personally, I think it's overpriced and there are many similar products that will do the job for cheaper. I also question the necessity for meal replacement or high-protein shakes for…
  • I love it! Let me add a couple of my own: 1. Dr Oz/Mercola/ has actually discovered the super-secret secret to weightloss, and is now sharing with all of you from the very goodness of his heart. And the scientists that disagree with everything he says are just corrupt, lying *kitten* who want you all to DIE! 2. The ONLY…
  • Yes - I suspect this is probably the most likely scenario - healthy people and the physically fit (like the athletes in this study) can tolerate excess protein quite well, but those who have poor health or specific pre-disposing conditions (like those mentioned in the review I posted) may have problems. I think it's…
  • Like I said, I am not a kidney expert. But this a relatively recent (2008, so not brand new) review of high protein diets - this is the abstract, but if you'd like the full text I would be happy to send it to you. Note the last few lines - basically there is little data on long term exposure, but they suggest it might lead…
  • I find the 'protein thing' to be a straw man - the standard western diet, and certainly the SAD, contains more than sufficient protein to support life. This dogma that is promulgated relentlessly here - that one must consume x/g lbm - is silly - like lecturing people that they need x% of oxygen for every breath they take.…