

  • Paddles are meant to help improve your stroke. I only use the if I'm working on arms most of them time I swim without them. When people use them throughout their entire workout they do get too dependent on them.
  • If you're just using your iPhone to set at the side of the pool to see your workout use a ziplock bag. I tried this yesterday and te touch works through the bag. I always like to see my workout so I dont have to memorize it. As far as swimming with the iPhone I don't think I'd trust anything.
  • Do you use paddles at any point? Sometimes that can help you learn to speed your stroke up. Just keep at it and you'll get faster just by continuing to do it. I just got back to pool workouts after 10 years of trying to do land workouts. I realize why I never stuck with the land programs.
  • USA swim and speedo recommends you breath on the odd, 3, 5 or 7. I personally do 3 with every once in a while doing 5. If you go to speedo,pace club they have technique videos on there that may help you. Hope this helps. If it continues use a snorkel format while.
  • Great advice tried his today and it was much better
  • Congrats on the 2600. I did 3200 hard today it took mt 90 minutes. Keep up the great work.
  • Thanks for the workout idea, did this one today, it was challenging and took me 90 minutes. I'll have to build more strength. I can do 25 meter butterfly but don't have the strength right now to do more than that. Melinda
  • I am new to this as well, just started swimming two weeks ago. I was an avid swimmer when I was younger, I swam on a few teams and taught swim lessons. I'm just trying to get my strokes better right now but really living my time in the pool.
  • I found a lot of good workouts onlinembutmhowmdo I remember it all when I swim? Does anyone laminate their workouts? That's what I'm thinking of doing.
  • I do 200 free warm up 500 IM 200 back 200 free arms only 200 free legs only 500 free/back 100 breast arms 100 breast legs 50 fy 50 breast 100 free cool down This is 2200 meters
  • You're nicer than me id just get in and start swimming. She's being really rude. I've actually never had anyone tell me no. Sometimes when people ask to share with me I ask them to be near the wall because I keep kicking it when I do breast stroke. Maybe someone other than the lifeguards should tell her how rude she's…
  • I just started swimming two weeks ago. This is natural to me, I've been on a swim team and taught lessons. So far I really haven't lost much but this is only my second week. I'm loving the workouts. I surprised myself by being able to do a lap of butterfly today.