

  • It depends on the tattoo and placement. I currently have a tattoo on my back that I know would not look strange should my body change (this was before I started MFP and weight loss). I fully intend to get another tattoo or two but where I want to place them I have to definitely lose and tone. Its all about the aesthetics…
  • I was perfectly fine with all the christmas cake, ham, and mac and cheese I consumed over the holiday. Regret came later in the form of 8 pounds back on :sad: Just could not believe it!! :noway: Trying to get back on track......
  • The only thing I can say is to start off slow and do a little bit more each time. I still don't have the running thing down cause I still can't run longer than 3 mins at 4mph on the treadmill before I am out of breath. Any higher than that i'm a complete mess. However my recovery time has reduced in that I only need to…
  • Welcome to MFP!! Sent you a request!
  • Thanks Hauer01 I absolutely adore crab rangoon, just wasn't sure how to make it healthier
  • Well shucks! Ahh well, point is we'll all be there so its cool.
  • Me me me!! My mom, sister, and I will be in the running category. I was in the Sigma run earlier this year and I really enjoyed it. I don't think i'm ready for those half and mini-marathons and 10k runs that they have, but 5k's I can do!!! See you there!!
  • Well, according to nutritionists and looking at high metabolism foods, they did say spicy foods (esp with pepper) was one of them.
  • 76 pounds first of all is AWESOME!! Congratulations!! I agree with Cantjustcant. You might have probably reached a plateau with regards to your exercise especially if you have been doing the same type of exercise for a long period. Try kicking it up a notch with Zumba and Tae Bo. They are both high intensity but varied…
  • 45 lbs in 3 months! That is fantastic! Great job. Wish you continued success.
  • Half of the time I go over my sodium intake especially when I drink soup. Increase the amount of water you drink and go to the restroom often. This will flush some of the excess salt out of your system
  • 39 lbs is awesome! Don't belittle all the hard work you have done!. Have you started some weight training? Will help tone the muscles and tighten up the skin.
  • I don't think you need to be on such a low calorie (1200) diet. Increase to maybe 1400-1500 net. I'm set at 1260 cals/day, but i'm 5'6" and weigh *ahem* 236 now. The larger you are the more you can afford to eat smaller calorie portions per day to access that fat. I average about 2lbs loss a week but my exercise is not set…
  • Turkey bacon is a good alternative. Pop that sucker in our George Foreman grill - FANTASTIC! Hmm, what sets off my taste buds? Chinese food, especially pork and vegetable dishes! Can't walk pass a Chinese restaurant without my mouth starting the water. Managed some level of control for fresh glazed donuts, but it was HARD!
  • Oh good Lord. I was going to visit Alaska as part of a cruise i'm going on this summer. MrBrown is making me think second thoughts. *oh boy!* Well, paid my ticket and the cruise is 3 weeks away. Can't change my mind now. Maybe I should stay on the ship? *mutters: Be brave!!*
  • I know that feeling well. When I was doing my PhD I was forever worried about exams and presentations etc. I used to munch on all manner of sweets. Now I pick at the Special K bar (its gotta be chocolate for me) with water. And I mean pick. Break off pieces and eat slowly instead of biting large mouthfuls. And drink water…
  • Welcome Tricia. This is a good place to hang around with like-minded people. Tons of menus and help. Good luck!
    in Hi! Comment by JadazV June 2011
  • Hello and welcome. I was pretty much the same way. Didn't start posting until I felt a little bit more comfortable. Take care!
    in New here! Comment by JadazV June 2011
  • Welcome and Hi. You can stick to it. All the best.
    in New to MFP Comment by JadazV June 2011
  • Hi Katie. Welcome to MFP. Good luck 2 u as well! Now, let's lose some poundage!!! (yeah i'm silly) :D
    in hello all Comment by JadazV June 2011
  • Why am I fat? *shrug* I've got no excuses. I love food. A foodie through and through. I love trying new foods, experimenting with new foods and recipes. To heck with the fat and calories cause it had to taste good! Added to the fact that my entire family can cook.... well, let's just say that there was never a shortage of…
  • I haven't been on this program as long as you have but i've found that if you have friends and family on the program with you, you all keep each other motivated to make it. That's what we do. Good luck!
  • I've heard about the applesauce thing but never tried it. Think its about time that i do! Thanks
    in Hello and Hi Comment by JadazV June 2011
  • Good to know. Was kind of confused about all those "bumps" in posts. Thought it was spam. I tried this recipe the other day and my sister (Jamaicangirl81) and loved them. "Spicy Oven-roasted potato wedges" Ingredients: 3 large irish potatoes, cut into 1 cm strips lengthwise. 3 tbsp paprika 3 tbsp Cayenne pepper 3 tbsp Mrs.…