I was happy until I saw the pictures!

Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I was so proud of how I was doing, I hit the goal weight I had for my bachelorette this weekend and had a nice new outfit ready. I had an amazing time and was feeling pretty darn good about myself until I saw some of the pictures posted by my friends on Facebook :-(
Some were ok but in others I realized I still look like a cow! It's kind of taken the wind out of my sails and now I'm fearing the wedding day with all the pictures that will be taken.....


  • mom111997
    mom111997 Posts: 101 Member
    DON'T do that to yourself !!! You've worked hard to get that 39 lbs off of you and you should be VERY proud of yourself! How you feel about yourself is WAY more important than any stupid picture. Your wedding day will be a happy day no matter what!
  • msallymae
    msallymae Posts: 112 Member
    pretty much the same for me, no worries! just stay motivated :)
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    Don't be silly! You set a goal and reached it! Well done! That is fantastic :) Just keep on doing what you're doing. Yes, it will take time, but the longer it takes the more likely it is to stay off.

    Have a fantastic wedding, you will look wonderful :) x
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    39 pounds is a tremendous accomplishment..you should be proud and not be so hard on yourself!
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    I know how you feel, but trust me it'll get better! Now I have a picture every once in a while whre I'm like HEY! Not too bad! And eventually that will turn into "you just look hot" ;)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    A 39lb. loss is nothing to sneeze at and you didn't get there by giving up, did you? So you're not happy with some of your pictures...but that's ok, so long as you use that to be motivated to work harder and NOT GIVE UP!
  • JadazV
    JadazV Posts: 26
    39 lbs is awesome! Don't belittle all the hard work you have done!. Have you started some weight training? Will help tone the muscles and tighten up the skin.
  • arotella
    arotella Posts: 98 Member
    I feel your pain! I do this to myself ALL the time and I hate it! Just remember we are our own worst critics!
  • Revolutionwithin
    Revolutionwithin Posts: 47 Member
    I get that but you have to put a swing on how you're seeing it. Would you like it better if your picture was there of you with all the weight you lost on instead? One day that one picture you hate now is going to be the picture that shows your triumph later.
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    Relax. It's going to be amazing and you will look beautiful!

    I took bridal bootcamp for a year before my wedding - which was super easy since my hubby was over seas. He came home 1 month before the wedding and I stopped bootcamp because I was excited to hang with him. I didn't realize I had put weight back on because I was still smaller than I started.

    The wedding could have been stressful but I was just so darned happy that it all made me laugh. I was late down the isle because my grandmother had to sew me into my strapless dress! The top hooks just would not reach so I had to undo my up do and let my hair fall to cover it.

    I had the best day with amazing pics! I was so happy. Sure if I look at the pics too critical my butt looks huge - but I didn't feel that way on my day.

    You will be too happy to worry about something so trivial! Besides your new husband will love you no matter what and he will be standing at that alter to prove it ;-)
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    No worries your doing great! Keep going!!!!
    TWEETIE19 Posts: 54
    Don't beat yourself up about it....Your doing a GREAT JOB!!! You should be proud, I know I am. Take a look at where you were when you started and now. You've come a long way Hun....Chin Up...:drinker:
  • EricaSno28
    EricaSno28 Posts: 20
    You are doing great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont be so hard on yourself .... those people that love you would never say you look like a cow..........keep it up!
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Think of other things. You're over 1/3 of the way through your goal. You've currently lost 15.74% of your body weight. You were lugging around almost 40 lbs of extra weight. Go somewhere and pick up something that weighs 40 lbs. That's gone from your body! You will be wearing a smaller wedding dress than you would have when you started. Take a hot bath, read a good book, do whatever you do to pamper yourself that isn't related to a mirror or food. Then get back to it.
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    Hey sweety. I know how you feel and I only have 20 to 30 lbs left. I have lost 40 lbs and I still feel like a flabby! YOU are sensational and I just know you can complete this that you have started! Don't you worry about those pics! Just put them out of your head and keep pressing forward to your goal! Imagine yourself the way you WANT to look instead of looking at the pics that make you uncomfortable. You will be glad you did!!! Icerose137 is a wise woman!!! Take her advice!!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I had the same thing - I feel better, my clothes fit better, people tell me they can see the weight loss, I can see my stomach sticking out less, but I saw a picture of myself recently and was totally taken back. My first reaction was that I looked fat. No one else saw it but me. They're my friends and family, they're supposed to lie to me, right? Look at all the positive comments you received from your post, that should count for something. These pepole (the majority) are complete and total strangers who are in the same boat as you - they have the same feelings and know what you're going through - they would not lie to you.
    You have come such a long way and have accomplished so much - don't let those few pictures get you down. Congrats on your wedding and try to focus on the day! :flowerforyou:
  • PST0622
    PST0622 Posts: 115
    Don't be so hard on yourself!!! You have already reached an amazing goal!! You are a beautiful woman and your wedding day will be as beautiful as you are!!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    You've done amazing things for your body, your health and your spirit by losing 39 lbs. Relax, enjoy your wedding day. Confidence is the most enhancing accessory any woman can wear. With it, she's glowing and beautiful. Without it, she's only half way there. Be confident and proud of the changes you've made.
  • mikeandfox
    mikeandfox Posts: 59
    You know what might make you feel better?
    Look at pictures of you before you lost 39 lbs!
    I bet you look a lot better now than before.
  • EmsyLou77
    EmsyLou77 Posts: 47 Member
    A photo taken at a bad angle can be unflattering no matter how thin you are!

    Don't feel bad, you are doing amazingly.
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