pattycake118 Member


  • Probiotics require time to take effect. You need to take them fairly consistently and it can take months to take effect (varies per person). Also take a prebiotic if possible, or at the very least ensure that you're getting enough fiber. This will encourage all the happy bacteria in your gut to flourish over the unwanted…
  • Amazing change! I'm working on my 20 lbs, so it's nice to see how much of a difference it made on you. I'm looking forward to the flatter tummy, like yours, as well as smaller non-rubbing-against-eachother thighs.
  • I'm avoiding the scale right now, but know that I have lost a bit. Even (what I'm assuming is) a few pounds difference has made me feel better in my skin and clothes. I take the time to take care of and pamper myself, so I'm generally happy with how I look - just working on those extra pounds. Original poster, and everyone…
  • I'm always freezing, but I find when I'm eating better (mostly enough fat and protein) that I'm warmer.
  • I just did a colon cleanse (required for some medical tests) and it was quite unpleasant. Just eat more vegetables and fruits if you're doing it for fun.
  • I agree that you should be able to just come out and say it. It's hard, I know, and it takes a long time to start getting comfortable saying anything like that. But, you're going to spend the rest of your lives together, and if you don't tell him, who will? If you still don't want to be straightforward and say it, just pay…
  • I am super impressed!
  • Those asking how PB could be bad - Aflatoxin can be found in peanut butter. I don't know the stats, but I wouldn't worry about it... The sugar content in the really processed PB terrifies me, though. Natural is the way to go. As for replacements? There's a brand called Nuts-To-You Nut Butter that I've tried a few times…
  • Don't force it. Some days your body needs more fuel and some days it needs less. Listen to what it's telling you.
  • Something with fat and protein to keep you full. Screw the calorie restriction - your body is begging for fuel. Also, consider something with a lot of iron, since that is likely what your body is trying to get during this time.
  • When I was first looking to try it, the ingredient list on most brands troubled me. I found one that had only 2 ingredients - the Kirkland brand (Costco) and I like it. Here's a taste test article (which, unfortunately doesn't list Kirkland).…
  • If you want to go down to fat free, you'll get used to it if you give it a bit of time. I grew up with 2% and switched to fat-free and now up to 1%. Give your taste buds time to adjust. If you decide to go another route, make sure you check out the nutrition panel for the product - calcium and protein are things you don't…
    in MILK Comment by pattycake118 March 2013
  • I love mine. I usually start my day with one along with a small bowl of cereal or oatmeal. It makes me feel good inside - and I miss it when I don't make one. When I started, I felt that 50g spinach was the limit where I couldn't taste it. At 80ish g I thought it was gross (but I got used to it and don't notice anymore).…
  • Avoid commercial laxatives if you can help it - your body can become dependent on it. Keep active - all that moving around will help things move along inside you. Fat does help to get things moving as well. And, since no one else has mentioned this - see your doctor if things aren't working out. There's many levels of…
  • It is SO hard to get over sugar, but it can be done. I would get irritated and anxious, and could feel just how addicted I was. The methods that worked best for me were to get out of the house (far, far away from the treats, without my wallet to buy others), drink a glass of water, chew gum, fill up on veggies. It took a…
  • Could you make plans with someone? It sounds like you're lonely at that time. It's hard to reach out, but we're strangers and we're being kind to you - someone you know probably will be nice too. Otherwise, it can be nice having a night in with the tv. Maybe try not to watch tv on the couch - stand up and march in place,…
  • Ouch. I bet he's afraid you'll realize you're too hot for him. But, he managed to bring home wings, so he can probably bring home pop or other things he wants. The compromise I have with my husband is on the grocery list - if he wants something he has to put it on there. I don't drink pop, so I don't know when there's none…
  • I use polar. I love being able to see a number right away, and know if I'm cheating and not working hard enough. I've searched online about taking it in the pool - it did not receive signal from the monitor, so no measurements. It was a salt water pool, so it makes sense. Try amazon for good prices. It was so much more…
  • So awesome! Thanks for sharing.
  • I use my kitchenaid blender daily, so I think I spent around $100 on it. It was worth it for me - I have a green smoothie with my oatmeal for breakfast, I make my own orange juice and other juices (don't even notice the pulp and it tastes so much better) and tomorrow I'm trying to make my own almond milk from recipies I…
  • I would drink coffee all day if it wasn't horrible for my bones. I love my coffee black, and it has to be good quality coffee if you're making the switch from the candy coffee to real coffee. I personally love Guatemalan coffee, but if there is a different region or roast that you love, buy that and start brewing it. Spend…
  • I wish I could drink coffee - even a small cup does a number on my stomach. I've read that there are a lot of people for whom the amount of caffeine in coffee is too much, but from all the drinkers out there I always feel like I'm the only one.
  • I like to make a garden salad and bring one of those small tins of seasoned tuna. The tuna itself is usually 80-110 calories. A sandwich on light rye bread with lots of greens and some protein, and carrots on the side. I knew a girl who would bring two hard boiled eggs in her lunch.
  • Yes! I would say that you've slimmed down a bit. Do you feel any different? Are you able to do things you didn't used to? I find that is the big motivator for me when I don't see the difference myself in the mirror.
  • Wow, thanks for sharing. And congratulations on your recovery - you sound phenomenal!
  • Thanks for the tips! I think we may get into swimmming, since it will be perfect for summer! He tried the brace last night on the elliptical and tells me that it felt better both during and after his work out.
  • Don't forget to keep them in the fridge, or all those bacterial cultures will die and be useless. I used to take them for digestion but now take digestive enzymes right before eating something that I expect will upset my stomach. I find that with yogurt or the pills that if I don't eat them there are certain foods that I…
  • I think it should be a bit lower, but looks good. Or try straightening it, so it's really sleek and shiny and just a basic ponytail would look quite classy as well. Have a good time!
  • Very uncomfortable!! I would freak out in that situation! Perhaps you could scratch uncontrollably so that he doesn't want to touch you again, believing you to have some contagious skin condition? Sad, but I hate confrontation with strangers..... Hope I at least made you smile :)
  • Try old fashion oats, instead of quick oats. They're thicker, you can still make them with water, and they feel like they have more substance to them It's not gooey, but more chunky in a yummy way. Just check on the bag how to make them (I think it's 1/3 cup oats, then I just cover with water, and microwave 45 seconds), I…