

  • Struggling today! Seemed to have stayed the same weight for 2 weeks and all I can do is think about eating, eating, eating! Am only on 1200 calories per day and can't cut any more out! It is 12 weeks til my holiday and want to lose 1 stone between now and then, but the scales don't want to shift. Any tips at all? Feel so…
  • Another 1lb down !! Maybe I will get into double figures next week..... Got a busy week end tho, so will have to exercise like a crazy thing to burn off all the food and drink! London today with friends and 1 daughter to see Billy Elliott and mooch around town (read eating amd drinking!) Then out for drinks tonight , then…
  • Another 1lb lost - talk about slow!! But it is in the right direction!! Beautiful day here so am off into the garden to do loads of work. Will ache tonight but just think of all the calories I will burn off! Have a great Sat everyone. Might even need suncream :happy: Carrie
  • Hi All Humpday as some of you say and I have got the hump today!! Lovely sunny day but just feel fed up. Hopefully it will pass soon! Have been keeping under my daily calorie allowance by following the Kellogs 2 week kick start ( 2 bowls of cereal and 1 main dinner) I seemed to have adapted quite well to the amount I can…
  • 3lb off - yay! Have been very good this week to try and kick start the weight loss so am pleased. A few more to go tho!! Am hoping the weather stays good as hoping to do some more gardening. I too find the week ends hard if I haven't planned anything as I pick when I am bored and by picking I mean I can demolish shed loads…
  • Lunch today - bowl of Optivia cereal !! Stood on the scales yesterday and it said I had put on since Fri!! Not impressed:noway: so cut back big time yesterday and today to try and compensate. I did have a curry at the week end but had walked miles so thought I had "earned" it but obviously not. If I remember correctly last…
  • Had good day today, spent many hours walking around London with my niece..............but at least I earnt enough calories for a curry!! Tomorrow am planning on a day of gardening if this weather holds up. Kendra I also do TKD....nice to have a fellow follower! Hope everyone else is having a good week end Carrie
  • Paul We must have sat in the same traffic jam! I decided to "nip" to Bluewater quickly, but sat in the traffic for 2 hours!! Great fun.... Back later to post properly Carrie
  • Paul - amazing before and after photos. As you say it can be done! Like most people my weight has crept on gradually and I now have to lose nearly 2 stone - yikes! So far I have lost 4 and weigh in day is Fri. I tried hard to be good over the week end so we shall see. I am in a foul mood tonight, for no apparent reason,…
  • Have found April !! Weigh in day tomorrow and then lovely long week end......yay !! Have just acquired 2 new kittens who keep climbing on my lap for a sleep, at least they stop me going into the kitchen for food! Now just to avoid the chocolate........
  • Hi I had a good week end away at the spa with my best friend. Tried to stay good, but did have wine with my meals, but still counted what I had eaten even if I did go over my calorie count. Was very good yesterday and only had porridge for breakfast instead of cooked breccie and also swam for 30 mins. Am back on track now…
  • Hi Well I am about to have the Perfect Week end,but notin the same way!! Mine started on Thurs so already ahead. I went to see Dreamboats and Petticoats with my Mum, Dad and sister.... It was fab!! we danced in the aisles and sang away. I managed to avoid all the chocolate but did have a glass of wine. Now I am off to meet…
  • Thanks for the welcomes! Strugglig today as seem to have the hump! Doesn't help when I am hungry, so just had a bowl of pasta with chicken and brocolli and am now drinking pints of water! May have to go to bed soon!! No will be strong - am watching Eddie Izzard on his marathon run. WOW is all I can say . Tomorrow will be…
  • Hi Please can I join too?? I found MFP last week via my I phone and am now addicted! Although I started to diet last week I only bought some scales on Fri so am using that as my starting point. I will have to weigh in on Thurs this week as I am away for the week end. So far I have been good - and yes it is early days. I am…
  • Hi have had much better day today, did not feel hungry so am hoping that my body is getting used to having less calories! Went for a swim yesterday for 40 mins and have 2 hours training tonight - am trying to increase the amount of exercise to help speed along the results. However, am going away this week end with a friend…
  • I know that Fri is Check In Day, but I only found this web site 3 days ago so shall wait til next Fri to report back. I have, though, bought some scales today. Ooooppppsss - guessing wasn't such a good idea. Still never mind I am determined to shift the weight and I think the writing of all food down will help. At the…
  • Hi Am new on here this morning. Am def in the +40 category and feel it is time to lose the excess baggage! want to be able to wear clothes with the "muffin tops" . I have guessed my weight but am off to buy scales this morning to give 100% accurate reading. 1 quick question, how much in gr/uk oz is 1 cup? Carrie