Team UK - April 2010



  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hello hello...... Yeah to Friday!!!

    So I am happy with my scales, but not happy with them!!!! I was 10.10 this morning for my official weigh in, so I have finally moved from 10.11 which I have been for aaaaaaaaaaaaaages, however, the last couple of days the scales have shown 10.9!!! So I am delighted to have lost an lb, but was hoping for two!!!!! Doh!!!! I did actually stick the two fingers up at my scales!!! Ha ha!!! We have a love hate relationship!!!

    So am going to try and be good this weekend, I am out on Sunday so that will involve a lot of drinking, but am going to try and be good food wise and pack in lots of exercise.

    Hope you all have fab bank holiday weekends.

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • crispy1990
    afternoon everyone :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Newbies :bigsmile:
    Hope you are all doing okay, not been on for a while as have been mega busy and feeling very p***ed off. I have not had time to exercise so am not expecting the scales to move tomorrow, which will pee me off even more!
    We had a pay rise this week, YAY but it equates to about £12 a month. Talk about not feeling appreciated. I mean really what was the point as my tax has gone up by £20. So I bit the bullet & applied for 2 new jobs yesterday. :noway:

    Wow that turned into a little rant :explode: sorry about that guys

    PP - Glad the scales moved in the right direction :happy:

    Kimmybee - I know the feeling, I'd eaten my lunch by 11.30 LOL

    Mimi, Sparkle & Erika - WTG on the running, almost making me want to take it up. Maybe when the enormous bazookas have shrunk a little more !!! :laugh:

    Lee & KP - Hope you are both doing ok, I haven't got a smiley hug so HUGS to you both.

    Have a good weekend everyone
  • Carrie181
    Carrie181 Posts: 18
    Another 1lb down !! Maybe I will get into double figures next week.....

    Got a busy week end tho, so will have to exercise like a crazy thing to burn off all the food and drink!

    London today with friends and 1 daughter to see Billy Elliott and mooch around town (read eating amd drinking!) Then out for drinks tonight , then some friends coming for dinner tomorrow. I have planned the menu and no it's not "good!!"

    Mon is so far a quiet day, but that may change!
    Have a good week end all

  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Carrie, we can hit double figures together next week, woo for us :laugh:

    at work again.. and hungry again :grumble: I think this place just depresses me into gorge mode! But I shall stick with my water and battle my stomach and hopefully get through the night without trying to eat the pillow. :brokenheart:
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey all,

    Having fallen off the wagon due to stuff happening in work and also my Aunt passing away on Friday :frown: , I've now hopefully picked myself back up and starting again, more determined to lose weight. Funeral is next Tuesday, my mum and dad said I didn't need to go as she knows I don't like them, but I want to pay respects to family so I'm going, and also to support my nan.

    I'm off work today so going to go the gym. It's weird, I was still the same weight yesterday evening as I was on Friday morning, and the Friday before that. My metabolism must be starting to get a bit faster. I now need to update my food diary for the past 4 odd days that I've missed.

    Hope everybody is doing okay, and sticking to it. :smile: I should be on a bit more now as I'm going to try and add 50% effort to my gym sessions, and that should see me push below 245lbs for the first time.

    Take care everybody, and thanks for the show of support over the last few days, it means a lot to me. :smile:

    Lee (:heart: for the ladies, :drinker: for the gents!)
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    I am VERY excited to see some people living in the UK on here!

    I thought I would introduce myself. I'm Australian but moved to London recently (I say recently but it's been 6 months already... time flies!) to live with my fiance who is British. I was an overweight child and gradually gained weight until I was 17 when I lost 45kg (doing all the wrong things). Now I'm a dietitian and while I kept the weight off during my degree, it has crept back on rapidly since I started working and I am hoping to lose some before my wedding next March and keep it off, for health.

    My fiance and I just joined this Saturday via the iPhone app then discovered the website. I quite like it. Some of the forums drive me a bit nuts (sometimes being a dietitian is the worst!) but there also seems to be quite a nice environment of people supporting each other. We all know that knowing what we should do is different to doing it.

    Best wishes to everybody!

  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    I've been in the UK (from the U.S.) for a year, and yes, that year has flown by!

    Welcome to this site and thread!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    I am VERY excited to see some people living in the UK on here!

    I thought I would introduce myself. I'm Australian but moved to London recently (I say recently but it's been 6 months already... time flies!) to live with my fiance who is British. I was an overweight child and gradually gained weight until I was 17 when I lost 45kg (doing all the wrong things). Now I'm a dietitian and while I kept the weight off during my degree, it has crept back on rapidly since I started working and I am hoping to lose some before my wedding next March and keep it off, for health.

    My fiance and I just joined this Saturday via the iPhone app then discovered the website. I quite like it. Some of the forums drive me a bit nuts (sometimes being a dietitian is the worst!) but there also seems to be quite a nice environment of people supporting each other. We all know that knowing what we should do is different to doing it.

    Best wishes to everybody!


    You will find us on the new thread...