Team UK - April 2010



  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Good morning everyone!!

    I had such a fab afternoon and evening yesterday, we went and had hot chocolate in town first then for dinner we had a delicious canneloni, followed by more canneloni,  then some beautiful homemade cake  with mascerpone! I did also have a couple of glasses of wine. I haven't even tried to log it but was definately over. :-) wahoo!

    I may be going for a bike ride with my OH today but probably going to skip the gym. 

    I also have now logged my higher weight  it feels kinda good to accept that I have put a little back on and I'm hoping that going back to work on Monday will mean I lose it quickly once I'm back in my routine. I probably need to cut out the goodies  too!!

    Have a fab day everyone!! 

    Clara xx

  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    I need something nice to eat for lunch - its friday - so I want to buy something nice an tasty - I have had soup for the last 4 days - what should I get that is low cal (under 400 preferably) but has to be tasty and filling!
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Happy Weekend Everyone :)
    hope you manage to keep your no drinking Mimi
    I'm going for a meal tonight
    and i looked at the menu... nothing healthy! all steaks and racks of lamb and things like that
    so i'm trying to eat as little as possible until tonight.
    & then tomorrow got a massive party :/
    oh dear oh dear, xxx
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    oops double post, sorry!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Hiiii. I'm waving the flag for the UK!

    Put on 2.4lbs this week but got my *kitten* out the house and to the gym. Walked there and back, too, to add to the work out. I managed to do a whole hour on the cross trainer without stopping for a break and pretty much keeping it up to about 70RPM. 834 calories burnt. Oh yeeeeah!
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Put on 2.4lbs this week but got my *kitten* out the house and to the gym. Walked there and back, too, to add to the work out. I managed to do a whole hour on the cross trainer without stopping for a break and pretty much keeping it up to about 70RPM. 834 calories burnt. Oh yeeeeah!

    ^^ unlucky with the weight gain. but amazing at the gym!
  • crispy1990
    good morning everybody 'waves'

    want more smiley's but haven't worked out how to get them!!

    I have lost another lb :happy:

    but I sis have a very bad evening last night, tariflette & champagne :bigsmile:
    so I will probably gain that one back by tomorrow LOL

    Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine and have a good weekend
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Afternoon all :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    i don't know about where you all are in the country, but it is a boootiful day in Leicester!! Walked into town to meet my friend AND walked back!! :bigsmile:

    Anyhoo, just a quick happy shiny post before I head off and start to prepare for my TKD grading in just over 2hours time.

    Enjoy the w/end!!

    PS WTG Karen!! x
  • bobbyboy16
    Its really lovely here in rural oxfordshire. Been busy giving my garden furniture a coat of oil for the summer. Just working out what i can do with thismonk fish i have bought to cook:smooched: any good ideas i need to impress the wife, who is out shopping in Oxford still :sad: so god help the bank balance :grumble:

    I have 625 cals to go so it can only be simple, and no fancy sauces - cous cous like on sat kitchen this morning maybe

    Here we go - she has just rang and on the way home - kitchen here i come

    Enyoy the rest of the weekend guys - and yippe, no excercise tonight - did mine this morning

  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Evening all :bigsmile:

    Quickie update :happy: TKD grading went ok - made a minor mistake, which I'm hoping is overlooked *fingers crossed* I find out Monday if I passed or not.

    g'night all x
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Kendra - Glad the grading went ok. Let us know what the result is on Monday. I shall keep my fingers crossed for you! :drinker:

    Bobby - How did the monkfish go down? Did you use the Saturday Kitchen recipe in the end? :smile:

    Karen - Well done on the pound loss. Hopefully it won't be back! :flowerforyou:

    ikiness - don't let the gain get you down. We can gain for all sorts of reasons, so just keep it up. Well done at the gym! :wink:

    hdelamore - I hope your weekend is going better than anticipated food wise. It's probably too late, but steaks aren't actually that bad if you skip the sauces and just have them grilled. Baked spud instead of chips, would be good too. I like the picture in your ticker, you're very pretty and you are my height and my goal weight is 150...I'd love to look like you do! :heart:

    hallswan - I find lunches difficult too. I normally have a pitta with ham or cheese and salad and some fruit. I normally get in at under 400. Been thinking of maybe making a lentil salad to take in a couple of days this week, but haven't actually got very far with that yet! :huh:

    Clara - sounds like your evening out was fab! Hope you've been able to get out and enjoy the sunshine on your bike! :glasses:

    KP - weekends are evil! As you know they are my downfall too. Hope it wasn't too bad in the end. :ohwell: :devil:

    Carrie - Well done on the loss. Did you manage to get in to the garden? I'm about to go out and pot on some of my veggie seedlings. :smile:

    :tongue: Mimi - any luck with your prefect weekend?

    Tanya - I hope you're feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Paulo - Well done on the loss! :happy:

    Ragster - ha ha ha on the virgin thing! :laugh:

    Plant pot - how was the aqua aerobics on Thursday? :smile:

    For me yesterday I went to the gym and did my biggest ever burn of about 780 cals...did the 2nd day of couch to 5k followed by my normal gym routine. I really had to do it as we went out for my friend's birthday to the Supper Rooms in Southampton...7 courses including pudding and cheese + wine and port :blushing: Weekends are my downfall!:devil: Hoping to do better today. Going to get out in to the garden this afternoon and tomorrow I'm planning to day three of couch to 5 k outside! Got to plan a route.

    Enjoy the sunshine everyone, :glasses:

    Erika x
  • amberpaigee
    Hiii alll! :flowerforyou:

    I'm from the UK too! I hope you don't mind me joining in this little group but it's good to hear from some UK-ers! I've got 14lbs to go to reach my goal weight and have been lacking in some motivation recently! :)

    Hope you all have had a brilliant start to your week! :flowerforyou:

  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hiii alll! :flowerforyou:

    I'm from the UK too! I hope you don't mind me joining in this little group but it's good to hear from some UK-ers! I've got 14lbs to go to reach my goal weight and have been lacking in some motivation recently! :)

    Hope you all have had a brilliant start to your week! :flowerforyou:


    Hi there and welcome fellow UK'er. Hope you are well.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Gooooooooooood morning everyone :flowerforyou:

    My "perfect weekend" wasn't exactly perfect Arrgghhhhhh :explode: but it wasn't as bad as the weekend before, so I'm gonna take that as a positive!!!!!!! I felt like something just hit me on Saturday, having not really been "feeling" it for a couple of weeks I really think I'm gonna do good again from now on! I just have a feeling I'm gonna be able to keep my *kitten* in gear:bigsmile: but i'll keep y'all posted :laugh:


    Omg I also had a really weird Zumba class on Saturday, it was meant to be Zumba but my normal teacher was off and the cover, well she kept shouting good job every two seconds, in an american accent...she was from Leeds and I just couldn't stop laughing, and it was supposed to be Zumba ie latin american music but it was like really weird Hill Billy american line dancing...oh dear god....! I hope Kate's back this week!!! :laugh:

    I hope you all had good weekends and have a great week

    :heart: Mimi
  • amberpaigee
    Hiii :flowerforyou:

    I've always wanted to try Zumba! They run a class at my university but I am too scared to go! :sad: How is it? Is it a bit like an aerobics class with dance moves?

  • joanna_marie
    Can anyone from the UK join in?
    I am pretty new to the site and there seems to be so much going on that I don't know where to start!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hiii :flowerforyou:

    I've always wanted to try Zumba! They run a class at my university but I am too scared to go! :sad: How is it? Is it a bit like an aerobics class with dance moves?



    Zumba is AMAZING, it's so much fun, its slogan is "Ditch the workout, join the party!" and it's so true. There'll be people of all shapes, sizes and abilities at any class of Zumba believe me but everyone there will be up for a laugh. I definitely recommend it :-) go! Don't be scared...or get a GF to go with you! :smooched:
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Evening all :bigsmile:

    Just a brief stop and catch up - I'm off to Tae kwon do class in a bit - find out if I get my Yelloe betlt or not !!
    Can anyone from the UK join in?
    I am pretty new to the site and there seems to be so much going on that I don't know where to start!

    Hi Joanna - you're more than welcome - and if you need a hand with anything just ask!!

    Hellooooo to you too amberpaigee

    Erika - I may just be joining you!! Looking at getting some proper running shoes first before I even attempt to start running.

    Laters people, TC and be good
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Welcome Joanna-Marie.

    Fingers crossed for your results Kendra. If you decide you want to run I've been told over and over again two things: get good shoes (as in go to a specialist shop and get your gait assessed) and start off really slowly....not to do too much too fast!

    Erika x
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I GOT MY YELLOW BELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: