Team UK - April 2010



  • crispy1990
    Afternoon everyone :flowerforyou:

    Well I am obviously the pig of the group :laugh:
    I've had soup, marmite sarnie, mullerlight & a pear !

    Katherine - Chin up sweetie, we are all here for you and we have all been in the dumps at some point. Some of us more than others which is how I got 4 stone overweight !

    Mimi - Hope your Zumba went okay - will someone please explain what it is ???

    Tanya - Yeah that Lasagne recipe of Kate's sounds yummy, cant wait to try it.

    Have a good day all
  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    Afternoon everyone :flowerforyou:

    Well I am obviously the pig of the group :laugh:
    I've had soup, marmite sarnie, mullerlight & a pear !

    Katherine - Chin up sweetie, we are all here for you and we have all been in the dumps at some point. Some of us more than others which is how I got 4 stone overweight !

    Mimi - Hope your Zumba went okay - will someone please explain what it is ???

    Tanya - Yeah that Lasagne recipe of Kate's sounds yummy, cant wait to try it.

    Have a good day all

    :heart: Karen - your certainly not the pig of the group, I might have had chicken salad for lunch but I also had a special k bar and some quavers! :laugh:

    Hope everyone is having a good day -

    Gym tonight anyone? I am heading there 4 times this week - I am so proud!!!

    Love Tanya :wink:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Mimi - Hope your Zumba went okay - will someone please explain what it is ???

    Zumba is a fun dance workout that is on at many gyms
    it's like salsa and is energetic & from what ive heard people enjoy themselves
    it has a website so look it up :)
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    oh also if we're talking about what everyone had for lunch
    i had mushroom soup & a slice of toast,
    im stuck at home at the moment revising for exams though
    ive told myself enough is enough and not snacked yet today, hopefully will carry on through the week
    and back to college next week so 4 days to go!

    dreading stepping on the scales though on sunday
    ive gone abit off the rails recently :/
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Oh good god. Will someone please try and find where I left my sanity...

    ...I may have accidently just signed up for a half marathon.

    I can't run.

  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    Oh good god. Will someone please try and find where I left my sanity...

    ...I may have accidently just signed up for a half marathon.

    I can't run.


    I nearly did that the other week till I realised how idiotic it was and I cannot run to save my life!
    I am 100% sure you can run better than I can so best of luck to you Erika :flowerforyou: :smile:

    Let us know how you get on training etc!
    Love Tanya x
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Oh good god. Will someone please try and find where I left my sanity...

    ...I may have accidently just signed up for a half marathon.

    I can't run.


    My word thats impressive!!! :noway: :noway: When is the run?

    I did the Manchester 10k (6 miles) last year (never really ran before that), it was hard work but felt great after doing it. I finished in in 1 hour 7 mins, which I was pleased with. But in a similar moment of madness I signed up again to run it this year, and set a challenge of finishing in under an hour!!! That is looking very unlikely!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    My day today has been a write off, my boss took me for lunch with some clients. To one of my fave resaurants, San Carlo. The food was fab and decided to blow the diet and take advantage of a free meal...... bruschetta, king prawns in garlic and chilli, pasta with salmon washed down with a glass of wine!!! Just been for a 2 mile run in an attempt to burn some cals off, but my legs were not having it after military fitness last night!!!

    So light tea for me tonight, as will defo be over the cals today!!!!

    Will be back on track tomorrow.

    Have good evenings one and all. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Carrie181
    Carrie181 Posts: 18
    Lunch today - bowl of Optivia cereal !! Stood on the scales yesterday and it said I had put on since Fri!! Not impressed:noway: so cut back big time yesterday and today to try and compensate. I did have a curry at the week end but had walked miles so thought I had "earned" it but obviously not. If I remember correctly last time I lost weight with WW the scales were never kind if I had had curry or alcohol, so now I know. Didn't feel up to my normal exercise of Taekwon Do last night as my stomach was too busy complaining, so feel quite lazy although I have been gardening and walking a lot. Oh well the week can only get better!

    Hope everyone else is doing ok

  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    :heart: Morning everyone!

    Oh. M. G. Beto Perez is amazing! I think I :heart: him haha! I had the Zumba class last night, it was quite busy - there were about 10 competition winners but they were all allowed to bring a friend or family member...the first 20 mins was taken by the three regional Zumba instructors (including Kate who teaches my class weekly!) taking in turns, getting the crowd all hyped up then half way through Beto ran into the room and up to the front and OMG does he bring it to a whole new level, it was AMAZING! After his class I could really understand how people say it can burn like 800 cals an hour, seriously, I loved it! Anyway that was really my welcome back to the gym too after a few days and it as soo good I'm definitely in a good mood today and will definitely be going to the gym tonight! < look how cute he is, awwww :smooched:

    Have a great dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :heart:

    Mimi xxx
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey guys,

    Not been on for a while as been mad busy with work and everything that's happening with changes everywhere, plus having a big clear out of the flat! Not been letting it get in the way of going the gym though. Had a big sesh last night, burnt 1,050 calories and I felt really good at the end of it! :smile:

    Hope everyone is doing okay! :happy: In training most of today so won't be around till 4.30pm, then will have to catch up on work that I've missed. After work, a few of our team are going out to the Chill FactorE in Manchester to do a bit of skiing, can't wait! :bigsmile:

    Take care everyone and hope to speak to you all soon! :glasses:

  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Oh good god. Will someone please try and find where I left my sanity...

    ...I may have accidently just signed up for a half marathon.

    I can't run.


    Oh FAB!! Me too!! Haha!! And I have Bursitis at the mo so I can't even train!! AGHHHH!!!

    Mimi that sounds amazing!!! Do you have to be a member of Virgin to go to a class? I thought there would be a lot of classes in London but I can only find Virgin?!!

    T West! Well done on your mamouth gym seshes!! How is the tum?

    Lee, have fun! I've always fancied skiing but I get too scared!!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone, hope you're all ok?

    The 1/2 marathon is the Royal Parks Half Marathon ( and my work are entering a team. A couple of friend of mine have run marathons and half marathons before and have been banging on at me for ages to do some running with them. Anyway, they asked me to join the team a couple of weeks ago, and I said no. I don't know what happened! I swear someone hypnotised me or something! There was mention of being able to eat loads of pasta..... here we are. I'm going to have to start a training programme ASAP! I've got just under 6 months.

    On the plus side this might be what I need to help get my weekends under control...can't run with a hangover or food baby!

    Thanks for the best wishes Tanya - I think I'll be on here needing support quite a lot. I literally can't run. At least I'm fitter than I was a year ago!

    Hey Plantpot - that meal sounds amazing! Any tips on where to start with the running?

    Carrie - good luck with the rest of your week. You can do it!

    Mimi - that Zumba class sounds amazing. Hope you keep that good feeling for the rest of the week!

    Lee - that's an AMAZING calorie burn. I'm lucky if I can get 700 in one go!

    Sparkle - sorry to hear about the Bursitis. When in your half marathon?? Glad to hear that I'm not the only crazy one.

    Hope all the rest of you are ok too...sounds like you're all doing really well. Keep it up!

    Erika x
  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    :happy: Good morning UKers!

    In a fantastic mood this morning as I have been to the gym twice already this week and going again tonight for a 45 minute spinning class which burns about 750 cals:love: !!!

    Sparklepants - Thank you!! I am working double hard now as I realised I have 10 silly weeks till my holiday to get into shape! The tum has been ok recently (touch wood) I have been taking these digestive enzyme tablets after my 3 meals which seem to be helping the bloatiness. Hope you are ok? :heart:

    How is everyones day so far? What's for lunch?! :tongue:

    Keep up the good work everyone!:drinker:
    Love Tanya xx
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member

    Hey Plantpot - that meal sounds amazing! Any tips on where to start with the running?

    Erika x

    Hi, I got a training program from this below website:

    I kept up with the training program and also did aerobics and similar classes to improve my general fitness in prep for the run.

    Its also good for general tips:

    There are some really good websites to map your runs if you a planning to go on the roads, i.e:

    The good thing about road running is it saves time, as I find the gym ends up really eating into my evening. I will see how I get on with the 10k but may consider entering a half marathon as I found it really good to work towards a goal, it really kept me focused!!

    Good luck with your training. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Gooooooood Afternoooon Everyone!

    Looks like a lot of us are in a VERY good mood today! Must be something in the air! We are all high on life...

    Im in a very good mood today - thank god i went to the gym last night! Your support finally got me down there.. and do you know what?!!... I had a great workout.. didnt burn as many cals as some of you do.. 1000+ seems a little daunting so ill stick with my 550ish cals burnt! :bigsmile:

    I got my graze box today so lots of little snack to have for the rest of the week.. some are more like treats so if i get serious cravings for something sweet i know where to turn... and NOT to the choccy box!! :laugh:

    :heart: Tanya - WTG on your Spinning session... if i had the motivation to get my butt back into it i would because it was an AMAZING work out... i might even give it a go tonight.. get out my old card at the gym - take a look at the routine i used to do and spin my legs off like theres no tomorrow. :laugh:

    :heart: Erika - Sounds like you've got yourself a good challenge to work towards! Im impressed because i cannot run for any longer than 15 mins at the moment without feeling like im going to DIE! Maybe i should quit the smoking as well.. its just hard to do too many things at once at the moment.. :grumble: Looads of pasta... god i miss the stuff! I like mine with lotsa cheese... hehe.. thats where i was going wrong i think.. :happy:

    :bigsmile: Lee - Good to see you back on the board.. well done for sticking with the gym.. honestly burning over 1000 cals is something i would love to do.. but i get very bord at the gym after 1 hour...!! :yawn:

    :heart: Mimi - Glad you absolutely loved your ZUMBA session with Beto Perez!! Whoever he may be!! :laugh: I checked out the pic of him.. and yes.. he is a cutie! :love:

    :heart: Sparkle - I hope you dont mind me asking but what is Bursitis? x

    Speak soon

    Love KP X x X
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    oh also if we're talking about what everyone had for lunch
    i had mushroom soup & a slice of toast,
    im stuck at home at the moment revising for exams though
    ive told myself enough is enough and not snacked yet today, hopefully will carry on through the week
    and back to college next week so 4 days to go!

    dreading stepping on the scales though on sunday
    ive gone abit off the rails recently :/

    mmMMMmm.... Mushroom soup! Havent had that in ages! Yumm!

    I keep snacking too.. i cant help myself.. In my head im telling myself not to do it.. but i just get up - open the cupboard and snack/binge till my hearts content.. or until i feel soo sick i cannot move... Last night was the first night in ages where i could actually sleep on my front becuase i wasnt so full up with food.. :happy:

    DW - im also dreading the scales.. i know i have put on a few cause my clothes have got a leeetle bit tight :sad: :sad:
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hey hey hey! :bigsmile: I'm in a good mood too!!

    Erika, my half M is in Sept!!!! Mental? A bit, yeah :wink:

    T- Fab that the digestive enzymes are doing their thing! PS You already look great so you'll amaaaaaaaazing on hols with all this gyming it!! :drinker:

    KP, of course I don't!! It's an inflamed Bursa, which is a little sack in your hip joint that's supposed to keep it moving smoothly, so bassically now it's inflamed it hurts like hell!! Just on anti inflamatory tablets and RESTING....yawn. Should be ok by weekend, have to go to physiotherapist though!! God knows how I'm going to do a half marathon?!! :indifferent: :laugh:

    I took my body fat & muscle mass measurements this morning, they're actually not too bad! Looking forward to seeing a change though! I did it last year and it felt SO GOOD when it changed so much!!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Gooooooood Afternoooon Everyone!

    Looks like a lot of us are in a VERY good mood today! Must be something in the air! We are all high on life...

    Im in a very good mood today - thank god i went to the gym last night! Your support finally got me down there.. and do you know what?!!... I had a great workout.. didnt burn as many cals as some of you do.. 1000+ seems a little daunting so ill stick with my 550ish cals burnt! :bigsmile:

    I got my graze box today so lots of little snack to have for the rest of the week.. some are more like treats so if i get serious cravings for something sweet i know where to turn... and NOT to the choccy box!! :laugh:

    Love KP X x X

    Woo high on life! I like that! I am so impressed with you guys burning 1000 cals, OMG :noway: I maximum burn around 500 cals...maybe I should try harder!!!!!!!

    KP glad you got back to gym :bigsmile: I've got a good feeling about this week woo hoo!

    :heart: Mimi
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Afternoon all!!! :bigsmile:

    Happy Humpday people!!! Wednesday is nearly over and done with and it's the w/end soon!!! :drinker: Hope you're all having a good day.

    Hmm where to start, what to write....well, I have my Tae Kwon Do grading this Sat :noway: :noway: :noway: gong for my Yellow belt. While I've done the training, I'm still scared silly and nervous as hell as I'll be in the group that goes up 1st in front of those taking their very 1st grading (this is my 2nd grading & I was just as nervous and scared the 1st time around!!).

    Katherine - yay for the graze box!! I ordered mine thanx to Mimi!! And I have an Aerobics class later - generally i've been good when it comes to food, some slip-ups, but nothing major-major :wink:

    Tanya - I forgot about my Spin class last night :grumble: and they're booked all next Tue, but I still have Aerobics class tonight and TKD tomorrow.

    Lady_C - some weeks are slower than others - you'll do it, don't give up!!

    Mimi - :bigsmile: glad your Zumba session was a blast!! Having been looking for classesi n my area, but so far, fitting them into my packed schedule hasn't been possible. Will keep trying tho for sure.

    Enough from me for now, I'll probably post again later since I get weighed tonight @ Rosemary Conley class - I have a feeling I've stayed the same and my weighing scales ALWAYS lie :tongue: Soooooo TC folks, and b'bye for now.
  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Good afternoon everybody!!

    Glad to hear everyone is OK.

    I had a fab day yesterday in Marlow, I had fettucini alla carbonara followed by 1/2 a melting middle chocolate pudding with 1/2 a scoop of ice cream. It was about 1100 calories but I had earned them and it was worth it!

    I have been to the gym today, I did Body Balance and am going back later to do freestyle step! I will miss my morning gym sessions when I am back at school. :-(

    Katherine - well done for getting back to the gym! It will be much easier to keep it up now!

    Katherine & Kendra - Graze boxes are fab! I get them all the time now and if anyone wants one courtesy of me feel free - 8G9ZLM7, just use this code at I love how you can get little chocolate treats but are low on calories!

    Kendra - thanks for the motivation, it is difficult. Good luck with your grading!

    Erika - I cannot believe you are doing a half marathon!! That is amazing, good luck!

    Mimi - your Zumba win sounded amazing!

    Have a good afternoon everyone.

    Clara xx