atay18 Member


  • Excess weight can exacerbate the problem, same with high impact exercises. I first started having pain in my legs when I was training for a 10K and running 10-20 miles a week. You also should watch your salt intake and not cross your legs at your knees. Or ever.
  • I've had vericose veins since I was about 15, thanks genetics! When I was 24 I got them removed with surgery, but some new ones have re-appeared. They pretty much won't go away. Its like damning a river; the water has to go somewhere. When a vein closes, the blood has to go somewhere and the new vein in goes to may be just…
  • I"m currently maintaining at 125-130 and love it. My UGW would be 120, but I think that is pretty unreasonable. I also have a small frame. Right now I only weigh myself to keep myself on track foodwise, and am actively trying to improve my 5K times and how fast I can climb stairs.
  • We ate my parent's meals or we had the option of making our own peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We could then clean up after ourselves. This option was generally way less appealling then whatever my parent's made.
  • If you start eating low sodium meat that others have talked about, first you may think it is bland. But eventually your taste buds change. Then, when you eat full sodium meat, you will gag from the huge amount of salt. It is AMAZING how salty that stuff is.
  • I'm 5'7'' and currently 128 lbs. I weigh myself everyday as a way to keep myself in check and lately have been finding that though I'm not 'fat' by any means, I feel 'fat'. Why? Because I haven't been working out as much these past weeks and the holiday parties are taking a toll. My muscles have turned into flab and I'm…
  • I'm 5'7'' and weigh 126 lbs. I'll post my measurements later, but it is definetely doable.
  • Hey! I grew up in Oak park and now live in River North. I like to do runs in the summer, but in the winter I've been doing more stair climbs! I climbed the Sears/Willis Tower and am going to climb the Aon Building in Jan. Its a great way to combat our stupid winters!
    in Hey!!! Comment by atay18 December 2011
  • I have vericose veins and 4 years ago had surgery for them (they were extremely painful). Leading up to the surgery, for 8 months, I wore thigh high compression stockings every day, including when I worked out. I would run, lift and generally sweat like crazy wearing them. I made sure to wash them after doing this (they…
  • I do Vinyasa Yoga and sweat through my shirt and pants. I'm usually dripping by the time the class is over, and it isn't even Bikram! Ashtanga doesn't necessarily give me the sweat, but I almost always get sore after. I not only feel more flexible after class, but stronger as well. I'm beginning to see definition in my…
  • Not sure if you have one near you, but check out Nordstrom's wedding suite. If you buy the dress there, alterations are free. And, they will wait to alter it. I bought my dress in Jan for a Sept. 17 wedding and still haven't gotten it altered, I figured I"d wait until next week or the week after.
  • I use devacurl no-poo and their extra moistourizing conditioner. It is expensive, but my hair looks awesome. A tip that I"ve found though, is that Americans shampoo their hair WAY to much. I've talked to many curly stylists over the years and agree that, depending on your hair type, you do NOT have to shampoo your hair…
  • I def like the idea of going for another month, esp since I think I've made some big progress! My weight went down quite a bit from last week! FYI, last week I also stopped eating bananas and apples, because I thought they were too many carbs. And this week I'm down a pound or so, even though I didn't work out nearly as…
  • sorry to be so silent lately! I also have been on vacation and suprisingly only gained half a pound in the land of seafood, butter and cream based soups. So now I need to step it up! I'l add in my measurements tonight! I'm almost a month away...ahhh! and to reply to the other topic about thinking of yourself in your dress,…
  • I lost 2 lbs between yesterday and today and I'm almost positive mine is due to sodium and water retention. I had a brutal weekend (drinking, late night eating, hangover eating, etc) and I know it was the salt and water being flushed out of my body.
  • I really wish we didn't weigh in on Mondays, because I tend to have pretty bad weekends (alcohol, salt, etc) and Mondays show that. But today I weighed in after drinking a ton of water and am down to 127! I know it will fluctuate again through the week, so I won't post it on my ticker. But still! It makes me VERY happy…
  • The easiest way to keep numbers down is to invite less people, and the best way to invite less people without hurting anyone's feelings is a place that has a limit of people for the room! Our venue can only hold 175 people so we are having 175 people and not a person more! It really made my mom and my fiance's…
  • I had a pretty brutal weekend, with going to a baseball game, eating out with family, late night pizza (whoops!) and then going to a diner. I know my diary says I was under for yesterday but I was totally not! This week I'm also going on vacation too, out east to Cape Cod where chowder and butter prevail. I'm hoping to be…
  • Mikayla - in my yoga classes we do side planks a lot. What you do is you put one hand directly under your shoulder (say your left hand under your left shoulder) and then put your right hand straight up in the air. Try to keep your shoulders stacked on top of one another. You then balance on the blade side of your left…
  • I'm 5'7'' and currently at 129.
  • I'm 5'7'' and looking to get to 124 by 9/17, which is my wedding! I'm currently at 129, but we all know the last few lbs are the hardest!
  • Last night I did some interval training for running and burned around 300 calories! Today I will go to yoga class! Woo hoo!
  • Question about next week's sugar limit goal: does that include naturally occuring sugar? I often go over because of an apple or banana. I don't want to stop eating those because they are so delicious! So is it total sugars or artificial sugars?
  • Hey, just wanted to say I took my measurements but left them at home. I'll enter them in tonight!
  • I actually went and tried my dress on yesterday and it fits better then in May! I can zip the side up with no problems now. I can't wait to wear it! But first, sit ups, push ups, squats and cardio...
  • Not sure if you have one near you, but I like Trader Joe's greek yogurt. The honey and pomegranate are a bit tart, but I like them better then sweet.
    in Greek Yogurt Comment by atay18 July 2011
  • Is it oily? Sometimes, if you are constantly washing your hair/scalp (or face), you are stripping away the natural oils. The body will then go into overdrive to produce more oil, causing it to look oily. Try shampooing every other day, or every 3rd day. It may look more oily at first, but will settle itself out after a…
  • I like getting stronger and being able to do things for myself, like lift my carry-on into the overhead container on airplanes! I also like getting more flexible. The body is capable of doing amazing things, if you only push it to go there.
  • Include me please! I'm getting married on 9-17-2011! I don't know how much more weight I can actually lose, but I'll be looking to lose inches! Esp since I'm not getting my dress fitted until Sept!
  • Also, if you are going to drink, have a vodka and soda or somethine else low cal. Drinking my calories has been a huge problem for me, but simply switching to vodka or Michelob Ultra makes a huge difference.