Brides to Be! Challenge for August (closed group)



  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    300 calories doing Leslie Sanson Walk Away the Pounds. Tiggerfan: LOVE THE DRESS!

    Also, I know how to regular plank, but how do you do on sides? Is it just one arm?
  • atay18
    atay18 Posts: 39 Member
    Mikayla - in my yoga classes we do side planks a lot. What you do is you put one hand directly under your shoulder (say your left hand under your left shoulder) and then put your right hand straight up in the air. Try to keep your shoulders stacked on top of one another. You then balance on the blade side of your left foot. If that is too difficult, you can keep your right leg out, but bend your left leg under. If you do this, your body should be in a line. Does that help? I wish I could draw a diagram!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Went out to dinner with a friend last night. Managed to stay under calories but didn't get to work out. doh.gif

    I plan on getting in some intense workouts this weekend since I don't really have plans and the fiance can stay home with the baby.
  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    atay18: Thanks for the info!

    Today's Exercise: intervals on treadmill for 35 minutes or so. Made me sweat like crazy!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    I'm going to go skating in a couple hours. It's a major calorie burner!
  • tiggerfan
    did 30 DS today, and I did 2 hrs in gym ( treadmill, bike, stair climber)
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    Went swimming at the lake and on a nice walk/hike! burned some nice calories! excited for tomorrow, I have a new recipe for my vi shakes! hope everyone else is still doing good!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    I did spin class this morning! I have an interview for a second job as a server on Tuesday. I hope I get it, then Operation: Decent Wedding Budget will be underway.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    Ok ladies. There are a few that have not entered in anything nor responded to messages. They have until tomorrow evening to put their numbers in or I'm deleting them off the spread sheet. I'm not going to hound someone that isn't going to try. If you've just put in a weight, you are ok.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    Ok brides! Remember this weeks mini challenge is to stay at or below mfp sugar levels. You can chose to make it any kind or sugar or just added sugar. I am going to try to keep it low from any kind of sugar.

    Also, for an exercise challenge, let's do soccerella's plank challenge.
  • tinalb28
    tinalb28 Posts: 22
    i see that this group is closed but i would love to be a part of it! im a bride to be looking for support with the hard task of loosing some weight!!!
  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    I gained 1.5" on my hips :( everything else but weight just stayed the same. I'm wondering if I'm not measuring correctly. It was a bit of a salty day yesterday so maybe this is just the aftermath.
  • tiggerfan
    how are we doing do we think?
    its been almost a week, I know I'm dreading my WI on wednesday evening, and then on saturday I'm on holiday for 10 days, hope MFP works where we're going
  • atay18
    atay18 Posts: 39 Member
    I had a pretty brutal weekend, with going to a baseball game, eating out with family, late night pizza (whoops!) and then going to a diner. I know my diary says I was under for yesterday but I was totally not! This week I'm also going on vacation too, out east to Cape Cod where chowder and butter prevail. I'm hoping to be able to maintain my current weight through my vacation by exercising and not snacking and really just praying. I'm going to be extra good before I leave do make up for it.
  • tiggerfan
    DRAGONGIRL91 I was just looking at the spreadsheet as u were filling in for this week, thought my lappy was playing up lol
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    i need to do my measaurements but im scared haha.....I know my weight is about the same, i did so good last week and hten blew it on the weekend! my shower was sat so of course there was alot of yummy foods and alcohol, which lead to feeling yucky yesterday and not workng out/ eating salty foods. I'll measure everything tonight though and update

    Sugar is gonna be a hard one for me! I dont eat that many sweets on their own, but i like cereals and fruit strips and things like that that have alot of sugar - and my wine! I'm gonna just eat like normal today and see what my sugar intake is, then try to modify it tomorrow and the rest of the week if im over. Good luck ladies!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    I weighed myself on Friday and I was 157. I weighed in on Sunday and I was 152. I was still 152 today. I got heat stroke on saturday so I thought my weight would just get higher today. Happily, I get to stay smaller.
  • MrsSmith1112
    MrsSmith1112 Posts: 169 Member
    I weighed myself on Friday and I was 157. I weighed in on Sunday and I was 152. I was still 152 today. I got heat stroke on saturday so I thought my weight would just get higher today. Happily, I get to stay smaller.

    Awesome! (Sorry you were sick though!)

    Last week was brutal with us moving into the new house and not having my kitchen set up! Lots of fast food! I think i did ok...but we'll see in a little bit! On the upside, the girl doing our wedding cake just messaged me and is ready for me to get some ideas into her so she can start practicing to get it perfect! Now I can't decide what cake I want...i need you all to come and live with me for the next 8 months and help!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am the same this week. :grumble: But it is that I guess that isn't too bad! At least I haven't gained! :drinker:

    The sugar challenge is going to be super hard for me too! I need to add it back to my diary. :embarassed: I got tired of always seeing that number in red. :ohwell:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I weighed myself on Friday and I was 157. I weighed in on Sunday and I was 152. I was still 152 today. I got heat stroke on saturday so I thought my weight would just get higher today. Happily, I get to stay smaller.

    Congrats on the loss!! :drinker: Sorry you had heat stroke though, that is scary. :frown: