FullmetalAlchemistMommy Member


  • Hey there! I'm in the preop phase, surgery is scheduled for July 12th! I'm having bpdds, hoping to lose 150 lbs of excess weight. Wishing you the best of luck in your journey!
  • You look amazing! I am also a breastfeeding mom. I have lost 30lbs in a little less than 2 months. Did sticking to 1500/1600 calories a day effect your milk supply at all? I am afraid to drop below 1800 because my nutritionist said that is what I needed at minimum to maintain my supply. My baby is only 3 months old though,…
  • You guys care if I join you? I will be a day behind, but totally need. Group to help me stay in gear. I completed 30ds last year and started ripped in 30 but found out I was preggo and lost the motivation. Looking forward to starting up again.
  • Hey ladies, It has been a while since I have posted anything, I have been MIA for a while and I have had a hard time keeping track of my food intake. I have kinda given up right now. I have gained close to 10lbs over the last month (I am sure half of that is water retention). I have not been working out or anything. I am…
  • I have been MIA for the last few days, so I am trying to catch up. If I missed anyone, I am sorry but I hope everything is going well for everyone. Lindsay- Congratulations! Get ready for the most memorable ride of your life. Danielle- CONGRATULATIONS he is so handsome! Michelle- I hope everything has gone well. Congrats…
  • Danielle- I hope everything goes well for you. It sounds like you may be expecting your bundle sooner rather than later! Keeping you in my thoughts! AFM I have started in with the morning sickness and nausea, fatigue and sore boobs. I was also a smoker and just stopped smoking yesterday. I had just an awful day today. I…
  • Hey ladies, I just found out that I am pregnant a few days ago. I haven't yet had a confirmation appointment with my doctor, but I think 3 Positive tests pretty much says that I am. I am having a hard time accepting that I am expecting as I have just now got the hang of my fitness and nutrition routine. I don't want to…
  • WAY to GO!!!!! Keep it up and you will see even more changes!! It is definitely worth it. Congrats!!!!
  • I modify as much as I can so I am not in pain at the end of the day, but once I modify it, it doesn't feel like I am working as hard as I should. I fiqure the more I work on it, the better off I will be in the long run. I really does make me feel good to get it completed. I am hoping that in a few months I won't need to…
  • Ok, so I have been working on level 3 for the last few days, and finally last night I had to give in and just do level 2. I find level 3 a lot harder, in some areas at least, than any other level, and that is kinda the point. When ever I am on the ground doing abs that involve moving my legs up and down (scissor crunches,…
  • Level 3 day 1 completed yesterday. OMG, did it ever kick my *kitten*. I did it a day early because level 2 was getting boring for me, and man, I wish that I had just waited. I am going to do level 2 again tonight, and then start with level 3 again tomorrow. I was so wiped out, it was rediculous. I hope you ladies are still…
  • Hey ladies. I have been MIA for the last few days, but I am still rocking out the 30DS. I am on day 7 of level 2. It is kicking my butt. When I started, I did all of the things modified, now I am able to incorporate some of the plyometric movements in with a few of the exercises. I didn't keep track of my measurements, and…
  • Ok ladies, I skipped a day 4 of level 2 last night. I getting ready to bust it out though, then I'm gonna try and do day 5 tonight. I'm not sure I can do both of them in way day but I am certainly gonna try!
  • So I did day 3 of Level 2 yesterday. I slipped when I was doing the plank obilque twists. I fell and hurt my shoulder. I got back up after a second and finished, but I was hard to sleep last night. I am still going to do my workout tonight, but I will probably have to do some KT tape to help with my shoulder. I am almost…
  • Hey ladies, I thought I lost you. O_o I'm glad I didn't get too lost. I did level 2 day 2 yesterday. I thought I was going to fall out afterwards. All of those plank moves are hard. I am hoping that when I do it tonight it will be a little bit easier. I can't do the double jump involved because of my knees, and can barely…
  • I completed Level 2 Day 1 yesterday, and getting ready to do day 2 after work. This workout kills me. I was feeling good when I completed Level one because it was getting easier than before, and then Jillian had to take her title to heart and be the toughest trainer. I know that most people can't stand her voice, but I…
  • I normally put it in as circuit training, general. I think the calorie burn is pretty similar with both of those, so you should be ok.
  • Level 1 day 10 complete!!!! I am so friggen excited to move on to level 2. I am going to weigh myself in the morning and see where I am at. According to my scale this morning I was still up 3lbs, so we will see what it says tomorrow. I hope you ladies are having a good weekend.
  • I completely fell asleep before I could do day 8. I am planning on doing it before work and then before bed to knock out both 8 and 9. So excited that I will be on day 10 by Sunday!!! I'm so looking forward to it.
  • Day7 level 1 done!!!! Ok, so I am getting more and more stoked about my endurance level. Day 1, I couldn't do one round of jumping jacks or push ups. Now I can do 4/5 rounds of the jumping jacks and tonight I did 12 pushups on my knees for each set. I'm am so much less winded, it's ridiculous. I am super proud of myself,…
  • Day 6 of level one completed today. My endurance is getting so much better, I had my personal best for the pushups, 10 for each set! I'm looking forward to the next 4 days to see how much better I get. Hope you ladies are doing well.
  • I have the same issue. I have not always been active, and part of that has been because of my weight, but I am more active now than I have been since I was a kid. Having said that, my knees have always been an issue, and I actually I just had surgery on my right knee this past march. Jumping jacks hurt both of my knees, so…
  • Hey ladies, I would love to join you. I am a little ahead, getting ready to do day 5 level 1 after my babies go to bed. I definitely need some motivation, but all of you are doing awesome so far...keeping up with it. When I complete the 30 days I have decided the last day is a total splurge day for me, whatever I want in a…
  • I have only been using the program for about 4 days and I started with super weight loss. I like it so far, but I am also do this in conjunction with 30day shred... I would play around and try a few indiviual session that are different from the program you signed up on and see how you like it. You don't have to stay with…
  • I love my Kinect as well. I play Zumba at least 3 days a week, and I just purchased The Biggest Loser Ultimate Weightloss for it. I play Kinect Adventures as well and it has helped me stay activate. Its a lot of fun. I may need to get Dance Central and give it a shot. I love Zumba, but some of the moves are so hard, I get…
  • Thanks for the luck, I am definitely in need of it. I just completed level 1 day 2 and I am sore. I had do modify the jumping jacks because I felt a pain in my knee and I just rehabbed that knee and I'm bot blowing it out again. My husband did part of the DVD with me, which surprised me. He is just as out of shape as I am…
  • Level 1 day 1 completed. I am sore all over, but I can tell this is an awesome workout. I am going to sleep good tonight. Gonna get up and do it in the morning before work. We can do this ladies.
  • YAY!!!! I am looking foward to this challenge. I hope you guys are as excited as I am. *Dancing the "work my butt off" dance*
  • Jillian Michaels of The biggest loser fame will lovingly kick your butt for 20 minutes of circuit training on an awesome dvd. The challenge is to do the DVD for 30 days straight, moving up levels every 10 days. I have seen great results with it, so I am trying it.
  • Velveeta Mac and cheese, any type if pastry (my mouth is watering) and raw cookie dough and brownies.... I need a towel for the drool dripping down my chin :):tongue: