30 Day Shred Group- August (Part 2)



  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Mornin' Shredders!!!!

    Day 17 is done! I hate to admit this, I'm actually becoming attached to Level 2!:love: Rocked the plank jacks! Three more days of this and on to Level 3!

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    D2L2 done this morning! Things are still difficult, I can make my way through the first circuit decently but my shoulders hate me and my balance is crap for the leg extension/shoulder press thingy you do in circuit 3. D10 technically complete! The double crunches are rough but still loving Jillian as usual! Rock on ladies!
  • erinoldham19
    level 2 day 1 complete... i did not ejoy the workout.. having a rough day today but i did it.. anyone have any idea how many calories i could have burned.. 5'5 1/2 174lbs used 5lb weights... i would like to log it but not sure what to put..
  • jmc1976
    jmc1976 Posts: 2
    Today is D8/L1...have gotten better since day 1. Feel more toned in places, hoping the hard work and sweat pay off! Have a great day everyone :)!!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    i missed my day 10 but still got plenty of exercise yesterday (3 hours of mowing, 1 hour bike ride and 2 hours of washing my truck lol) so i'm going to do day 10 today and move on to level 2 tomorrow. unless i get up the courage to just go to level 2 today, guess i'll have to see how much more difficult it is.
  • FullmetalAlchemistMommy
    So I did day 3 of Level 2 yesterday. I slipped when I was doing the plank obilque twists. I fell and hurt my shoulder. I got back up after a second and finished, but I was hard to sleep last night. I am still going to do my workout tonight, but I will probably have to do some KT tape to help with my shoulder.
    I am almost halfway done!!! It's hard to believe I have gotten this far.
    After this, I am going to try Ripped in 30, then try to do the 30DS again but try to match Natalie for everything. Lets hope its doable.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Did L2D1 this morning! Burned 335 calories @ took sooooooooooo many breaks! I'm thinking this must be A LOT harder, because I burned way more calories & took way more breaks?
  • Toinbot
    Toinbot Posts: 9 Member
    Late start for the august group or me. But i did L1D2 today, been avoiding it for hours because my arms and legs ached from day one, but finally got around to it and powered through was not as bad as i expected with the aching muscles to be honest! I can really feel it working on my arms and abs =D Can't wait until i start seeing results.

    Took some before pictures and measurements yesterday. i'm hoping for some real improvements by the end of this if i can stick to it. Going on holiday on day 30! bring on the bikini body!!!! (hopefully)
  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    Just did L1D4 - STILL can't do the cardio without breaks... I blame the fact the backs of my lower legs were KILLING me (any ideas, ladies?) and I have a tiny lung capacity... :P So I only logged it as 15 minutes. :)

    I suspect I'll be doing L1 for 20-odd days before my legs get the hang of it!
  • icandoit35
    i did L1D3 last night and i noticed that the jumping jacks weren't quite as tough as they have been.
    i also swapped out my 3 lb. weights for 5 lbs weights.
    definitely felt the burn.

    will do D4 tonight, but i must admit that it's still pretty tough for me...
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    God afternoon everyone! I completed L1D10 last night, and I'm starting level 2 tonight! EEK!! I am a.f.r.a.i.d....... My upper body it completely the weakest. Good luck on level 2 everyone!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Did L1D10 last night!

    Did the cardio without any breaks for the FIRST TIME! So happy. And bf noticed I was doing better. And holy crapamoley I even did the side lunge arm raises without stopping. Never done that cos they are too hard.

    Starting L2 tomorrow as going out with the girls tonight.
  • jenniferkristine
    Weighed in this morning and I am down 6lbs since starting 30DS!!! Level 2 Day 1 tonight!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Weighed in this morning and I am down 6lbs since starting 30DS!!! Level 2 Day 1 tonight!

    Great job on this...
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    since i missed day 10 i decided to just go on to day 1 of level 2....woooo doggy that's a whole another ballpark!! she really likes that plank position huh lol.

    am i the only one that finds jillian to be really encouraging and supportive? lol and funny a lot of times. i see so many people saying she's annoying and what not..

    oh and i am down 3.6lbs and 2.8 inches overall so far!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    I didn't get the workout in yesterday (TOM) and it really wiped me out. Did get in this AM before work...tomorrow is L1D10 and then off to L2. I am excited to move on to new exercises. 10 days of the same thing gets a little boring for me.
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Level 1 is available on Exercise TV On Demand, but no level two. Hopefully I can mooch off of the free level 1 all 30 days and still see results! I don't normally like to do the same workout day after day, but I'm making an exception because I REALLY felt it from the first workout more than anything else I've ever done (that was the closest I ever came to puking from exercise!). So I'm committing to at least this one 25 min workout every day for 30 days and if I manage to throw in an extra workout, a yoga or something later in the day, great. If not, then I feel confident that I'm getting a major workout just from the shred session.

    Make some of the moves more difficult:
    push-ups: if you are doing knees then go to your toes; or do a wider stance with your feet or knees and your hands right under your chest.
    chest-rows/ chest fly: move up in weight
    punches: add some weights

    YOu can make this more difficult so you get more of a workout after you finish Level1.
    Just some suggestions.
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Day 11

    Level 2 / Day 5 Complete

    My breathing is a lot more controlled now. I'm getting better with my plank positions and form in general. This level was exciting at first but I'm starting to get bored. :( I'm gonna keep at it though.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    L2D1 complete. The plank moves are complicated but I got through all the cardio except the jump rope one, it really hurts my knee's. I also notice this is alot of upper body because my arms are shakey. And man did I sweat it out. This level seemed longer. And Anita, Natalie and Jullian were all sweating. Level one just seemed easy to them which was annoying.

    So I didnt weigh my self this morning but took some quick measurments and have lost a total of 2.8 inches. Nothing in my waist though that is the same. It is mostly in my legs.