30 Day Shred Group- August (Part 2)



  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    Oh I forgot to add my four year old is my encouragement. I said "OMG I am tired" and he said "no mama keep going your awesome" <3<3<3
  • erinoldham19
    level 2 day 4 complete.. sweat my *kitten* off today..
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Oh I forgot to add my four year old is my encouragement. I said "OMG I am tired" and he said "no mama keep going your awesome" <3<3<3

    Awww, how sweet!!!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    L2D2 today, burned 348 calories.
    I didn't take as many breaks, I think because I used 3lb instead of 5lb weights most of the time.

    My 1yr old is adorable, when i do the arm crosses for warming up, he does them too. And when I lay on my back to do the crunches, he always has to come lay down on my tummy with her arms wrapped around my neck to cuddle. Makes crunches a lot harder LOL =) Also, when we do the cool down at the end and have our legs spread part, he sits right inbetween then facing the same directions and starts watching tv =P He's so cute! I love him!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Oh I forgot to add my four year old is my encouragement. I said "OMG I am tired" and he said "no mama keep going your awesome" <3<3<3

    Awwwwww, that's so cute! I love it!~ =D
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    AMAZING job ladies! Every time I log in I catch up with all of the posts since I last checked in, and it really keeps me going! I don't want to let myself down, or my August team that I know is working hard!

    I finished L2D3 today, and I have to say that I really feel like I did a little better! I've got some sore spots, but that's to be expected.

    Keep up the good work, gals! August is almost halfway over! :D
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    I did my first workout of level 2 today....and I feel a little bit like I got my butt kicked. But...I've come this far and so I'll read posts tommorow to find the motivation to go down and face level 2 again!
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Sorry all. I've been MIA but I have been working out.

    Saturday's Check-in

    Day 13

    Level 2 / Day 7 (I only got through circuit 1 before I realized I was late for work...oops)

    I did Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD later that night to make up for it.

    Sunday's Check-in

    Day 14

    Level 3 / Day 1

    So...I was bored with Level 2 and decided to experiment with Level 3...Needless to say, I will be going back to level 2 tomorrow and I am going to stay there...for a while...HAHAHA.

    A also did the BFBM DVD today as well (I love it!)

    I will be back later for today's workout. Goodnight all...
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member

    Level 3 / Day 1

    So...I was bored with Level 2 and decided to experiment with Level 3...Needless to say, I will be going back to level 2 tomorrow and I am going to stay there...for a while...HAHAHA.

    No, no, NO!!!! Don't tell me what! I start that one TOMORROW and I'm doing my "sneak peak" in about 30 mins... I'm goin' get my butt kicked tomorrow, aren't I? :sick:
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    ALRIGHT!!!! Level 2 is DONE!!!! :laugh: I DID look ahead to Level 3, it will kick my butt, but I'm ready for the challenge! :drinker: It's a LOT of plyo's, and since I'm a crappy jumper, it will be HARD!!! But hey, I finished 20 days, and didn't miss any, I can do 10 more days.

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    completed day 4 of level 2 yesterday.
  • darina23
    darina23 Posts: 114
    Today will be my L1D7. Let me tell you, I'm starting to hate it by now, but I still do it. I feel awesome and accomplished afterwards.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Today will be my L1D7. Let me tell you, I'm starting to hate it by now, but I still do it. I feel awesome and accomplished afterwards.

    Darina, think of it this way, After doing circuit 1 AND the strength training of Circuit 2, you are half way done! Every minute after that is one minute closer to getting finished for the day!
  • capri623
    capri623 Posts: 7 Member
    L2D5 completed...i'd come to the conclusion that i hate planks, but i've never sweat so much in my life and i feel so great after each workout! half way through! we can do it!!!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Getting ready to do L2D2-- I LOVE walking push-ups. And, I made it through D1L2 without dying! Yaay!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    L2D2 is complete...I am glad to read I am not the only one that sweats so much on this level. I am really sore between my shoulders and back. I am looking forward to D4 so I won't be so sore.
  • Toinbot
    Toinbot Posts: 9 Member
    Level 1 day 6 for me. so far i haven't managed to do it yet, not feeling too great today, feeling a bit weak and sick. I'm going to go to to work and try to power through day 6 when i get home at 10pm, then i can just collapse into bed after (after showering of course). wish me luck folks. I'm not too confident that i'm gonna manage to get day 6 done, but i don't want to give up!
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    Okay...so Day 2 of Level 2 done. I'm finding my shins are really sore today. I'm not sure if I've used muscles I didn't even know I had, or if I'm putting too much strain on my lower legs with all the jumping. Any ideas? Now...I need to go shower and wash my workout clothes!
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Good Morning! Wow, I had to look back to figure out what day I'm on! Finished L2D*4* today! I've been reading the updates on level 2, and I definitely agree with many of ya'll. During level 1 after a couple of days I was able to make a really strong finish to my cardio in circuit 3 - big movements and keeping up. As of today, during circuit 3 I was a dead duck in the cardio. :tongue: It is challenging, I can say that!