30 Day Shred Group- August (Part 2)



  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Weigh-in for Level 1....
    I weighed myself before starting Level1 @ 207.2lbs, but then went up to 210 a day or so after. Weighed myself after Level1 @ 202.8.....

    Lost 7.2lbs during Level 1. Or 4.4lbs if you don't count the gain I had during it. Either way, I'm happy =)
    Not doing measurements until after all 30 Days are up.

    Nice job!!!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Day 18 L2D8 DONE!!! I'll honestly say, this was one of the harder days. I'm feeling yesterday's lift session, and before doing 30DS, I ran 6 miles at a good pace. Needless to say, I was sore and spent before I even put the DVD in. I ACTUALLY felt nauseous:sick: when I was finished. I did have someone tell me that my shorts were getting baggy in the legs - yea me!!!

    Rock ON! :tongue:
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Oh WOW...L2D1 just completed. I sweated so much through this one...I will be excited on L2D10 when I can do all of the sets without falling over. Some of the simple moves always through me at the beginning but the more difficult ones I find easier. Go figure...
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    Good Morning.... I didnt log on yesterday but I did do L2D2 yesterday before going to meet up with some friends. I am sweating alot more in this level but I do like it. I am doing the easier moves for now and I do have. some soreness in my shoulders. I need to do D3 today, but I messed up and drank last night and feeling a little rough today. Also I ate terrible yesterday. I had no interest in food yesterday. I had a begal in the morning and some trial mix for lunch and that was it. Gotta do better today.
  • erinoldham19
    level 2 day 3 completed and i http://www.hundredpushups.com/index.html challange to my routine..

    hope your all having a good day..
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    D3L2 done today. I had to take yesterday off. I wasn't feel too well the last part of this week and think it was because of too low of a daily calorie intake mixed with the early morning wake ups to do my workout. I have now increased my daily consumption number to losing 1 pound a week and back on the workout train. It was rough jumping back into level 2 after a day of rest but I feel great now again. I'm nearing my first mini goal so I'm staying focused. Rock on ladies.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    L2D3 complete..... I am feeling better than this morning. I am starving today (most likely for not eating yesterday and drinking last night) I weighed myself yesterday morning and was up 1.6 lbs,,,, UGH
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Good afternoon Team August!
    I hope everyone's hanging in there!

    Finished L2D2 this morning. This workout is heck on my shoulders and calves! I can't wait to build up some strength..
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    On day 12 here. I've been doing level 2 for 4 days now and I haven't seen any major improvement in my fitness so far. By day 4 on level 1 I at least didn't feel like I was dying by circuit 3. Hoping to feel a difference by day 6 of level 2.

    Seems like I am still shrinking, though! Seeing the scale slowly dip a tenth of a pound every couple of days. I need to stop weighing in as much. Inches are still coming off, too. This has been a great kickstart for me!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Wowzer. Level 2. Panting and sweating! Did not like the double crunch, couldn't do it (how do you keep your legs together! lol I look like *kitten*). Otherwise, was okay! I managed to go through all the cardio without stopping (maybe once) and I did the planking okay too! Surprisingly did okay!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Wow, day 19 L2D9 done!!! I think it was my best workout yet. I think I just about did the splits on those plank jacks! Looking forward to Level 3 on Tuesday. I focused today on getting lower in the squat and lunge poses. Yep, I feel it in my butt! :wink:

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Wow, day 19 L2D9 done!!! I think it was my best workout yet. I think I just about did the splits on those plank jacks! Looking forward to Level 3 on Tuesday. I focused today on getting lower in the squat and lunge poses. Yep, I feel it in my butt! :wink:

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:

    You only have 1 day left of level 2? I'm so jealous! I HATE this level! Ughs!

    I really liked the Shred until I got to Level 2. Now I hate level 2 so I just with I could avoid doing it every day. LOL Sad, I know.

    I've missed the last two days, so I plan to do it twice today & tomorrow. That way I'll be caught up again.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    i haven't been able to check in because i've been visiting my parents but i have been doing my work out. today will be day 4 of level 2 and i'm enjoying it! i was actually able to do most of the plank jacks last night!
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    Day 13, day 5 of level 2. Finally could see my endurance picking up slightly today. I did a little better on the cardio, but staying in plank position for half of the workout is killing my arms and shoulders. :( When I started level 2, I gained two pounds, but now I'm back down and lower than 170! The lowest I've been since my wedding last summer. Funny to think I might be thin enough after this to not only get back into my wedding dress, but do it w/out the spanx I had to wear on my wedding day!
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    D4 L2 completed today. I hate level 2 with a passion right now. I struggle with getting the motivation to do it (blah!) my endurance isn't there yet and i still find myself panting and trying to catch my breath. Especially after the circuit 2 cardio. I'm able to do the full plank exercises now though, no modifying! I also find that after I get out of the shower after this workout I feel way more tired...borderline exhausted when level 1 left me energetic and feeling fantastic. Once the exhaustion passes I feel better, a bit more energy, but not like level 1. Dunno what that is about. Thanks for the continuous motivation though ladies! Knowing others are able to push through this level daily keeps me going! :)
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    D4 L2 completed today. I hate level 2 with a passion right now. I struggle with getting the motivation to do it (blah!) my endurance isn't there yet and i still find myself panting and trying to catch my breath. Especially after the circuit 2 cardio. I'm able to do the full plank exercises now though, no modifying! I also find that after I get out of the shower after this workout I feel way more tired...borderline exhausted when level 1 left me energetic and feeling fantastic. Once the exhaustion passes I feel better, a bit more energy, but not like level 1. Dunno what that is about. Thanks for the continuous motivation though ladies! Knowing others are able to push through this level daily keeps me going! :)

    I feel the exact same way. I would do Level 1 and have so much energy after. Now I do Level 2 and feel completely exhausted after. I also have no motivation to do it. =P
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Wow, day 19 L2D9 done!!! I think it was my best workout yet. I think I just about did the splits on those plank jacks! Looking forward to Level 3 on Tuesday. I focused today on getting lower in the squat and lunge poses. Yep, I feel it in my butt! :wink:

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:

    You only have 1 day left of level 2? I'm so jealous! I HATE this level! Ughs!

    I really liked the Shred until I got to Level 2. Now I hate level 2 so I just with I could avoid doing it every day. LOL Sad, I know.

    I've missed the last two days, so I plan to do it twice today & tomorrow. That way I'll be caught up again.

    I'm going to respond one at a time to various replies.

    When you don't like of something, think of it this way, it's ONLY 24 minutes. You CAN do anything for 24 minutes and once you're done, you're done. (Also, remember I'm a few days ahead of all of you because I started 7/28) Focus on how much better you will look and feel when you get this level finished!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Day 13, day 5 of level 2. Finally could see my endurance picking up slightly today. I did a little better on the cardio, but staying in plank position for half of the workout is killing my arms and shoulders. :( When I started level 2, I gained two pounds, but now I'm back down and lower than 170! The lowest I've been since my wedding last summer. Funny to think I might be thin enough after this to not only get back into my wedding dress, but do it w/out the spanx I had to wear on my wedding day!

    NICE job! I wear spanx ALL the time, even when I was in the 130's. After 2 c/sections and atrophied ab muscles (I can't feel them) the doc have basically told me I can improve them, but because there's nerve damage, I won't ever get them flat without surgery.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    D4 L2 completed today. I hate level 2 with a passion right now. I struggle with getting the motivation to do it (blah!) my endurance isn't there yet and i still find myself panting and trying to catch my breath. Especially after the circuit 2 cardio. I'm able to do the full plank exercises now though, no modifying! I also find that after I get out of the shower after this workout I feel way more tired...borderline exhausted when level 1 left me energetic and feeling fantastic. Once the exhaustion passes I feel better, a bit more energy, but not like level 1. Dunno what that is about. Thanks for the continuous motivation though ladies! Knowing others are able to push through this level daily keeps me going! :)

    I had to "rack" my brains for what the C2 cardio was - ob twists and skaters. The twists, they're ok, but I actually really like the skaters. My suggestion if you're that exhausted is to modify a little bit. I've only felt REALLY sick one day, and generally I feel GREAT afterwards, but maybe you're pushing yourself a little too hard. It's not a crime to cut back a little until you feel strong on this circuit.
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I finally got to start 30DS!!!! Finished L1D1
    I plan on adding 6 wk abs to it

    My beginning stats
    Arms: L-12in R-11.75in
    Bra line: 38-3/4in
    Waist (over belly button): 43-3/4in
    Hips: 46-1/2in
    Over butt: 45-1/2
    Thighs: L 23-3/4in R: 23-1/2
    Wt 204