ertrauma Member


  • This is all very new to you, my friend. You are determined and excited, but remember that it is "slow and steady that wins the race". My other piece of advice to you is to remember the 80/20 Rule: Healthy = 20% what you do, 80% what, when, how and why you eat. Think about it.
  • My golden rule is to always "Do the right thing". You are. Continue to make the right choices, and if you make a mistake, own up to it, make amends for it, and don't allow it to become another reason you can't suceed.
  • Hi, tachyon! Just wanted to give some input to your post. It is my belief that integrity in our society (as a whole) is not as high on the evolutionary priority list as it should be. Kudos to you for standing tall to admit a wrong. I've tried to live by my own "golden rule": Do the right thing. You did! You can make a…
  • Beauty from Pai - 24?
  • No room for second thoughts, Matt. Welcome to MFP!
  • 57 pounds lighter, and you're looking and feeling better! Can't ask for more! GREAT JOB, Hope!!!
  • Welcome to MFP! Life's choices are not always as easy as opening our mouths. Please accept my friend request and we will learn together.
  • A big WECOME to MFP! Please accept my friend request.
    in Hi! Comment by ertrauma September 2011
  • I'm not a trainer, nor do I play one on TV . All three machines do the same thing provided YOU put in the effort: Help YOU to burn calories. Now I'll let someone who knows what they're talking about explain the physical attributes of each cardiovascular application ;-).
  • Some things can not be overcome with determination and a positive attitude. My goal is not one of them.
  • New to this thread, but I now see I'm not the only MFP poster with and ARI (alcohol-related issue) ;) Beer is like water to me! No, is about the only water I drink, except maybe for Diet Dr. Pepper. I can put away 2 liters of it a day (Diet Dr. Pepper, not beer.....well, on second thought...) But, at least my…
  • Hi, Scott! I am, as you can see from my sign on, one of those people who helped keep you around. Not THE one mind you, but I am an emergency nurse working in a very busy trauma center. I see it every single day. I have to tell you what I've said to many others in my 25 year career: "You have just been snatched back from…
  • Would love to have you join my friend list, Darren. You mentioned "one last time" for this website. What were you missing previously, external motivation or self-support?
  • Be happy with who you are, Vikki. It's not worth losing sleep over. When you find "The One", he won't care anyway.
  • All right, been out of the gym for a whole week with some virus from another planet. Now that it's finishing up its rounds through the house (Kid one, kid two, me and wifey) I just got back to the gym today. Didn't know exactly where to start so I just went back to the week I left off from. W3 Day 1 we'll call it. Turns…
  • If you resolve to come to this site every day, post your food and exercise diaries, and use the tools offered here, you will find inspiration, motivation and be educated all at the same time. I'll send a friend request, if you'd like another motivator for your healthy change in life and style.
  • @JessiGetFit: I am NOT a runner either. My thoughts on running before I created this 5K goal for myself was "running is what one does when he is being chased by someone with a knife". I have really surprised myself in the first 2 weeks of C25K. Push yourself to push through. Otherwise, why set such a goal for yourself to…
  • 2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 hamster, 1 fish....oh, and 2 kids! Probably like my kids the best.
  • Ok, MizzDoc. I stand corrected (without quotes ;) So, Today was W2D3 for me. Went much better than my last time out. Endurance was up today and got back to 3.5 mph walk and 6.0 jogs. (Had to drop to 3.3 and 5.8 mph last outing.) Amazing the difference 0.2 mph makes in your psyche. Also completed D2 of 100 Push-Ups. Feelin'…
  • @MizzDoc: you really shouldn't ask questions you don't REALLY want to know the answer to ;) W2 D3 coming up for me. Last one really winded me and had to kick it down to a 5.8 mph jog with 3.3 mph walks...amazing what 0.2 mph can do for the soul, not to mention one's body :)
  • I always leave myself one hour each day for a workout when I'm on vacay. It makes me feel like I'm not blowing off my goals. The facilities are usually really fantastic and it's a great break from the "usual" place(s) to work out. Other than that, eat what you want, drink what you want and DON'T calorie count!!!
  • Same happened to me, Katheryne. Had a 5 day miss due to my work schedule after W2 D1. Got back on track yesterday by picking up where I left off. Didn't think I could do it, but I did! My vote is to start where you left off. You can always kick down the pace if necessary. Good luck!
  • Welcome to MFP! Lots of people here from all walks of life. If you're looking for motivation, this is the place. Read some blogs, look at some profiles; you'll find many just like you. You have to make the choices, but we will help you through! Will send a friend request.
  • There comes a time in all our lives where it really becomes a solitary decision to do something different, to make a big change. What matters most is that YOU make the decision and COMMIT to it. That's what you find here on MFP. Motivation to maintain your commitment to yourself.
  • Welcome to the website and congrats on the new arrival! Good luck on losing the baby weight!
  • It's a great site to find motivation and to keep yourseilf on track. Just remember, habits are made to be broken, and they can be with conscious effort..
    in hello Comment by ertrauma June 2011
  • NICE JOB! Stay healthy!!!
  • What a difference 10 pounds makes! Just think what 25 pounds off will do!!! Great job!
  • Damn, I'm glad I wasn't the only one wondering about that! Thanks!
  • Thanks for the input. Sounds interesting! Will look at the website this evening at work.